Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama appoints self avowed communist as 'Green Czar'

A disturbing pattern is emerging to paint the radical agenda and participants of the Obama regime. This pattern of allowing the government to be taken over by the radical left with a communist, and globalist agenda is steeling in.

Voters voted for change , but few envisioned the kind of radical agenda and players taking hold of America today. Obama keeps appointing dubious "czars" as a means of bypassing congressional advise & consent. Obama does not want these thugs to be subjected to the questions that surely would be asked in front of the cameras on Capital Hill.

Our new 'Green Czar" is rooted in a communist, black nationalist past, much like Obama's personal ideology.

Kruschev warned us almost 50 years ago that the communists would bury the US. Americans failed to recognize just how easily this could be done from within our own government when using radical leftist organizations such as ACORN, and a compliant Mainstream Media. Kruschev must be looking up at this very moment, feeling quite vindicated.

The media has chosen not to report on Van Jones 2005 interview about his radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism, and communism.

Americans for Prosperity Policy Director Phil Kerpen, told an interviewer that Jones is “somebody who was involved in radical politics in San Francisco, “who was self-admittedly “radicalized in jail” and found “Communism and anarchism.”

Jones himself stated in that 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.”

Because the administration’s “czars” do not go through congressional confirmation, and are therefore not scrutinized or vetted, many Americans have no idea of what this cynical administration is brining to bear..

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