Monday, November 10, 2008

Globalization Leading To One World Government

In an earlier article, Obama's 'Global Poverty Act' was discussed. Concern was expressed at the prospect of ceding American sovereignty to the United Nations. The specter of the world approaching a new global alignment is welcome by some and derided by others.

Many believe the process started in the 80's with what President Bush Sr, called a new world order. For the most part it can be traced back to the creation of the United Nations itself. It accelerated under the UN's Millennium Project. Senator Obama laid a major building block with his 'Global Poverty Act'. The purpose of this legislation was to support the Millennium Project.

Obama is set to be a major player on the world stage as a globalization promoter. He is set to 'rule' from day one with use of executive orders. He was not just elected on November 4th. He was anointed long ago.

Obama is calling for a 'draft' for national service. His website previously called service a 'requirement'. Upon protest from bloggers, the language was softened. Still expected but reworded. As part of his stealth effort for ambiguous change, his website has removed his agenda.

The Millennium Project was hailed around the world for it's lofty goals by globalist. Here in the states it was barley mentioned in our media. The UN. is not as popular here as it is elsewhere, and the media was providing cover to the globalists stealth agenda. The media throughout this recent election played down any mention of values. They knew it was not Obama's strong suit.

Instead they focused their energy on creating the perception that Obama's election was inevitable. They sought to destroy anyone speaking out against him. Subtly supported his campaign's misdeeds of illegal fundraising, and illegal voter registration drives.

A person can not hold Obama's world view and defend American sovereignty. He has little intention of doing so. His administration will implement policies that are choreographed with other nations to promote globalization. The ultimate goal will be the culmination of one world government.

We heard this most recently from avowed globalist British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. In his annual speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, Brown -- who has spearheaded calls for the reform of international financial institutions -- will say Britain, the United States and Europe are key to forging a new world order.

"The alliance between Britain and the U.S. -- and more broadly between Europe and the U.S. -- can and must provide leadership, not in order to make the rules ourselves, but to lead the global effort to build a stronger and more just international order," an excerpt from the speech says.

Brown and other leaders meet in Washington next weekend to discuss longer term solutions for dealing with economic issues following a series of coordinated moves on interest rates and to recapitalize banks in the wake of the financial crisis.

"Uniquely in this global age, it is now in our power to come together so that 2008 is remembered not just for the failure of a financial crash that engulfed the world but for the resilience and optimism with which we faced the storm, endured it and prevailed," Brown will say in his speech on Monday evening.

"...And if we learn from our experience of turning unity of purpose into unity of action, we can together seize this moment of change in our world to create a truly global society."

Brown will set out five great challenges the world faces.

These are: terrorism and extremism and the need to reassert faith in democracy; the global economy; climate change; conflict and mechanisms for rebuilding states after conflict; and meeting goals on tackling poverty and disease.

Brown will also identify five stages for tackling the economy, starting with recapitalizing banks so they can resume lending to families and businesses, and better international co-ordination of fiscal and monetary policy.

He also wants immediate action to stop the spread of the financial crisis to middle-income countries, with a new facility for the International Monetary Fund, and agreement on a global trade deal, as well as reform of the global financial system.

"My message is that we must be: internationalist not protectionist; interventionist not neutral; progressive not reactive; and forward looking not frozen by events. We can seize the moment and in doing so build a truly global society."

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Prime Minister Gordon Brown called on governments around the world to coordinate tax and spending policies to shore up a slowing world economy.
Next year, Britain's economy may shrink 1.3 percent, the most in the Group of Seven nations, according to the International Monetary Fund. The Washington-based lender expects a contraction of 0.7 percent in the U.S., 0.5 percent in the nations sharing the euro and 0.2 percent in Japan.

There are already signs that other countries are ready to heed Brown's call. China, the world's fourth-largest economy, announced a 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus plan yesterday, saying the funds will be used by the end of 2010 as part of a ``proactive fiscal policy.''

A similar message came yesterday from Sao Paulo, where finance ministers from the Group of 20 nations met over the weekend to lay the groundwork for the heads-of-state summit in Washington. Ministers agreed to act ``urgently'' to bolster growth as the world's leading industrialized economies battle recession, according to the G-20 statement.

Efforts Overseas

Japanese lawmakers approved a 1.8 trillion-yen supplementary budget as part of a stimulus package on Oct. 16, and Prime Minister Taro Aso on Oct. 30 promised to pump an additional 5 trillion yen into the economy. German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Nov. 5 announced a 50 billion-euro ($65 billion) stimulus package to spur economic growth.

In the U.S., Democrat lawmakers are considering passing two stimulus measures, one during a so-called lame duck session this month and another after President-elect Barack Obama and the larger Democratic majority in Congress take office in January.

``Further fiscal stimulus designed to bridge the gap until monetary policy becomes fully effective can be expected'' around the world, said Holger Schmieding, chief European economist at Bank of America Corp. in London.

In Britain, Brown and Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling will set out tax and spending plans this month or next. Brown has said he's ready to increase borrowing to ward off recession and that he will bring forward some spending.

"We must use the power of multilateralism to establish a global consensus on a new, decisive and systemic approach to strengthening the global economy,"

Opposition to these goals will be silenced and not tolerated. Censorship is on the rise around the world. Everywhere censorship is slowly being introduced in an effort to keep it unnoticed. This is similar to cooking a frog. Put him in the pot and raise the temperature slowly. He will be 'content' and does not notice the increasing temperature. If you drop the frog into an already boiling pot, he will jump out.

In Britain, security agencies and police would be given unprecedented and legally binding powers to ban the media from reporting matters of national security, under proposals being discussed in Whitehall.

The Intelligence and Security Committee, the parliamentary watchdog of the intelligence and security agencies which has a cross-party membership from both Houses, wants to press ministers to introduce legislation that would prevent news outlets from reporting stories deemed by the Government to be against the interests of national security.

The committee also wants to censor reporting of police operations that are deemed to have implications for national security. The ISC is to recommend in its next report, out at the end of the year, that a commission be set up to look into its plans, according to senior Whitehall sources.

The ISC holds huge clout within Whitehall. It receives secret briefings from MI5, MI6and GCHQ and is highly influential in forming government policy. Kim Howells, a respected former Foreign Office minister, was recently appointed its chairman. Under the existing voluntary code of conduct, known as the DA-Notice system, the Government can request that the media does not report a story. However, the committee's members are particularly worried about leaks, which, they believe, could derail investigations and the reporting of which needs to be banned by legislation.

Civil liberties groups say these restrictions would be "very dangerous" and "damaging for public accountability". They also point out that censoring journalists when the leaks come from officials is unjustified.

Australia is poised to join N. Korea, Iran, and China in its' imposition of censoring the internet. We have seen other forms recently right here in the US. Through the media, commentary or questions that dared to challenge Obama were downplayed or ignored. Ask 'Joe the plumber'. Efforts were made to destroy that man.

John McCain dared to name a lady to the Republican ticket who was not in favor of abortion as a means of convenience. Sarah Palin was maligned by the press and left wing bloggers with some of the most scurrilous accusations. Not only was she anti-abortion, but she dared raise the issue of Obama's program and past associations. Palin was sliced and diced for her positions, while Obama was given a pass by the globalist'.

The efforts to point out the Obama shortcomings are met with demonization. This is to stop anything from impeding globalization and the ensuing one world government. The global playing field will be made equal and everyone will be goose stepping to the same song. We can see this slow process unfolding before our eyes. Even when the globalist' in our midst implore that we do not believe our lying eyes. It is there.

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