Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mexico's Immigration Hypocrisy

I heard Mexico has issued a statement warning their citizens about going to Arizona. Mexican President Calderone believes Arizonans are 'racist' for passing a law that says it is illegal to be an illegal.

I thought Arizona was trying to do something that both Bush & Obama have failed to do. Enforce our immigration laws.

Mexico sounds like Arizona is the only place with enforceable immigration laws. That is where the hypocrisy becomes blatant.

Mexico has some of the most punitive immigration laws on the books that far surpass Arizonas. Our media in the US are in favor of granting citizenship to the illegal aliens here, so they do not tell their readers or viewers that fact.

Instead they try to play on peoples fears of being labeled with the overplayed term 'racist'. Yes in the US if you oppose the radical lefts agenda, you are a racist. If you ask our elected officials to enforce our laws, you are a racist.

I believe the elected officials who take an oath of office to uphold our constitution & laws are guilty of a derelection of duty when they refuse to do so.

Here is a brief summary of Mexico's immigration laws as they relate to foreigners in Mexico. i did call the Mexican Embassy in DC, and gasp, they would not comment on their own laws. They are happy to comment on US law, but would prefer not to discuss their own.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon has accused Arizona of opening the door “to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement.” But Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens. While open-borders activists decry new enforcement measures signed into law in “Nazi-zona” last week, they remain deaf, dumb or willfully blind to the unapologetically restrictionist policies of our neighbors to the south.

– The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” How’s that for racial and ethnic profiling?

– If outsiders do not enhance the country’s “economic or national interests” or are “not found to be physically or mentally healthy,” they are not welcome. Neither are those who show “contempt against national sovereignty or security.” They must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care.

– Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country (see, for example, President Obama’s illegal alien aunt — a fugitive from deportation for eight years who is awaiting a second decision on her previously rejected asylum claim).

– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens’ arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

– Ready to show your papers? Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens’ identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

Monday, April 12, 2010

More Dirty Tricks from the Dirty Democrats

The left wing of American politics have a history of trying to portray the conservatives as racists in an attempt to discredit them. This goes way back.

In the 70's Bush 41 was speaking as our UN Ambassador and the left sent folks to the venue dressed as Klansmen, and carrying signs supporting Bush. Unfortunately for them, they were caught and exposed.

Fast forward to current events.

For a year the mainstream media, and Democrats have tried to diminish the Tea Party and portray them as racists, unAmerican, and Nazis. The Tea Party formed because regular Americans were sick & tired of having their voices ignored by the politicians in Washington.

The mainstream media & Demcrats have tried in vain to convince voters that the Tea Party participants were representing big business, despite the denials from them.

We witnessed the protest in March on Capitol Hill. The mainstream media & Democratic leaders claimed they were spit upon & called the n-word. If true, it would be shameful.
The Tea Party members denounced the use of such language and any use of violence.

When interviewed, nobody seemed to have actually heard such words being used, and no video surfaced. There was plenty of video with audio, but not one 'n-word' nor any spit.

A $100,000 reward was offerred for anyone who could provide evidence of such language or actions. Despite the money, nobody could produce anything.

Now on April 15th, more rallies are being planned to protest our high teaxes, out of control spending, and record deficits.

The far left Democrats & their supporters are also planning to participate in the Tea Parties. These groups are planning more nefarious forms of participation in an effort to discredit the Tea Party movement.

Among the many Tea Party protesters, however, will be individuals plotting to undermine the peaceful grassroots movement.

Blogger Glenn Reynolds spotted today, a website that claims to represent "a nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement, which calls itself 'the Tea Party.'"

Their plan is to "infiltrate" Tea Party protests to create the false impression that protesters are racists by … being racists. That's right, they will bring with them offensive signs and give wildly offensive interviews to reporters, all with the intention of smearing a movement that wouldn't bring those signs or give those interviews themselves. It remains to be seen whether the mainstream media will take the bait.

The Tea Party movement has been notably non-violent by the standards of any protest movement, but especially when compared with leftist anti-war and anti-capitalist groups (a lot of overlap there). It is not beyond the pale to expect that some crazies might try to shatter the near-perfect record of non-violent protest proudly worn on the Tea Party's collective sleeve by inciting or committing an act of violence.

"Some on the Left in American politics," Tapscott wrote today at the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog, "are running a KGB-like 'false flag' operation to discredit the Tea Party. The Left couldn't sell the idea that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons, so the Left is infiltrating the Tea Party in order to pose as a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons."

