Monday, October 12, 2009

The great "Climate Change" heist

I was interested when I first heard the potential impending global destruction that would result from our failing to make drastic cuts to our carbon imprint. We were told that if we do not cut our use of fossil fuels the earths temps would melt the ice caps and raise the sea level.

Twenty years ago the UN warned that we had 10 years to act in order to save the planet.

We all saw the charts showing an increase in global temps.

I can’t help but notice that the alarmists have managed to position themselves to personally benefit if the world will embrace their claims.

Al Gore comes to mind. When he was questioned at an event last week in Wisconsin about the inaccuracies of his film “An Inconvenient Truth”, the questioners microphone was cut off. Gore did not take more questions.

If Gore believed his own prophesy, would he continue to fly by private jet that leaves such a huge “carbon footprint”? Would his home use 20x the energy of the average home?

These alarmists stopped using their charts a few years ago when it became apparent that the increase in temps ceased in 1998.

These same alarmists who go around yelling “the sky is falling” ignore a basic fact.

Our earth has gone through heating & cooling cycles for millions of years. Long before there were any cars.

They do not want to discuss the earths natural cycles, because that would undermine their attempts to steal more of our money with a phony Cap & Trade ruse.

Bring up the fact of the cooler temps we have experienced the past several years and the alarmists eyes glaze over.

They go so far as to bury reports that do not support their claims.

Cap & Trade is a naked attempt to create a new scheme to get other peoples money. A lot of the money will go to poorer nations.

I do favor becoming less dependent on foreign fuel sources.

We could develop alternative fuels to get off foreign supplies. Solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear are available. So is using our own coal, natural gas, and oil deposits.

Cap & Trade will be the largest confiscatory “tax” ever imposed on Americans.

They want to start a new industry, for their profit, and they want us to fund it for them.

Climate change has many scientists that support the theory. There are also many scientists who claim it is wrong.

If we all stopped driving tomorrow would the earths natural heating & cooling cycles stop? No.

On Sunday the left-leaning BBC had this to say:

Despite a massive campaign involving the United Nations and most of the world’s industrialized nations and establishment media, the globe is not warming but in fact may actually be cooling, according to new research detailed by the BBC.

In a story published Sunday, the premiere British journalism organization said that scientists have not observed any increase in global temperatures. In fact, the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.

“And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise,” the article points out.

China & India have said they will not agree to these cuts. If we go forward with them, we will put the US at a competetive disadvantage. Our industries will be burdened with additional costs that these other countries will not be. Companies will simply move their production off-shore.

Commerce Secretary, Locke has publicly said that the US should pay for China’s carbon emissions. That is one of the stupidist comments uttered in this debate.

Soon the Democrats are going to attempt to impose the Cap & Trade bill on us. They want our money.

Voters will have to take a stand & speak out against this blatant heist of our remaining wealth. To allow it to get passed will cause an across the board increase in prices. Similar to the VAT that several Dems have suggested.

Americans do need to be smart on energy, but we can not afford the democrats Cap & Tax scam.

Anyone see the amount of snow out west this weekend. Denver Rockies had their baseball game cancelled due to bad weather. Not rain, but snow.

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