It has been a short period of time since a homegrown terrorist made repeated threats against the US and was ignored by our government.
He killed 13 unarmed Americans waiting to ship out to Afghanistan and wounded 30+ others.
He sent up enough red flags before going on his jihadi rampage to alert those interested in fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities of protecting our homeland and citizens from harm.
How did Nadal's plan go uninterrupted.
He spoke of his convictions and thoughts on the subject. He made no secret of his feelings.
Regardless of the 800# Gorilla in the room, the liberals still refuse to call Ft. Hood massacre a terrorist act.
Political correctness.
Our current President & administration is so naively concerned with not hurting the radical Muslims feelings that they allow these things as result of their naive commitment to political correctness.
Early in the administration the White House adopted the policy of not referring to terrorists as terrorists. Such a term was deemed 'mean spirited'.
No longer would there be mention of a War on Terror.
The Obama administration has taken the position that these terrorists just need a hug.
They are too politically correct to acknowledge that the radicals plans call for the murder or conversion of all who fail to embrace Islam. These radicals believe they are acting on divine inspiration from Allah.
The administration naively believes they can negotiate a "peace for our time" with these nut cases. Similar to Chamberlain's naive assessment of Nazi Germany.
In doing so, they ignore the inconvenient fact these radicals are not interested in 'negotiating'. Nobody is going to negotiate with them when they believe they are acting on the commands of Allah. How do we negotiate with that?
How do we negotiate with someone willing to be a suicide bomber against innocent peoples?
These folks openly call for Islam to dominate the world. They do not intend to stop short of their stated goal.
They are poised to become the majority population of Europe by 2050. Why? Because Europeans have capitulated to these extremists views and taken the approach of political correctness.
They ignore the radicalization of their youth that is taking place on their own soil. This is similar to the ignoring of training camps these radicals are operating here in the US and elsewhere around the world.
Radical Muslims have even won the "right" to have a Sharia Law court system that operates parallel to the English courts.
One set of laws for the Muslims in England and another for all other religious & nonreligious groups there.
That my friends is cowardice.
Three days ago a young Nigerian man attempted to celebrate Christmas by blowing himself and 200+ people out of the sky while his flight approached Detroit Airport.
Britain had this young man on their "no-fly" list and revoked his passport.
His own father warned US officials about him two months ago. Explained Clarke, "The kind of person, who's being radicalized increasingly in the U.S. and in Europe, are people who are sons of the middle class, the upper middle class, sons of well educated families, people who have radicalized at long distance over the Internet."
Did the administration put him on a 'no-fly' list?
DHS Secretary, Janet Napolitano said he acted alone.
This is contrary to what we are learning about him.
According to this young wannabe terrorist, there will be more bombers coming behind him.
Britain is reporting that as many as 25 more young radical men are in Yemen training to bring down airliners. They all have the same al Qaeda ties as him, same Imams as him, same sentiments as him, but alas..............he acted alone.
Folks did you hear the prime time speech that our President gave in addressing this act of terror? The one where he gave as much effort as he did during his myriad of health care speeches?
Of course not. It is difficult to keep the teleprompter upright when placed in the warm sands of Hawaii's beaches.
Friends, I for one choose life, and the embrace of freedom over foolish state sponsored political correctness.
Things to consider in the elections of 2010 & 2012.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Terrorism by any other name...a follow up
I wish I were amazed by Obama & Holder deciding to bring the terrorists into our civilian courts as if they robbed a 7-11. Obama naively believes terrorist should receive the same constitutional rights as any real American citizen.
Keep in mind that during our Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea & Viet Nam, we did ot allow enemy combatants into our civilian courts where they would be given a platform to spew their anti-American rhetoric, or risk them getting off on a technicality.
Unfortunately, I am not amazed. This incompetence has been evidenced for the past 11 months.
The administration has asked Congress to not launch an investigation at this time of the Fort Hood terrorist attack.
Some in this administration are loathe to go after terrorists or even acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows. Radicals will never be "negotiated" with.
The only thing they want from the west is to see the west destroyed.
Why? We are nonMuslim infidels. No amount of talking will change that fact or their hearts & minds.
Yet the administration treats these wackos as if all they need is a hug!!
We all have read about the numerous "red flags" the Fort Hood terrorist sent up that went ignored.
I am attaching a link that shows the sideshow this extremist gave in lieu of the expected presentation on medicine & treatment.
After watching the sideshow, I ask:
1. If you were in the audience anticipating a medical presentation and instead were shown this garbage, what would your reaction have been?