The question, as Tapscott notes, is how will the mainstream media address allegations of racism or -- God forbid -- violence. Will it parrot the claims of liberals without extensive investigation, as it did with the 'Spittlegate' incident after the passage of the ObamaCare bill? Or will it make a concerted effort to sort out fact from fiction -- and where it is unclear, report it as such?

Suppose, for example, someone who may or may not be an actual Tea Party member shows up to a protest with an offensive sign. The mainstream media cannot responsibly report that that person is undoubtedly an authentic member of the movement. The lingering doubt that the person is a member of radical leftist counter-protests groups will remain until that possibility is disproved.

But given the mainstream media's reliably hostile attitude towards the Tea Party movement, such investigation in all likelihood will not take place. It may fall to citizen journalists to expose the leftists seeking to slander wide swaths of the American people.

Tea Party groups will be working to marginalize any undercover lefties that show up with malicious designs. If you get the chance, grab a video camera (or a smartphone) and head to your nearest Tea Party.

Who knows, your footage could dispel some false accusations; citizen-journalists are turning in the most reliable kinds.

The person behind this leftist call to arms is Jason Levin.

Domain name: ZANE-LEVIN.COMAdministrative Contact:Levin, Jason 6300 crown avenueOakland, CA 94611 US 510-595-1634 Fax: 000-000-0000

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Presidents Missing Spine

In December China issued an ultimatum to the remaining American manufacturing base. At that time China issued new rules to American companies that sell to the Chinese government.

The new rule will require these companies to transfer all of their research, development and patents to China as a condition of selling goods and services there.

Many of the impacted American trade groups joined together and sent a letter to several US government officials in protest.

Here are some excerpts from these letters:

"Of most immediate concern are new rules issued by the Chinese government in November to establish a national catalogue of products to receive significant preferences for government procurement. Among the criteria for eligibility for the catalogue is that the products contain intellectual property that is developed and owned in China and that any associated trademarks are originally registered in China. This represents an unprecedented use of domestic intellectual property as a market-access condition and makes it nearly impossible for the products of American companies to qualify unless they are prepared to establish Chinese brands and transfer their research and development of new products to China.

We respectfully request that your agencies make this issue in particular a strategic priority in your bilateral economic engagement with China; develop, in consultation with the business community and like-minded foreign governments, a strong, fully coordinated response to the Chinese government; and raise this issue with your Chinese counterparts in all appropriate unilateral and bilateral settings and forums." - US Trade groups

In response the White House has taken the following action as reported in the Wall Street Journal.

"In an unusually broad response, U.S. officials from several government agencies have approached the Chinese to relay concern over the proposed rules, according to people familiar with the situation. "We are expressing our serious concerns with all appropriate counterparts in the Chinese government," said Carol Guthrie, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative's office."

It never occurred to the Obama administration to respond in kind. With the current trade imbalance favoring the Chinese, that would have gotten their attention.

Instead Obama is expressing his "concern".

Last September Obama got the G-20 members to agree to a Paper Tiger communique protesting Chinese business practices.

All talk with no bite.

It could be that Obama is afraid of getting China angry since they are financing his dangerous deficits. They already dumped some U.S. Treasury Bonds a couple months ago just to let Obama know who is in control.

When they do this, it raises the interest rates the US pays to them for financing our deficits.

With China maintaining a false currency they can keep the exchange rate where it is, and not impact the trade imbalance. It has not wanted to diminish the value of the dollar relative to the yuan because that would raise the prices of Chinese goods to Americans and reduce the prices of U.S. goods to the Chinese.

"There is little chance that China will dump the dollar while America still has lots of industry and research and development left that China wants to steal. If it were to crash the dollar, it would cause investment in the U.S. manufacturing sector to come roaring back, which would wreck its plans. The U.S. should, however, fear the Chinese government's threats to bring about a dollar collapse in the future." - Howard Richman

We are currently losing our blue collar manufacturing base to China. With Obama refusing to impose a trade balance between the two countries as is allowed through the World Trade Organization, we will soon lose our good paying white collar research and development jobs as well.

"We could impose a tariff on Chinese products in proportion to the trade deficit. When the U.S. trade deficit with China goes up, the tariff rate goes up; when the trade deficit goes down, the tariff rate goes down. When trade reaches approximate balance, the tariff disappears. If the Chinese government continues to exclude American products from its markets, it would be excluding Chinese products from American markets." - a/t

China is fighting a trade war with the US, and just like the War on Terror, Obama's lack of a spine does not bode well for us winning.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Bumbling American Government

For over a year many Americans have watched their vote for 'hope' & 'change' turn into a remake of the bumbling Keystone Cops.

