Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama & the Wimp Factor

The emerging picture of Obama and his foreign policy should come as no surprise to Americans familiar with a Democratic presidency.

In the past it has been termed the "Wimp Factor".

I was reading a more contemporary version of this phenomenon called the 'Beta Male'.

The analogy was used in comparing dogs behavior. It discussed how Alpha dogs are dominant and Beta dogs are submissive.

Obama is assigned the role of 'Beta dog' on the world stage.

In the analogy, the beta dog greets alpha dogs by bowing and exposing his neck to the worlds alpha dogs. This lets the alpha dog know that the beta dog has no intention of challenging him. In this case Obama is exposing Americas collective neck.

Obama gave a beta response to the disclosure of Iran's nuclear ambitions recently. After stating in the campaign that a nuclear Iran would be unacceptable, how did he respond?

His response was to go against conventional wisdom, and agree to our State meet with Iran face-to-face without preconditions. We can all remember Hillary Clinton advising against such a move.

Saturday Night Live did a skit on this last year in which Obama was shown calling Hillary late at night seeking advice. He was in a predictament and did not know what to do. Hillary calmly talked him through the crisis.

Beta's are at a loss when the call comes for firm resolve.

Obama lacks the ability to confront those that need confronting. Beta's back down in the face of adversity.

He has repeatedly shown his inability to work with our allies Sarkozy & Merkel. He can not cooperate with them for fear he might be called upon to exercise alpha behaviors that are foreign to him.

The beta male is concerned with avoiding aggression of the alphas'. Around the world we have a lineup of alpha males, although in the case of Merkel, she is an aplha female.

The despots such as Chavez, Ortega, Jong Il, Ahmadinejad et al., are all salivating at the prospects of spanking Obama on the world stage.

Chavez is now buying missiles and weaponry from Russia. What was Obama's response to this announcement? Nothing, nada!!

In Afghanistan, Obama promised to rely on the recommendations of his Generals. These Generals prepared a report that calls for an additional 40,000 troops.

Obama has chastised General McChrystal for putting him in a bind. During a speech in London, McChrystal did not support Obama's plan for Afghanistan.

Insiders say that the Obama plan offers no winnable solution and leaves allied forces short changed.

While Obama dithers on such a commitment, more & more of our kids are being slaughtered by his indecisiveness.

Putin already has stared down Obama. He demanded the abandonment of our allies in Poland & Czech Republic, and Obama submissively complied to the Putin demands.

As reward for suppressing American & NATO interests, Putin is now working closely with Hugo Chavez, which I will address shortly.

When Obama approached Merkel & Sarkozy and invited them to join the US in deficit producing stimulus spending, both leaders gave a resounding "no".

Both countries are now enjoying their respective countries economic recovery while America's economy continues to shed jobs.

On the question of Climate Change, Obama is willing to commit the US to a competetive disadvantage by cutting our greenhouse gases, while China & India go unabated.

In short, US companies will have to comply with these punitive greenhouse measures, thus cutting our ability to compete with countries who do not abide with them.

At the UN, Obama put the world on notice that he is willing to give up our nuclear arsenal adavntage. Obama proposed slashing our arsenal without securing a firm commitment from Russia.

Putin did agree to talks on the subject without making such declarations.

So folks, as long as we have a Beta Male in the White House, we will have to pray that Hillary keeps her ringer volume set on 'high' when she goes to bed at night.

The world does not question her testosterone levels.

Obama on the other hand..............

As for closing the alpha/beta analogy.

The worlds alpha's will continue to look for ways to exploit Obama and make him their female dog.

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