Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Lefts Strategy: "Win At Any Cost"

This election season has seen the political left's veiled push for remaking America into their own image. They are on a stealth quest, hidden behind vague, but sweet sounding rhetoric. This is not just about Obama. He is joined in this endeavor by a very biased media and DNC. The thuggish response they have weiled upon any dissent has been brutal, and overtly ignored by the press.

For their part, the media is well choreographed in playing up anything positive about Obama. Anything negative about Obama is downplayed or completely ignored by the press. If any negativity does slip out, the 'goon squad' is called out and everyone circles the wagons, setting out to destroy whoever exposes their illusion of perfection.

The media has a well established set of double standards. One for Obama/Biden and one for McCain/Palin. Report and exaggerate anything negative about McCain/Palin and ignore or downplay anything about Obama/Biden. Had Sarah Palin told a group of supporters that McCain would be tested by foreign forces in the first six moinths of his administration, it would have been the lead story for a week. Biden did say that and it was played down.

The GOP spent $150,000 on clothing for Palin. She is not a millionaire and her wardrobe is naturally more geared towards Alaska's weather, not Florida. That said, the media reported and made a huge issue of it.

Joe Biden directed $ 2,000,000 to his family for "working" on the campaign and the media is silent. Rather disingenious at best.

Barack Obama's plan got caught this week with the consequences of his own words to a working class guy from Toledo, the nation got a peek into his soul. It was not pretty and it should serve as a preview of what we can expect from Barack Obama towards those who disagree with him. It has been unattractive, unbecoming of someone running for President, and certainly riddled with hypocrisy and double standard.

Think about it. Just two days before Barack Obama eagerly walks up to a working "Joe," fields a question about his policies, and gives his answer.

Only two days later Obama, Biden, the DNC, and many in the mainstream leftist establishment (you call them the media) go wall to wall on the attack against... the man who asked the question, not the one who gave the answer.

Of course it was one of the worst answers ever given by any presidential candidate in history. I mean people in free countries generally decided a generation ago that when Government has sole discretion over the supply of money, where it goes, and who gets it (especially when disconnected from effort, work, or accomplishment) that the only ones who end up doing better are those running for office. If you get enough people so brain washed and brain dead that they "think" that they can live off the great government udder, then those who give access to such will enlarge their power, capital, and position. These people are Marxists. Conversely if you empower people to provide, care, and steward themselves and their families - the need for government begins to fade. These two principles and world views will always be at war with each other on the fundamental basis: Marx says let the state provide for you, the Bible says if a man does not work--he should not eat.

The Left, and especially Obama, are completely ignorant of the fact that the majority of Americans think Marxism is not just less attractive but immoral. It offends the decency and sensibilities of many a man and woman who work upwards of ten, twelve, sixteen, hours a day and find themselves punished for such hard work. (Also based in the Biblical truth found in the "Parable of the Talents.")

So when a working man, who does work twelve to sixteen hours a day, asks Senator Obama about the dream of his future, his hopes to someday, if he works hard enough, to be able to actually buy the company he works for, Senator Obama rhetorically pats him on the head and tells him to take his marxist plan and be thankful for it, the working Joe (gasp) disagrees.

Had the issue ended with that interchange on YouTube Barack Obama would've forgotten all about this working class guy and his dreams. But it didn't because to Barack Obama's great surprise his answer that government knew better how to "spread the wealth around," and the implication for working class people, that they would now be crushed under the economic plan Obama has put forward caused a lot of people to take pause.

McCain seized on Obama's gaffe and the working Joe became the star of the debate.

Yet here is the most troubling aspect of all. The Obama camp unleashed the hounds, not against his opponent's plans, records, or words from the debate. No. They rolled bulldozers into the life and background of a man who has worked in a blue collar job for most of his adult life, and began to look for any and every piece of suspect baggage that they could throw up to the media.

The next morning Biden openly sneers at working class people on the morning talk shows. In the debate Obama pretended as though Joe might not have even existed when he prefaced a response to McCain with, "Joe, if you're even out there..." And Obama stayed on target at his next two rallies publicly and openly mocking a plumber's ability to ever make more than $250,000.

But wait Sen. Big Government...

Isn't the American dream summed up in the idea that if you work as hard as possible that you can break through to new earnings? Isn't it the American ideal to base your economic rise or fall on the shoulders of your own efforts? Shouldn't the desire for social justice inform you that it is immoral to take what one has earned and give it to one who did not? (And please don't start with compassion... Genuine compassion is when someone who has earned it voluntarily gives it because he is so moved to help his brother in need. Mandating such, violates the heart and the conscience.)

Team Obama's entire media operation became a heat seeking missile aimed at one target--destroy the working class person who dares to think, work, plan, and save for the benefit of their family, community, and nation. And do so especially if in the asking of honest questions you expose the leftist candidate in a presidential race to be the secret godless-worldview-marxist Barack Obama is.

The Obama campaign, the leftist media, and the Democratic party began "dumpster diving" to investigate any dirt they could find on 'Joe the plumber'. They set about to destroy the man who dared ask a reasoned question. If the left wins unchecked power in Washington, we can expect this behavior on a grand scale. They have already announced they intend to implement the 'fairness doctrine', which is an contradiction of terms. It is an attempt to stifle public discourse of their leftist policies.

One lesson learned from this week: when the left feel weakened they will level you with brute force, if necessary, to keep their stranglehold on the lifeline to our pocketbooks.

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