2. I am curious if you believe this is the sideshow of a terrorist, or of a medical doctor about medicine & treatment?
3. Do you believe this act was terrorism?
4. Do you support bringing terrorists into civilian court?
Keep in mind that during our Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea & Viet Nam, we did ot allow enemy combatants into our civilian courts where they would be given a platform to spew their anti-American rhetoric, or risk them getting off on a technicality.
Unfortunately, I am not amazed. This incompetence has been evidenced for the past 11 months.
The administration has asked Congress to not launch an investigation at this time of the Fort Hood terrorist attack.
Some in this administration are loathe to go after terrorists or even acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows. Radicals will never be "negotiated" with.
The only thing they want from the west is to see the west destroyed.
Why? We are nonMuslim infidels. No amount of talking will change that fact or their hearts & minds.
Yet the administration treats these wackos as if all they need is a hug!!
We all have read about the numerous "red flags" the Fort Hood terrorist sent up that went ignored.
I am attaching a link that shows the sideshow this extremist gave in lieu of the expected presentation on medicine & treatment.
After watching the sideshow, I ask:
1. If you were in the audience anticipating a medical presentation and instead were shown this garbage, what would your reaction have been?
2. I am curious if you believe this is the sideshow of a terrorist, or of a medical doctor about medicine & treatment?
3. Do you believe this act was terrorism?
4. Do you support bringing terrorists into civilian court?
Ft. Hood,
Muslim extremist,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Terrorism by any other name
I have been quiet since the attack last week at Fort Hood, TX. While I find our President to be naive and glaringly inexperienced on matters of Foreign Policy, I fully anticipated his denouncing this tragedy as the terrorist attack that it clearly was.
Our brave men and women in the armed services explained through the media why there is a reluctance on their part to report troubling and suspicious behavior. If they report this type of behavior it may lead to the reporting service member being labeled a racist. They may also find themselves on the wrong end of an EEOC violation.
After a presentation where medical team members were presenting on new medicines and treatments, the members reported Hasan for his presentation. He did not present on medicine & treatment. He reported how it was acceptable for Muslims to kill the infidels. Cut off their heads and pour hot oil down their necks.
Hasan also expressed concern for the US foreign policy, and felt Muslims were the target of two wars.Superiors at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC also expressed concern for Hasans bizarre behavior. All to no avail.
The authorities knew of his contacts with members of al Qaeda well in advance. Prior to shipping out, Hasan stood up in the Fort Hood Processing Center, yells at the top of his lungs "God is great", and opens fire upon his unarmed fellow soldiers.
This was not the act of a crazy person. This was the act of a Jihadist carrying out a terrorist attack on American soil.
America's liberal media and supporters have gone to great pains to downplay the act of terrorism, and tried to play it off as someone mentally ill. Terrorism by any other name is still terrorism. I believe the terrorist mindset is very limited within the Muslim community and does not represent the the beliefs of that community. It is a fringe element.
There are radicals within all religions, but not many fly planes into buildings or target innocents.
America's political left and their blind pursuit of political correctness led to this attack. This same liberal mindset clouds their ability to see what is staring them straight in their face.
The Muslim organization CAIR was an unnamed co-conspirator by the FBI in a case last year regarding raising funds for the Hamas terrorist organization. No charges filed.
An undercover investigation over the past year alleges this organizations intent to take over the US and impose Sharia Law in the US. They have already succeeded in getting Sharia Law implemented in Britain to be used in cases involving Muslims.
Can you imagine the US having dual court systems? One for Muslims and one for the rest of us.
This morning the liberals mindset became more obvious, and shown for the naive nature that it is. They announced that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheik Muhammad, will be tried in US criminal court.
They have equated an organization that declared war on the US, with a group of thugs that robbed a convenience store! Liberals appear more concerned with the "feelings" of those who subscribe to this ideology than they are to the safety of American citizens.
I will repeat that these extremists represent a minuscule fraction of Islam. With that said, I believe we need to take off the leftish rose-tinted glasses and react when faced with overwhelming evidence and leave the political correctness behind.
Folks, if you see something that does not sound or look right report it! In the meantime, we can hope this administration wakes up to reality before anyone else gets hurt.
Our brave men and women in the armed services explained through the media why there is a reluctance on their part to report troubling and suspicious behavior. If they report this type of behavior it may lead to the reporting service member being labeled a racist. They may also find themselves on the wrong end of an EEOC violation.
After a presentation where medical team members were presenting on new medicines and treatments, the members reported Hasan for his presentation. He did not present on medicine & treatment. He reported how it was acceptable for Muslims to kill the infidels. Cut off their heads and pour hot oil down their necks.
Hasan also expressed concern for the US foreign policy, and felt Muslims were the target of two wars.Superiors at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC also expressed concern for Hasans bizarre behavior. All to no avail.
