Thursday, August 13, 2009

'R' is for Recall

Thanks to Obama's economic illiteracy, the US saw a massive increase in foreclosures in July. A 7% increase in July over June.

The Congressional Democrats nor the Obama administration are doing anything to stem the tide as their citizens sink. There are no life preservers being thrown in their direction.

Folks, many of Obama's supporters are coming down with an upset stomach. It has been diagnosed as "buyers remorse".

They see his policies continue to fail and it is the voters who suffer as a result.

I say it is time to begin talk of another "R". No, not recession.

The word is RECALL. If we wait until 2012 to get rid of this guy it may be too late.

Obama and his thugs in the White House are bringing the wrong kind of 'change' to America. We no longer recognize the late great USA. What we have now resembles a totalitarian regime of government takeovers and massive irresponsible spending.

Same goes with the out-of-touch leadership on Capital Hill. This group is too lazy to read the legislation that their staff & lobbyists are writing. They complained about the deficits that took Bush & Republicans 8 years to run up. So what did they do? Did they bring it down when they had the chance?

No !! They increased it just 6 months.

If you mention cutting spending, their eyes glaze over, and their mouths go agape as if you are speaking a foreign language.

Just earlier this week, 'Nancy in Wonderland' tried to buy her royal self 8 luxury jets for more than $550 million taxpayer dollars. Her constituents must be sending her too many 'poppers'. She is delusional!

Speaker Pelosi and her sock puppet, Steny Hoyer have taken to calling American voters Nazis and unAmerican. Really Nancy, put that bottle of poppers down long enough for your brain to clear.

Next fall we need to vote Nancy-in-Wonderland out of office in the midterm election.

Obama needs to be recalled, and sent back to academia.

The America that God so generously blessed for over 200 years; Obama and the radical left has cursed in just 6 months.

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