Thursday, November 19, 2009

Terrorism by any other name...a follow up

I wish I were amazed by Obama & Holder deciding to bring the terrorists into our civilian courts as if they robbed a 7-11. Obama naively believes terrorist should receive the same constitutional rights as any real American citizen.

Keep in mind that during our Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea & Viet Nam, we did ot allow enemy combatants into our civilian courts where they would be given a platform to spew their anti-American rhetoric, or risk them getting off on a technicality.

Unfortunately, I am not amazed. This incompetence has been evidenced for the past 11 months.

The administration has asked Congress to not launch an investigation at this time of the Fort Hood terrorist attack.

Some in this administration are loathe to go after terrorists or even acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows. Radicals will never be "negotiated" with.

The only thing they want from the west is to see the west destroyed.

Why? We are nonMuslim infidels. No amount of talking will change that fact or their hearts & minds.

Yet the administration treats these wackos as if all they need is a hug!!

We all have read about the numerous "red flags" the Fort Hood terrorist sent up that went ignored.

I am attaching a link that shows the sideshow this extremist gave in lieu of the expected presentation on medicine & treatment.

After watching the sideshow, I ask:

1. If you were in the audience anticipating a medical presentation and instead were shown this garbage, what would your reaction have been?

2. I am curious if you believe this is the sideshow of a terrorist, or of a medical doctor about medicine & treatment?

3. Do you believe this act was terrorism?

4. Do you support bringing terrorists into civilian court?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Terrorism by any other name

I have been quiet since the attack last week at Fort Hood, TX. While I find our President to be naive and glaringly inexperienced on matters of Foreign Policy, I fully anticipated his denouncing this tragedy as the terrorist attack that it clearly was.

Our brave men and women in the armed services explained through the media why there is a reluctance on their part to report troubling and suspicious behavior. If they report this type of behavior it may lead to the reporting service member being labeled a racist. They may also find themselves on the wrong end of an EEOC violation.

After a presentation where medical team members were presenting on new medicines and treatments, the members reported Hasan for his presentation. He did not present on medicine & treatment. He reported how it was acceptable for Muslims to kill the infidels. Cut off their heads and pour hot oil down their necks.

Hasan also expressed concern for the US foreign policy, and felt Muslims were the target of two wars.Superiors at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC also expressed concern for Hasans bizarre behavior. All to no avail.

The authorities knew of his contacts with members of al Qaeda well in advance. Prior to shipping out, Hasan stood up in the Fort Hood Processing Center, yells at the top of his lungs "God is great", and opens fire upon his unarmed fellow soldiers.

This was not the act of a crazy person. This was the act of a Jihadist carrying out a terrorist attack on American soil.

America's liberal media and supporters have gone to great pains to downplay the act of terrorism, and tried to play it off as someone mentally ill. Terrorism by any other name is still terrorism. I believe the terrorist mindset is very limited within the Muslim community and does not represent the the beliefs of that community. It is a fringe element.

There are radicals within all religions, but not many fly planes into buildings or target innocents.

America's political left and their blind pursuit of political correctness led to this attack. This same liberal mindset clouds their ability to see what is staring them straight in their face.

The Muslim organization CAIR was an unnamed co-conspirator by the FBI in a case last year regarding raising funds for the Hamas terrorist organization. No charges filed.

An undercover investigation over the past year alleges this organizations intent to take over the US and impose Sharia Law in the US. They have already succeeded in getting Sharia Law implemented in Britain to be used in cases involving Muslims.

Can you imagine the US having dual court systems? One for Muslims and one for the rest of us.

This morning the liberals mindset became more obvious, and shown for the naive nature that it is. They announced that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheik Muhammad, will be tried in US criminal court.

They have equated an organization that declared war on the US, with a group of thugs that robbed a convenience store! Liberals appear more concerned with the "feelings" of those who subscribe to this ideology than they are to the safety of American citizens.

I will repeat that these extremists represent a minuscule fraction of Islam. With that said, I believe we need to take off the leftish rose-tinted glasses and react when faced with overwhelming evidence and leave the political correctness behind.

Folks, if you see something that does not sound or look right report it! In the meantime, we can hope this administration wakes up to reality before anyone else gets hurt.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Climate Change profiteers

In the below post, I stated it was Climate Change supporters & proponents who were attempting to sell us snake oil in the form of Cap & Trade.

They ignore the millions of years that the earth has gone through natural cooling & warming cycles.

They will not speak to the rise in temperatures ending in 98-99. Since that time the temps have plateaued.

They will not speak to the fact that the US will be at a competitive disadvantage with India & China who will not be bound to this bill’s emission limits or the associated cost. Both countries refuse to participate.

Some Democrats, such as Commerce Secretary, Locke have said that Americans should be willing to pay for China’s emissions. What a stupid concept!

Not only would we send them more of our jobs, we would also subsidize their emissions? It is all about the money.

Like so many things that occur in our country that doesn’t seem to make sense, a person usually only has to follow the money to find the rationale behind otherwise indefensible self-defeating policies.

I found an article that gives an example of this, in of all places, the bird cage liner of choice, the NY Times.

The article tells how a big time climate change prophet, Al Gore, has positioned himself to make several million dollars off of the one deal highlighted in the article.

I will give the highlights, and those wanting to read the full article can read the provided link.

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore thought he had spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Mr. Gore is a partner.

The company, Silver Spring Networks, produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. It came to Mr. Gore’s firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital providers, looking for $75 million to expand its partnerships with utilities seeking to install millions of so-called smart meters in homes and businesses.

Mr. Gore and his partners decided to back the company, and in gratitude Silver Spring retained him and John Doerr, another Kleiner Perkins partner, as unpaid corporate advisers.

The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants. Of the total, more than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts. Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years.

Silver Spring Networks is a foot soldier in the global green energy revolution Mr. Gore hopes to lead. Few people have been as vocal about the urgency of global warming and the need to reinvent the way the world produces and consumes energy. And few have put as much money behind their advocacy as Mr. Gore and are as well positioned to profit from this green transformation, if and when it comes.

This is but one glaring example of how people claiming to be for the little guy are preparing to stick it to the little guy that they purport to support.

They are quick to dismiss anyone voicing doubts about their claims.

They do so, not out of concern for mankind, but for their personal concern for their own wallet.