We have watched as the Obama administration bumbles its way from one debacle to another. When they came into office the US had 7.7% unemployment. Obama told Americans that if we would give him a nearly $800 billion stimulus he could hold unemployment to 8%. The Democrats had identified a plethora of 'shovel-ready' jobs that were just waiting for funding. Obama pledged to voters that they would be able to track this spending on a special government website.

Obama and the Democrats told us this was emergency legislation that had to be passed immediately to keep the world from devolving into an economic abyss.

Congress passed the emergency bill without even being given time to read the bill. Was there a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, delivering this emergency legislation to an awaiting signature from our President?


He had taken his family and returned to Chicago for the weekend. So much for the emergency.

The tracking website took months to set up, and then was discovered to be full of 'inaccurate' information. It stated that stimulus funds were going to nonexistent zip codes and Congressional Districts.

When you use false information to justify spending, you invite skepticism, distrust and resentment.

This brings us to Obama's next bumbling of a questionable issue.

Our House of Representatives took up the White House's next major agenda item, Cap & Trade.

Here's a fine example of watching fools rush in. The House devised yet another monstrosity of a bill that was written so nobody could be sure what all was in it. Then they passed this on a near party line vote without members being allowed to read the bill. Over 300 pages had been added in the middle of the night.

The political European left has already passed & implemented a similar law. They have also watched as their energy costs have soared. In Munich, I had the pleasure of experiencing their version, as our hot water was metered to shut off at 10pm and come back on at 6am. They are all doing their part to uphold this new religion.

After our House passed this, the Senate has taken a more measured approach to this bill. They have not acted.

The House bill will result in far higher across the board prices, as anything relying on transportation or production will incur higher operating costs. These increases will be passed onto consumers through higher prices.

Obama told us this will result in many new green jobs. Some funding for green jobs were included in the stimulus bill.

It has produced some green jobs. Remember those green jobs revolve around wind, solar, hydro, et al. Well it was announced that Obama's wind farm in Texas that has consumed hundreds of millions of taxpayer borrowed money. It will deliver around 300 new jobs there during the construction phase.

The company building the Wind Turbines will get 2,000 new jobs. Unfortunately, the company is located in China. Taxpayers borrowed this money from China to create jobs in China. Did I mention Americans will have to pay this money back to China with interest?

"Most of the jobs are going overseas," said Russ Choma at the Investigative Reporting Workshop. He analyzed which foreign firms had accepted the most stimulus money. "According to our estimates, about 6,000 jobs have been created overseas, and maybe a couple hundred have been created in the US. -ABC News

Iberdrola, one of the largest operators of renewable energy worldwide, is based in Spain and has received the most U.S. stimulus dollars -- $577 million. It buys some of its turbines from another Spanish manufacturer, Gamesa, which has a U.S. connection. Gamesa has two facilities to manufacture turbine blades in Pennsylvania, but the company said the market forced it to temporarily lay off nearly 100 workers.

A Chinese company called A-power is helping to build a massive $1.5 billion wind farm in West Texas. The consortium behind the project expects to get $450 million in stimulus money.
Walt Hornaday, an American partner on the project, said it would create some American jobs. "Our estimation," he said, "is that we are going to have on the order of 300 construction jobs just within the fence of the project."

Since the House passed Cap & Trade more information has came out regarding the integrity of warming alarmists.

The exposure of several emails between climatologists who are at the forefront of this movement have shown the finely orchestrated effort to manipulate data, hide a decline in global temperatures, and manipulating the climate model used to produce the desired outcomes.

The main climatologist behind the man driven climate change theory, Professor Phil Jones, has lost or misplaced his research with the data to back up his claims. The left is still willing to trap the taxpayers in this mess regardless of whether the original data supporting it can be found or not.

"Every government on Earth has changed its policy, hundreds of academic institutions, entire school curricula and the priorities of broadcasters and newspapers all over the world have been altered – all to serve the new doctrine that man is overheating the planet and must undertake heroic and costly changes to save the world from drowning as the icecaps melt." -UK Daily Mail

In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) won the Nobel Peace Prize based on its report on the melting of the Himalayan Mountains ice caps. It claimed they would be completely melted by 2035.

A couple weeks ago it was revealed that this Nobel Peace Prize winning report was based on casual observation versus sound science.

It was from a mountaineering magazine and the thesis of a student.

The Nobel Peace Prize is not what they used to be.

The far left in American politics seems all too willing to put taxpayers on the financial hook for their climate fantasy.

Folks, real science does not need to rely on manipulated data, avoidance of the Freedom of Information Act, and falsehoods.

