Monday, August 10, 2009

Defeat Socialized Medicine, and then Cap & Trade

Folks we do have the radical left reeling by standing up to their shamelessly radical Socialized Medicine agenda. I do hope our citizens keep the moderate Blue Dog Democrats & all Republicans in their cross-hairs.

The radical left needs Blue Dog Democrats & Republican support to provide them cover. They do not need those votes to pass this, but without that support it will be easy to pick them off during the midterm election next fall. It will leave their backsides exposed.

Someone wanting to save our healthcare system would be wise to focus on these two groups.

The radical left does not care about us. This is merely another piece of their puzzle to remake America into a weak socialist state. They hate us being a country of individuals, because they can not control the citizenry.

Same with Cap & Tax. We are experiencing a cooler summer again this year. One of the coolest on record.

Yet the radical left wants to impose the Cap & Trade (tax). They want us financially enslaved to the government. All costs associated with or using energy will be hit with higher costs under this sham legislation.

They are trying to use scare tactics to get voters to accept this anti-American bill, because they know we will not support a bill that so obviously goes against our country's best interest.

Why? Because they want to profit on a currently non-existent industry.

Don't get me wrong. I support investing in solar, wind, nuclear, natural gas & clean coal, etc. We do not need to pass draconian Cap & Trade to achieve that goal. We can not afford this type of "fix".

Cap & Trade has passed the House of Representatives without our members bothering to read the bill !! We are right to expect our elected reps to read the bills they are voting on.

After we defeat this healthcare scam, we need to immediately focus on the Blue Dogs & Republicans in the senate to kill Cap & Trade.

Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke-D, has even suggested that American taxpayers should pay for China's CO2 emissions!!

China and India have both rejected calls for them to support the radical lefts emissions standards. Our companies will be at a competitive disadvantage. It will hurt our economy.

The reckless spending must stop.

In my humble opinion, Socialized Medicine and Cap & Trade represent 'bad medicine' for our citizens.

If in a Town Hall meeting I plea that we all conduct ourselves in a civil manner. However, if someone puts their hands on you, defend yourself with whatever it takes. We have the right to be there and voice our concerns.

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