The authorities knew of his contacts with members of al Qaeda well in advance. Prior to shipping out, Hasan stood up in the Fort Hood Processing Center, yells at the top of his lungs "God is great", and opens fire upon his unarmed fellow soldiers.
This was not the act of a crazy person. This was the act of a Jihadist carrying out a terrorist attack on American soil.
America's liberal media and supporters have gone to great pains to downplay the act of terrorism, and tried to play it off as someone mentally ill. Terrorism by any other name is still terrorism. I believe the terrorist mindset is very limited within the Muslim community and does not represent the the beliefs of that community. It is a fringe element.
There are radicals within all religions, but not many fly planes into buildings or target innocents.
America's political left and their blind pursuit of political correctness led to this attack. This same liberal mindset clouds their ability to see what is staring them straight in their face.
The Muslim organization CAIR was an unnamed co-conspirator by the FBI in a case last year regarding raising funds for the Hamas terrorist organization. No charges filed.
An undercover investigation over the past year alleges this organizations intent to take over the US and impose Sharia Law in the US. They have already succeeded in getting Sharia Law implemented in Britain to be used in cases involving Muslims.
Can you imagine the US having dual court systems? One for Muslims and one for the rest of us.
This morning the liberals mindset became more obvious, and shown for the naive nature that it is. They announced that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheik Muhammad, will be tried in US criminal court.
They have equated an organization that declared war on the US, with a group of thugs that robbed a convenience store! Liberals appear more concerned with the "feelings" of those who subscribe to this ideology than they are to the safety of American citizens.
I will repeat that these extremists represent a minuscule fraction of Islam. With that said, I believe we need to take off the leftish rose-tinted glasses and react when faced with overwhelming evidence and leave the political correctness behind.
Folks, if you see something that does not sound or look right report it! In the meantime, we can hope this administration wakes up to reality before anyone else gets hurt.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Climate Change profiteers
In the below post, I stated it was Climate Change supporters & proponents who were attempting to sell us snake oil in the form of Cap & Trade.
They ignore the millions of years that the earth has gone through natural cooling & warming cycles.
They will not speak to the rise in temperatures ending in 98-99. Since that time the temps have plateaued.
They will not speak to the fact that the US will be at a competitive disadvantage with India & China who will not be bound to this bill’s emission limits or the associated cost. Both countries refuse to participate.
Some Democrats, such as Commerce Secretary, Locke have said that Americans should be willing to pay for China’s emissions. What a stupid concept!
Not only would we send them more of our jobs, we would also subsidize their emissions? It is all about the money.
Like so many things that occur in our country that doesn’t seem to make sense, a person usually only has to follow the money to find the rationale behind otherwise indefensible self-defeating policies.
I found an article that gives an example of this, in of all places, the bird cage liner of choice, the NY Times.
The article tells how a big time climate change prophet, Al Gore, has positioned himself to make several million dollars off of the one deal highlighted in the article.
I will give the highlights, and those wanting to read the full article can read the provided link.
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore thought he had spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Mr. Gore is a partner.
The company, Silver Spring Networks, produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. It came to Mr. Gore’s firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital providers, looking for $75 million to expand its partnerships with utilities seeking to install millions of so-called smart meters in homes and businesses.
Mr. Gore and his partners decided to back the company, and in gratitude Silver Spring retained him and John Doerr, another Kleiner Perkins partner, as unpaid corporate advisers.
The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants. Of the total, more than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts. Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years.
Silver Spring Networks is a foot soldier in the global green energy revolution Mr. Gore hopes to lead. Few people have been as vocal about the urgency of global warming and the need to reinvent the way the world produces and consumes energy. And few have put as much money behind their advocacy as Mr. Gore and are as well positioned to profit from this green transformation, if and when it comes.
This is but one glaring example of how people claiming to be for the little guy are preparing to stick it to the little guy that they purport to support.
They are quick to dismiss anyone voicing doubts about their claims.
They do so, not out of concern for mankind, but for their personal concern for their own wallet.
They ignore the millions of years that the earth has gone through natural cooling & warming cycles.
They will not speak to the rise in temperatures ending in 98-99. Since that time the temps have plateaued.
They will not speak to the fact that the US will be at a competitive disadvantage with India & China who will not be bound to this bill’s emission limits or the associated cost. Both countries refuse to participate.
Some Democrats, such as Commerce Secretary, Locke have said that Americans should be willing to pay for China’s emissions. What a stupid concept!
Not only would we send them more of our jobs, we would also subsidize their emissions? It is all about the money.
Like so many things that occur in our country that doesn’t seem to make sense, a person usually only has to follow the money to find the rationale behind otherwise indefensible self-defeating policies.