Our bumbling President and his cohorts in Congress are gambling with our country's ability to compete on the global marketplace with this boondoggle. The emerging countries of India and China have both rejected this, and refuse to abide by the carbon limits it would impose.

This is an attempt by the left to fulfill their ultimate goal of redistributing the wealth of the west to developing nations through environmental or social justice, and perhaps padding their own pockets along the way. Remove the money from this equation and watch the lefts interest wane.

After failing to get action on Cap & Trade in the Senate, Obama jumped right to health care. With 85% of Americans reporting they are happy with their health care, Obama and the Democrats told us there is a crisis in health care

With a super-majority in Congress, Americans watched as the Democratic Party began infighting amongst the left wing and the centrist 'Blue Dogs'.

The bill in the House was very liberal, and cuts $500 billion from Medicare. It still covers the same amount of people. It just has $500 billion less to do it with.

The Democrats claim that they can provide the same treatment to seniors with $5oo billion less in funding.

The White House and Congressional Democrats said it was fear mongering to point out that this cannot be done. It was actually just common sense.

In late summer details of the plan began to emerge and leak out. It had to leak out, because the pledge of televising the debate on C-Span turned out to be another lie.

As Americans learned more of the contents of the bill, they began to challenge Congress at Town Hall meetings.

This exercise in free speech was met with charges of racism, hate speech, and people speaking out were also told they were being unAmerican.

I recall the previous eight years when protests were met with a warm embrace by those on the left, and described as patriotic.

That was before their own agenda was held up to the light of day.

Now the Senate has passed its version of health care. After telling voters that the GOP was beholden to the insurance lobby, the Democrat's senate bill hands the insurance lobby and big pharma 30 million new customers.

If any of the 30 million cannot afford this new insurance, the rest of the taxpayers will be forced to subsidize them.

Meanwhile the administration continues to ignore the voters vocal opposition to this agenda. Voters in purple Virginia and deep blue New Jersey sent a message in November when they dumped the Democrats in the elections.

The Democrats misread this outcome and continued to push this agenda.

Voters did notice that after nearly a year of rising unemployment, Obama did get around to holding a 'jobs summit' in December and eventually came up with a weak bipartisan jobs bill that was going to produce precious few jobs for the cost. The Congress decided to scrap the plan this past week.

Obama reminded voters of the money given to the banks during the bailouts, and vowed to get our money back. This flew in the face of Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, stating before Congress that the banks were paying back their borrowed money.

Obama said he would impose a fee on the banks. He ignores the fact that the banks will merely pass this fee onto taxpayers.

Not only did taxpayers have to borrow the money from China to give to the banks, we are now expected to pay additional bank fees, so we can recover the monies which are already being paid back.

Typical of the critical thinking skills demonstrated by the Obama administration.

This bumbling administration and Congress continue to push their failed policies, and now threaten to govern by fiat if the public continues to reject the direction they are taking us.

How Obama & Congress bungled so much, in such a short period of time, is cause for concern amongst the governed.

In January the voters of deep blue Massachusetts turned Ted Kennedy's senate seat over to the GOPs Scott Brown who ran as the 41st vote against Ted Kennedy's life's work.

Poll after poll indicates voters are disenchanted with the high unemployment and high deficits this administration has to offer.

Voters are equally concerned with the radical lefts approach to national security and overall foreign policy.

We watched during Obama's first year as he made his worldwide, America is bad, apology tour. He has bowed his way through Asia and the Middle East apologising for American exceptionalism at every turn.

At home, Obama's poll numbers indicate a growing dissatisfaction with his agenda and horrible results.

During the primaries, Hillary Clinton warned of Obama's naive plan for dealing with Iran. He had proposed high level meeting with Iran without any preconditions. Clinton warned that this would give the Iranian regime undue legitimacy. She suggested we agree to meet on the condition that Iran suspend their nuclear aspirations.

Obama has ignored this advice. This week, Iran announced that it was now enriching uranium at 20%. This is much higher than is needed for energy use alone.

Americans have been told that the US is not in a War on Terror. We are only fighting al Qaeda. What we previously witnessed were not acts of terror, they were "manmade disasters".

The administration ignores that Hamas, and other terrorist organizations have launched a jihad against the US that goes beyond al Qaeda. The Obama White House was loathe to acknowledge the terror implications of the attack at the Little Rock, AR recruiting station or Fort Hood in Texas.

In both cases early warning signs were ignored, and the seriousness of the situation has been lost on a naive administration.

On Christmas day when a radical Islamist tried to blow up a Northwest Airlines jet over Detroit, the administration felt compelled to mirandize the suspect, provide an attorney and shut down any further intelligence gathering from him.

