Monday, November 17, 2008

The Gay Embarrassment Over California Proposition 8

There is a plague of embarrassment weaving its way through the gay community. Earlier in this decade, California voters had voted against 'gay marriage'. The sympathetic courts ruled it unconstitutional. The court ruled that the voters had violated the states constitution. Voters responded by placing a constitutional amendment on this years ballot. This ballot initiative would bar such marriage with a constitutional ban.

I am not commenting on the issue of gay marriage. My concern lies in the behavior of those who felt victimized by the outcome of the election. The response by the agrieved will not win them support. It will only reinforce every negative opinion of their opponents. They will not move to the 'front of the bus' by kicking out the windows. They will move to the front when they present themselves as normal contributors of society. Gay communities must break out of their gay ghettos and stop trying to fulfill every negative stereotype. Involving themselves in the 'straight world' where people can get to know them in a nonthreatening manner will open the doors. Then acceptance will follow.

In the lead up to the election, the left outspent amendment supporters by a 6-1 margin. The amendments opponents on the left believed that they could buy the favor of voters. They ignored the heartfelt beliefs of gay marriage opponents.

Gay activists continued to try to shove an agenda down the throats of detractors. Just before the election, the activists treated first graders at one California school to a field trip. The field trip was to the gay marriage of their lesbian teacher. A week later, these activists held a surprise national 'Gay Coming Out Day', for children in grades K-8. It was held under the guise of teaching the children to be tolerant and build alliances.

If these activists believed what they were doing was "right", they would have afforded parents the opportunity to decide if it was age appropriate for their children. In the case of the lesbian wedding, they did notify parents. In the case of 'Gay Coming Out Day' they did not let parents know until it was over.

These activists believe they know what is "right" for all children and selfishly usurp parental authority. Most of these activists will never have children and do not identify with the responsibility that goes into parenting. These people are not interested in building "alliances", they are bent on indoctrination. Not indoctrination into the gay lifestyle, but into acceptance of the lifestyle.

California voters voted to ban gay marriage. The Black community voted more than 90%for Obama. They voted to ban gay marriage by 70%. Hispanic and whites also voted for the ban.

Since this defeat, these activists have been on a rampage across the US. They have targeted anyone they think may have voted in favor of this amendment. The activists accuse amendment supporters of bigotry and hatred.

Hate has abounded, not from the corners of Jewish synagogues, Christian churches or Muslim mosques. Those are just the places we've been told "hate" resides.

The "hate" was also not found in any single ethnicity, political party, or geographical demographic.

No the side that has been doing all of the hating since election day in the troubled parts of our nation have been militant activists radicals, who happen to be mostly white, mostly godless.

It is the radical activists roaming the streets, pushing elderly women to the ground, staging obnoxious protests outside places of worship, and in some cases interfering in the midst of worship services that have expressed all of the hatred seen since election day. They have even taken to harassing people on their way to or from the church door and their car.

But these haters are ignorant and as such, many Christians, Muslims, and Jews have shown compassion upon them.

The activists keep marching, screaming and forcing spittle to fly in little old ladies faces, for what end? To change the definition of a word. Prop 8 didn't say that those who are protesting like wild coyotes can't create a contract in which every arrangement in life that they would like can be legally protected and allowed for.

In California, the civil union law is one of the most liberal in the nation. But even if it were not the drawing up of a legally binding document insuring rights is now, and has been available since before the term "gay marriage" was even considered.

The true reason that the radical activists wish Constitutional authority to be undone, is very simple. Those who have been displaying rage and hate at the houses of worship, publishing the names of people on blacklists on the internet and encouraging violence, harassment, and worse against Prop 8 supporters--ironically--is due to their desire to see "hate crimes legislation" not only be passed, but amended to include those they would label "religious bigots."

The activists here are merely mirroring the history in the Scandinavian nations, and Canada in wanting to silence anyone who disagrees with them.

The activists have displayed bigotry in their protests as well. Choosing not to protest churches in--shall we say "economically challenged" neighborhoods like--Compton, they instead of made primarily white voters the victim of their hate-filled tirades. And while it was 1.6 million Barack Obama voters--many black and latino--that really served to make the win the decisive victory for marriage that it turned out to be, they have shied away from the churches attended by these same groups.

The Prop 8 opponents lost for simple reasons, they do not recognize Constitutional authority, they do not respect the disagreement of their opponent, they are dishonest with the facts, and they are far less tolerant than what the majority have ever endured from the most homophobic person they've ever met in person.

just this past week a 69-year-old woman carried a Styrofoam cross in support of traditional marriage into a pro-gay marriage march in Palm Springs and within seconds had the cross ripped from her hands and stomped on, and then the homosexuals began to shove her around and curse her out.

we move to Lansing, Michigan and last Sunday’s protest inside the Mount Hope Church by the rabid gay group Bash Back. These winners entered the church along with worshippers and surprised the congregation when they stood up during the service, threw fliers and condoms at the congregants, pulled the fire alarm, made out in front of the church by the pulpit and shouted slogans such as “Jesus was a homo.” No arrests were made.

Then we come to one Charles Bouley, radical gay activist and talk show host on San Francisco’s (where else) station KGO who on November 1st angrily said on the air that Joe the Plumber was a “G** D*** M-F’er” that he wanted dead!

These radicals want the public to believe they speak for all gays. They do not.
The radical gay activists do not understand why they can not force acceptance. They are a small minority within a small minority. These activists hate God, they hate those who believe in God, and ultimately their argument is with Him and against Him.

Most gays do not condone this thuggish behavior. For many it is an embarrassment. "Mainstream" gays loath the idea of being lumped in with these radical gay activists. The mainstream gays want to continue to live their lives uninterrupted.

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