Monday, April 12, 2010

More Dirty Tricks from the Dirty Democrats

The left wing of American politics have a history of trying to portray the conservatives as racists in an attempt to discredit them. This goes way back.

In the 70's Bush 41 was speaking as our UN Ambassador and the left sent folks to the venue dressed as Klansmen, and carrying signs supporting Bush. Unfortunately for them, they were caught and exposed.

Fast forward to current events.

For a year the mainstream media, and Democrats have tried to diminish the Tea Party and portray them as racists, unAmerican, and Nazis. The Tea Party formed because regular Americans were sick & tired of having their voices ignored by the politicians in Washington.

The mainstream media & Demcrats have tried in vain to convince voters that the Tea Party participants were representing big business, despite the denials from them.

We witnessed the protest in March on Capitol Hill. The mainstream media & Democratic leaders claimed they were spit upon & called the n-word. If true, it would be shameful.
The Tea Party members denounced the use of such language and any use of violence.

When interviewed, nobody seemed to have actually heard such words being used, and no video surfaced. There was plenty of video with audio, but not one 'n-word' nor any spit.

A $100,000 reward was offerred for anyone who could provide evidence of such language or actions. Despite the money, nobody could produce anything.

Now on April 15th, more rallies are being planned to protest our high teaxes, out of control spending, and record deficits.

The far left Democrats & their supporters are also planning to participate in the Tea Parties. These groups are planning more nefarious forms of participation in an effort to discredit the Tea Party movement.

Among the many Tea Party protesters, however, will be individuals plotting to undermine the peaceful grassroots movement.

Blogger Glenn Reynolds spotted today, a website that claims to represent "a nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement, which calls itself 'the Tea Party.'"

Their plan is to "infiltrate" Tea Party protests to create the false impression that protesters are racists by … being racists. That's right, they will bring with them offensive signs and give wildly offensive interviews to reporters, all with the intention of smearing a movement that wouldn't bring those signs or give those interviews themselves. It remains to be seen whether the mainstream media will take the bait.

The Tea Party movement has been notably non-violent by the standards of any protest movement, but especially when compared with leftist anti-war and anti-capitalist groups (a lot of overlap there). It is not beyond the pale to expect that some crazies might try to shatter the near-perfect record of non-violent protest proudly worn on the Tea Party's collective sleeve by inciting or committing an act of violence.

"Some on the Left in American politics," Tapscott wrote today at the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog, "are running a KGB-like 'false flag' operation to discredit the Tea Party. The Left couldn't sell the idea that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons, so the Left is infiltrating the Tea Party in order to pose as a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons."

The question, as Tapscott notes, is how will the mainstream media address allegations of racism or -- God forbid -- violence. Will it parrot the claims of liberals without extensive investigation, as it did with the 'Spittlegate' incident after the passage of the ObamaCare bill? Or will it make a concerted effort to sort out fact from fiction -- and where it is unclear, report it as such?

Suppose, for example, someone who may or may not be an actual Tea Party member shows up to a protest with an offensive sign. The mainstream media cannot responsibly report that that person is undoubtedly an authentic member of the movement. The lingering doubt that the person is a member of radical leftist counter-protests groups will remain until that possibility is disproved.

But given the mainstream media's reliably hostile attitude towards the Tea Party movement, such investigation in all likelihood will not take place. It may fall to citizen journalists to expose the leftists seeking to slander wide swaths of the American people.

Tea Party groups will be working to marginalize any undercover lefties that show up with malicious designs. If you get the chance, grab a video camera (or a smartphone) and head to your nearest Tea Party.

Who knows, your footage could dispel some false accusations; citizen-journalists are turning in the most reliable kinds.

The person behind this leftist call to arms is Jason Levin.

Domain name: ZANE-LEVIN.COMAdministrative Contact:Levin, Jason 6300 crown avenueOakland, CA 94611 US 510-595-1634 Fax: 000-000-0000

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