Now this White House wants to hold the terror trials in federal court to show the world our justice system works. Right after 9/11 the US did try Richard Reid the convicted 'shoe bomber' in federal court as we did the 20th high jacker, Moussoui.

What those trials yielded was to provide these nutcases with a public forum to spew their hatred for western culture.

We now have experience with these cases and most people favor trying the terrorists in military courts where the public is not put in danger. The costs of prosecuting them in civilian courts are estimated to be around $200 million because of the disruption to New York commerce and safety.

The military bases are already more secure, and located in less populated areas. The military already has capable lawyers and prosecutors to try these cases for a lot less money.

They are bumbling their way through their insistence on closing the prison at GITMO as well. This proposal has been met with public outcries yet the administration insists on moving forward.

This past weekend, Americans heard the administration state that the GITMO released prisoner recidivism rate has increased to 20%. They feel this is an acceptable level.

One out of five that are released are returning to fight us, and they feel that number is acceptable!

Every indication from this administration is that they do not understand the reality of what the west faces with regards to radical Islam. This calls for heavy lifting, and the White House is clearly not up to the task.

This past week has also heard Obama state that he will get this agenda. He stated that he will impose large swaths of this agenda using executive orders and bypassing Congress. He also has stated that the EPA is poised to act in the interest of Cap & Trade if the Senate fails to pass it.

"In the aftermath of a special election in Massachusetts that cost Democrats unilateral control of the Senate, the White House is getting ready to act on its own in the face of partisan gridlock heading into the midterm campaign".- New York Times“We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.

The EPA has already begun its push when they declared regulatory domain over any waters in the US. This includes every river, stream, farmers pond, or state owned lake. Even the mud puddle in your driveway. All water in the US means just that.The results of this administration have been dismal thus far. Voters have watched as dangerous policies are imposed that they have repeatedly rejected.

This bumbling administration and Congress continue to push their failed policies, and now threaten to govern by fiat if the public continues to reject the direction they are taking us.

How Obama & Congress bungled so much, in such a short period of time, is cause for concern amongst the governed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Fort Hood terrorism attack report

Since taking office one year ago today, Obama and America's liberal establishment have bent over backwards in their attempts to maintain their political correctness.

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton echoed the administrations new refrain that this is not a War on Terror, but rather a war against al Qaeda. Terrorist attacks are no longer called such, now they are "man-made disasters".

Man-made disasters? That's akin to calling the sun an alternative heat source.

The Obama team refuses to acknowledge the fact that these extremists have declared Jihad against the western countries. It is not limited to al Qaeda. They no longer mention Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, or Hezbollah as enemies of the west.

They ignore the fact that these organizations have been involved in this struggle against the west.

They are not fighting the west because we are in the Middle East. They are waging war against our lifestyle, religions, and democratic institutions. Their stated goal is the Islamization of the west. In Europe this transformation is much further along and received a boost recently with the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty.

This treaty opens the European borders to northern African countries. Movement between countries will be free and easy. Work permits will be extended to all who qualify under these provisions.

The treaty also makes it impossible for an individual European country to pass a law for self-preservation. All laws must fully comply with the E.U. laws and mandates.

The overwhelming majority of Muslim people do not support the extremists and are no more a threat than you or I.

Under the direction of the Commander-in-chief, the Pentagon has issued a report that studied the terrorist attack on Fort Hood, Texas.

Nowhere in the report is any mention of Nidal Hasan's belief in radical Islam. Nowhere does it mention "man-made disasters", terrorism or terrorists.

Now Congress opens two days of hearings today into the Pentagon probe of the Nov. 5 attack that left 13 dead, lawmakers want explanations for that omission.

The Pentagon report's silence on Islamic extremism "shows you how deeply entrenched the values of political correctness have become," he told TIME on Tuesday. "It's definitely getting worse, and is now so ingrained that people no longer smirk when it happens."

Yet the leaders of the two-month Pentagon review, former Army Secretary Togo West and the Navy's onetime top admiral, Vernon Clark, told reporters last week that they didn't drill down into Hasan's motives. "Our concern is with actions and effects, not necessarily with motivations," West said. Added Clark: "We certainly do not cite a particular group."

"The report demonstrates that we are unwilling to identify and confront the real enemy of political Islam," says a former military colleague of Hasan, speaking privately because he was ordered not to talk about the case. "Political correctness has brainwashed us to the point that we no longer understand our heritage and cannot admit who, or what, the enemy stands for."

The Congressman whose district includes Fort Hood agrees. "The report ignores the elephant in the room — radical Islamic terrorism is the enemy," says Republican Representative John Carter. "We should be able to speak honestly about good and bad without feeling like you've done something offensive to society."

