Thursday, November 19, 2009

Terrorism by any other name...a follow up

I wish I were amazed by Obama & Holder deciding to bring the terrorists into our civilian courts as if they robbed a 7-11. Obama naively believes terrorist should receive the same constitutional rights as any real American citizen.

Keep in mind that during our Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea & Viet Nam, we did ot allow enemy combatants into our civilian courts where they would be given a platform to spew their anti-American rhetoric, or risk them getting off on a technicality.

Unfortunately, I am not amazed. This incompetence has been evidenced for the past 11 months.

The administration has asked Congress to not launch an investigation at this time of the Fort Hood terrorist attack.

Some in this administration are loathe to go after terrorists or even acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows. Radicals will never be "negotiated" with.

The only thing they want from the west is to see the west destroyed.

Why? We are nonMuslim infidels. No amount of talking will change that fact or their hearts & minds.

Yet the administration treats these wackos as if all they need is a hug!!

We all have read about the numerous "red flags" the Fort Hood terrorist sent up that went ignored.

I am attaching a link that shows the sideshow this extremist gave in lieu of the expected presentation on medicine & treatment.

After watching the sideshow, I ask:

1. If you were in the audience anticipating a medical presentation and instead were shown this garbage, what would your reaction have been?

2. I am curious if you believe this is the sideshow of a terrorist, or of a medical doctor about medicine & treatment?

3. Do you believe this act was terrorism?

4. Do you support bringing terrorists into civilian court?

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