Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama & the radical left prepare their counter attack

Obama is preparing to put average Americans back in their place. After watching helplessly as average folks stood up in protest to a government takeover of our healthcare system, Obama and his thugs are prepping to hit back.

Obama was caught off-guard when the electorate decided it was time to speak out against his radical experiment. He wondered how the country that he so carefully lulled into voting for him suddenly think for themselves? They had been so compliant when he rammed the stimulus and Cap & Tax through. Why take notice of socialism now, he must have thought.

The spontaneity of the protests at the Town Hall meetings came out of nowhere. The crazies on the left were sent back on their heels. Many meetings were cancelled for fear the villagers would actually demand answers or worse.......accountability to the voters.

How dare they?

Over the next two weeks we will see several Town Halls full of Obamacare supporters. Despite the poor polling, it is going to appear that everyone suddenly supports this travesty.

What Obama has planned is to stage these pep rallies to mislead the public into believing America has had a change of heart. He is calling out his brigade of the Obama Youth Corp aka, Organizing for America. This is the same group of little thug-wannabes he used in last years campaign. Obama will couple this group with his union thugs and bus them from event to event.

This going to be 'astroturfing' on steroids.

Fortunately the voters are already onto this scam and are ready to tune out this kabuke theater.

Americans are much smarter than the left gives them credit for. It is insulting to voters to have their intelligence questioned by the fringe on the left. Does the left think they will pull this off? Voters have made up their minds. They do not want a government takeover.

Obama may decide to forgo any chance for a second term, but he should not make that decision for the rest of his party. It appears he is willing to risk his political career on this bill, and take his whole party down with him.

The left is going to try to win support for a trillion dollar program that will continue the financial crippling of our country's future long after these politicians are gone. They have abandoned any guise of actually addressing the problem of rising healthcare costs. Costs will continue to rise. Just all taxpayers will be taking up the slack for the less productive members of our society.

Government will have control of an additional 16% of our economy, and our health.

So hang onto your hats and watch what the radicals on the left have in store for the next few weeks. They are preparing to sell America a glass of p*ss & try to convince you its lemonade.

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