The report lumps in radical Islam with other fundamentalist religious beliefs, saying that "religious fundamentalism alone is not a risk factor" and that "religious-based violence is not confined to members of fundamentalist groups." But to some, that sounds as if the lessons of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, where jihadist extremism has driven deadly violence against Americans, are being not merely overlooked but studiously ignored.

Voters in the Massachusetts special election cited national security as a concern, as well as jobs and the overall economy.

It is a shame our President and Congressional leaders do not see the errors in their assessment of what we are facing as a nation.

For them to place "political correctness" ahead of national security is alarming and dangerous.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's the Agenda, stupid

In 2008, voters ushered in a new chapter of the American story. The nation elected our President of 'hope' and 'change'. We were free of Bush and happy days were here again.

Upon taking the reigns, Obama and the Democrats running Congress kicked off their term by forcing a stimulus spending bill filled with "shovel-ready" jobs.

Congress could not have time to read the bill as it was deemed an emergency that could not wait a couple more days. So members tossed caution to the wind and voted blind.

Was the passed bill rushed up Pennsylvania Avenue for signing by an awaiting Obama?


Obama had flown to Chicago with Michele and the girls for the weekend. So why didn't they want members to read it again? Emergency?

After that we saw the House take up Cap & Trade.

To be the most punitive tax levied against Americans, the Dems in the House appeared to have a ready-written plan. American business is to be put at a competitive disadvantage, facing CO2 emission caps while they barter for others allotments.

These related fees will hit companies hard in direct increase production costs. Don't feel bad for them. They are going to pass those cost increases onto us through price increases.

This will hit Americans hard financially. We will see increases in gas, fuel oil, groceries, clothing, etc.

The bill goes further. It contains some costly changes to building codes. Initial construction costs in Alexandria, VA is around 30% higher. California just took this same route, statewide.

The senate has yet to take up their version of this bill.

Voters now know that the claims of global warming being caused by man and at the rate they indicated are dubious.

They claim they lost the raw data, but were clear in their attempts to manipulate data and change raw numbers. NASA is also unable to provide their data.

More & more people are expressing skepticism about this.

Hard to really grasp when you see those touting this wasting mass amounts of tax dollars to attend a Copenhagen Conference that accomplished nothing.

As I recall, John Kerry could not 'ride share' with Nancy Pelosi , other members, family & friends. Selfish John had to have a government plane all to himself. Don't pity Nancy either. She wasn't too cramped. Her entourage used three aircraft.

When people voiced concern for what they saw coming out of congress and the White House, they were met with scorn, derided as racists, tea baggers, and Nazis.

Of course the people grew angry and yelled at them when they refused to listen.

They were really mad when the SEIU thugs were deployed to the Town Hall meetings to 'keep order'.

Americans responded by keeping two Governorships from the left in states carried by Obama.

A sense of frustration continued to rise as Obama & the Democrats placed Cap & Trade ahead of much needed jobs.

Obama waited until December to notice his high unemployment and call a "jobs" summit.

The whole of this agenda is based on liberals fantasy and not one ounce based in reality.

Americans believe their president is completely disconnected from them, and following an agenda that seems foreign to them. Voters are going to slap Obama & the Democrats upside the head at the ballot box in Massachusetts, one more time to try to get their attention.

Watch Wednesday morning.

The White House and the left will blame Coakley just like they blamed Corzine & Deeds for their respective losses.

They never take blame.

They want us to believe its the messenger and not the message.

Folks, if the voters in the liberals deep-blue Massachusetts reject this agenda, then there is a problem with the agenda.

To play off James Carville:

It's the agenda, stupid!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Liberals Judgement & Priorites Out Of Sync

The world is aware that we are all facing economic uncertainty. Some nations are faring better than others.

Many were left scratching their heads when the worlds leaders chose to attend the 'global warming' conference in Copenhagen, Denmark last month.

Many questioned the priorities & judgement of those choosing to attend.

It had only been a few weeks since we had all learned how the scientists touting global warming, had been lying in their analysis and manipulating their climate models and outcomes to support their agenda.

Would the world have been better served if these leaders had come together to discuss the global economy and job creation?

They certainly accomplished nothing meaningful in Copenhagen.

I am not arguing the merits for or against global warming. I believe the world may indeed be getting warmer, but question the validity of mankind being the culprit.

The earth has warmed & cooled several times over millions of years with and without mankind being here to influence this phenomenon.

With that said, I want to discuss the judgement & priorities of our elected leaders.

