Wednesday, October 14, 2009

America's dangerously naive Foreign Policy

Our troops continue to be killed in Afghanistan as Obama dithers on whether to send his generals their requested 40,000 troops or come up with any sort of policy. To show our military that he knows their needs better than they do, he is quietly sending 13,000 more troops. He can not decide on what the final number should be.

The president continues to insist on meeting with Iran without preconditions. Despite the IAEA's warnings that Iran is close to developing nuclear weapons. During the campaign last year Hillary Clinton cautioned against such a stupid move. During the campaign, Obama, himself said a nuclear Iran was not acceptable.

This weekend, N. Korea continued to thumb their nose at Obama as they launched a volley of missiles in a show of defiance.

Chavez has announced a deal to buy Russian missiles to be staioned to our south. When the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba, JFK stood them down.

Not Obama. He smiles and apologises.

Hillary is returning from Russia empty-handed, having achieved nothing on her foray to Russia. Obama sent her to meet with Russia's president, and was met with a "nyet" when she brought up sanctions against Iran.

This despite Obama's gesture of abandoning our European allies missile defense shield.

How does our naive president respond to this slap down?

He grants the Russians access to our nuclear sites, knowing that Russia is looking to develop their next generation of nuclear weapons.

Tentative Inspection Program Would Allow Russia to Visit U.S. Nuclear Sites
The plan, which Fox News has learned was agreed to in principle during negotiations, would constitute the most intrusive weapons inspection program the U.S. has ever accepted.
Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads.

What did Obama get in return for compromising our security? Nothing!

Obama not satisfied whith the speed to which he can let our former & current adversaries access to our miltary, has also invited the Chinese into the Pentagon. He forgot how many military secrets the Chinese stole when Clinton allowed them acccess to Los Alamos, NM, nuclear facilities. So he is doomed to repeat the same naive history.

What is he getting from the Chinese for compromising our national defense? Nothing.

China's second-ranking military officer will travel to Washington later this month on a week-long visit designed to promote trust and avoid "misunderstandings," the Pentagon said Wednesday.
General Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the People's Liberation Army central military commission, will hold high-level meetings from October 24-31 and visit military commands and bases across the United States, press secretary Geoff Morrell told a news conference.

I hope the US can survive a reckless presidency until he gets booted to the curb in 2012.

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