Friday, August 7, 2009

Spying on our neighbors

Americns have been voicing their concerns about having government run healthcare foisted upon them.

Polls show we would rather end the reckless spending by Obama and his comrades. Instead those polls show we could use additional tax cuts to allow us to stimulate the economy. The feigned attempt by the radical left has not stimulated anything.

We have seen the Democrats offer up failed ideas that reflect the inexperienced leadership of the White House. Look at 'cash for clunkers'. The administration plays it up as a success. A success? They are to busy self-congratulating themselves to notice the profits generated by the generosity of voters are not going to US car manufacturers. Those profits & our tax dollars are being sent to the Japanese & Germans.

Americans are showing up at Town Hall meetings held by members of Congress to voice their disapproval. Citizens are resoundingly rejecting the idea of rationed healthcare. The administration wants to silence this dissent.

Most Americans are satisfied with their coverage.

Obama and the Democrats insist the system is broken. They claim the government is going to "fix it". Rarely do we hear or believe the government is going to "fix it".

Not happy nationalizing, and taking over the auto industry & banking sector, now they are going to take over healthcare.

The radical left is not happy with average voters showing up and openly opposing their radical agenda. This regime in Washington is rapidly changing the face of America. Not for the better.

Now they are asking us to spy on our neighbors. They want us to report our neighbors, family, and friends to a White House email address. The Obama administration wants to know who dares question their wisdom.

The governments of the Soviet Union, Fascist Italy, N. Korea, Cuba, Yugoslavia, and the People's Republic of China employed the same citizen informer techniques. Citizens of those societies were reduced to either silence or whispered discussion only among those they trusted the most. Of course none of those things would ever occur here in the land of the free. But wait...

Now on the White House website posted by Macon Phillips comes an eerily similar request for citizens to inform on their neighbors. It states,

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to the end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

This is a dangerous precedent for America and a sad day for her people.

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