This conference was held to discuss global warming, and more specifically, CO2 emissions.

The US. Congressional Leadership felt the urge to attend this conference despite having nothing to add to the dialogue.

Nancy Pelosi's judgement & priorities allowed her to arrive at the decision, that despite the US economy shedding jobs, and the US being broke; she would attend the conference.

She did not go alone.

Pelosi took over 100 people with her on the taxpayers dime. Only 20 of these people were actual members of Congress. The rest were the delegations family, friends, and servants/staff.

In Copenhagen, the American taxpayers were given the honor of paying for these people to stay at the 5-star Marriott Hotel. We also provided them with handsome per diems to cover the cost of meals & alcohol for the 21 Congress persons, their families & friends.

Being a conference focused on CO2 emissions, did Pelosi set an example by "ride-sharing"?

No. These folks needed three aircraft at $10,000 per hour just for fuel...........each. That doesn't include the military & security personnel needed for such a trip.

Judgement & priorities come into question.

It gets better.

Former Democratic presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry, the preeminent DC prima dona, could not share a plane with Nancy & company.

Taxpayers are footing the bill for John Kerry to fly on a large government-owned executive jet.............................alone!!

Again, judgement & priorities come into question.

CNNs, Jack Cafferty reported on this story and took great lengths to expose this scam against American taxpayers.

Cafferty went on to opine:

"Pelosi refused to answer any questions about costs for this or where they all stayed, even though she was the one who decided who went. Her office says only that it will -- quote -- "comply with disclosure requirements" -- unquote. CBS puts the cost of military jet flying time at about $170,000, plus the cost of dozens of commercial flights, hundreds of hotel stays, many of them at the five-star Marriott, and tens of thousands in meals and other entertainment expense.

It's a disgrace.

The national unemployment rate is 10 percent. Employers cut more jobs than expected just last month. We got the numbers on Friday. People are suffering in this country.

California, Pelosi's home state, is faced with a $20 billion budget deficit. Governor Schwarzenegger's budget plan will force 200,000 children off low-cost medical insurance, will end home care for more than 300,000 sick and elderly citizens, and will cut income assistance to hundreds of thousands more.

This nation is hurting, but Nancy Pelosi can use three military jets for a December trip to Copenhagen, and then refuse to answer any questions about it." - Jack Cafferty, CNN (Jan 12)

I do not believe it is too much to ask that our leaders be able to walk the walk, as well as, talk the talk.

Again, with their judgement & priorities frighteningly out of sync with voters, are they really the right people for the job?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Democrats & Racial Hypocrisy

There are some Republicans who hold racist viewpoints.

There are some Democrats who hold these very same racist views.

I am free of such a burden. I am fortunate to be young enough to have been raised more in an era where a man is judged by his actions & deeds.

My only reason for bringing up racial feelings is what I believe to be a glaring double-standard on the subject.

Several years ago, then-GOP Senate-Majority Leader, Trent Lott was forced to give up his leadership post after commenting at Strom Thurmond's birthday celebration that things might have been different if the old segregationist had won the presidency in '48.

Some may disagree with me on this, but his observation was correct, things would have been different.

The difference would not have been for the better, but for the worse.

How would a majority-Christian nation condone such disdain for his fellow man?

There may be some behaviors in some people we may not like, and we may chose to avoid them for that reason. We are certainly smart enough not to be sucked into avoiding someone based on the color of their skin.

Yet to hear the liberals speak; all Republicans hold such views.

The liberals will tell you that, yes some racists were Democrats, but after the Civil Rights passage, they left the Democratic fold and joined forces with the GOP.

The Democrats are quick to jump and shout if a member of the GOP makes a racially insensitive remark.

In typical knee-jerk reaction they call for the offenders resignation. Many times this reaction is justified as there is no more room in the US for a person holding such feelings to participate in the public discourse.

It is quite telling when a party points to insensitive remarks of the other party's leader making such remarks, and your own party has made a former member of the KKK the leader of your own party. I am speaking of Robert Byrd, D-WV.

The Democrats elected Byrd to lead their senate efforts after it was known he was a former Grand Wizard of the KKK.

Can you imagine the outcry if the GOP had done this?

With that said, I would like to get to the crux of my point.

I find it totally hypocritical for the Democrats to point to the GOP as a party of racists (when we know that is not true), when their own leaders get caught espousing the very same racist feelings.

There is a new book out called 'Game Changer'.

This book is bound to set Washington on its head.

The book quotes contemporary politicians making racially insensitive remarks.

Were it not for the blatant hypocrisy coming from the left on this issue, I would not bring it up.

In the book, Democratic Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid is quoted as buttressing his support of the Obama candidacy by claiming that Obama is a "light skinned" and does not have a "negro-dialect" unless he wants to.

What are we to make of such a statement?

In 2008, did Harry Reid still feel the need to justify his support for an African-American? Did he need to point out that Obama was "light skinned" and had no "negro-dialect"?

What message was Reid trying to convey?

Would Reid not have supported Obama if he was dark skinned or spoke in stereotype slang?

All weekend the liberals have taken to the television airwaves defending Reid for comments that they would have ran a member of the GOP out of town for making.

What they are ignoring in their rush to circle the wagons, is that Reid made these comments in private believing they would not go beyond their intended audience.

What is alarming about this is that they show the mindset of the Democrats chosen leader in the US Senate.

Reid really thinks this way................and the Democrats are attempting to defend him.

The book serves to reinforce a perception whose groundwork was laid during the campaign by who many believed and touted as the first African-American President, Bill Clinton.

During the campaign, Bill Clinton raised the ire of the black community for his comments about how the Obama campaign was merely a "fantasy", and dismissively pointed out that Jesse Jackson had also won the South Carolina primary when Jackson ran for the nomination.

Now the book brings up a conversation that Bill Clinton had with then-Senator, Ted Kennedy when trying to get Kennedy's endorsement for Hillary's campaign.

Bill Clinton was attempting to belittle the Obama candidacy as nonsensical.

Clinton told Kennedy, "a few years ago, this guy would have been serving us coffee", meaning that Obama was only a few short years beyond being able to merely serve coffee to the Democratic stalwarts, much less actually being worthy of serving as President.

Again in this exchange, Bill Clinton tipped his hand to his inner way of thinking.

Similar to people who have been drinking, many are less inhibited in their speech when they believe they are in a private conversation.

Kennedy was angry with this comment from Clinton.

The Massachusetts Lion of the Senate came out and endorsed Obama over Clinton's private objections.

While Harry Reid has apologized for getting caught airing his true beliefs, Clinton has not as of yet.

Before applauding Reid for his apology, put into context. It took the publishing of a book and passage of two years beofre that apology was forthcoming.

Sunlight truly is the best disinfectant.

Had either of these two men been members of the GOP, we would have experienced a weekend of GOP-bashing more intense than that given the Democrats.

Racism comes in all shapes, colors, sizes, and political parties.

While I believe racism is a dying belief, there are obviously still remnants of bygone days.

The hypocrisy on this issue from the Democrats is so transparent and obvious, it will be a long time before the left dares to rear its ugly head on this.

Each time they do, we will have these quotes and the pictures of Bob Byrd in his KKK robes ready to trot out for all to see.

Friday, January 8, 2010

85,000 MORE JOBS LOST; Obama's priorities & Judgement called into question

Leading up to the release of the December unemployment numbers the administration said they expected to lose 8,000 jobs, despite retailers adding Christmas help.

The US usually experiences an uptick in employment during the busy holiday season.

Obama actually lost 10 X their estimate for a loss of 85,000 jobs.

Unemployment did remain at 10%, a full 2% higher than Obama promised after receiving his “stimulus”.

The reason the unemployment percent did not go up was because more people lost their benefits during December and are no longer included in the unemployment figures. Those no longer being counted are still just as unemployed, but now have no income.

How can this White House be so wrong on so many issues affecting American voters such as jobs and national security?

Why did Obama sit back & watch unemployment rise for nearly a year before holding a “jobs summit” in December?

Instead of focusing on jobs & national security, Obama chose to address health care & global warming.

Folks, we had a terrorist shoot our military recruiters in Little Rock, Arkansas, another terrorist went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas, and yet another attempted to blow up a planeload of people flying into Detroit on Christmas Day.

The liberals claim Obama is a “certified intellectual”. I am not sure of their criteria for such a dubious claim, but they may want to revise their standards. For those who have no job or rely on the administration to protect them as they fly; they may have a different evaluation of his intellectual prowess.

Many are justified in questioning Obama’s judgement & priorities.

How does a president come to the conclusion that the country needs him to address health care & global warming, while he sits back and ignores unemployment & national security?

I heard the liberals state that Obama was following Bush’s national security policies and therefore it was Bush’s fault.

Excuse me, but if this guy is so smart, and Bush was believed to be so dumb, why didn’t he review the Bush policies and update them when he came into office?

If you think you are a “certified intellectual”, why would you follow the same policies of someone you think is not as smart as you?

Obama is simply not as smart as advertised.

Folks, to put it another way: ‘the Emperor has no clothes’!!