I found an article that gives an example of this, in of all places, the bird cage liner of choice, the NY Times.
The article tells how a big time climate change prophet, Al Gore, has positioned himself to make several million dollars off of the one deal highlighted in the article.
I will give the highlights, and those wanting to read the full article can read the provided link.
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore thought he had spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Mr. Gore is a partner.
The company, Silver Spring Networks, produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. It came to Mr. Gore’s firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital providers, looking for $75 million to expand its partnerships with utilities seeking to install millions of so-called smart meters in homes and businesses.
Mr. Gore and his partners decided to back the company, and in gratitude Silver Spring retained him and John Doerr, another Kleiner Perkins partner, as unpaid corporate advisers.
The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants. Of the total, more than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts. Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years.
Silver Spring Networks is a foot soldier in the global green energy revolution Mr. Gore hopes to lead. Few people have been as vocal about the urgency of global warming and the need to reinvent the way the world produces and consumes energy. And few have put as much money behind their advocacy as Mr. Gore and are as well positioned to profit from this green transformation, if and when it comes.
This is but one glaring example of how people claiming to be for the little guy are preparing to stick it to the little guy that they purport to support.
They are quick to dismiss anyone voicing doubts about their claims.
They do so, not out of concern for mankind, but for their personal concern for their own wallet.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cap & Trade's impact on American families
As soon as the health care debate ends, which yesterday Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid estimated to be $2 Trillion, instead of the $829 Billion advertised just this past Monday, we will turn our focus to the draconian Cap & Trade debate.
I wanted to take the time and read over the Congressional Budget Offices' summary of the Cap & Trade legislation to see what the impact will be on my family and friends.
I believe it will put the US at a severe competetive disadvantage on the world stage.
Many argue that the claims of "global warming" are dubious at best, considering that the claim ignores the earth's natural cooling and heating cycles that span millions of years.
Long before the first smoke stack belched or the first car took to the road, the earth warmed & cooled.
China & India have both flatly rejected calls for them to participate which means implementing such a law in the US will have a detrimental affect on US households expenses and jobs.
While these two countries refuse to take part in this scam, Obama's Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke recently called for US consumers to pay for our own emissions, and theirs.
That caveat is not included in the CBO report, but wiould only add to our rise in costs and unemployment beyond that which is currently included in their summary.
Here is a summary from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), that addresses both of these issues.
Estimated Costs per Household
The GHG cap-and-trade program established under H.R. 2454 would impose
costs on U.S. households and provide some financial benefits, as well as the
benefits associated with any changes in the climate that would be avoided as a
result of the legislation. (This analysis addresses only those financial benefits.)
The costs would be incurred through higher prices for the goods and services that
households consumed, and the incidence of those costs would be determined
primarily by households’ consumption patterns. In the aggregate, most of those
costs would be offset by income or other benefits provided to households as a
result of the distribution of the value of the emission allowances.
The legislation would influence how much of that value was conveyed to various households by specifying how to allocate the allowances. For example, H.R. 2454 would direct some of that value to low-income households by specifying that 15 percent of the allowance value be used to provide energy rebates and tax credits for such households.
Gross Compliance Costs
Gross compliance costs would consist of the cost of emission allowances, the cost
of both domestic and international offset credits, and the resource costs incurred
in order to reduce the use of fossil fuels:
The cost of the allowances. The cost of acquiring allowances would become a
cost of doing business. In most cases, the firms required to hold the
allowances would not bear that cost; rather, they would pass it onto their
customers in the form of higher prices.
■ The cost of both domestic and international offset credits. Like the cost for
allowances, the cost of acquiring offset credits would be passed on by firms to
their customers in the form of higher prices.
■ The resource costs associated with reducing emissions. The resource costs
would include the value of the additional resources (including nonmonetized
resources, such as time) required to reduce emissions—for example, by
generating electricity from natural gas rather than from coal, by making
improvements in energy efficiency, or by changing behavior to save energy
(by carpooling, for example).
According to CBO’s estimates, the gross cost of complying with the GHG capand-
trade program delineated in H.R. 2454 would be about $110 billion in 2020
(measured in terms of 2010 levels of consumption and income), or about $890
per household (see Table 1). Of that gross cost, 96 percent would be the cost of
acquiring allowances or offset credits. The reminder would be the resource costs
associated with reducing emissions.
As noted, firms would generally pass the cost of reducing their emissions—or of
acquiring offset credits or emission allowances—on to their customers, and their
customers’ customers. (Indeed, assuming that higher costs are passed into prices
is customary in distributional analyses.) Households and governments would bear
those costs through their consumption of goods and services. Because households
account for the bulk of spending, they would bear most of the costs.
Transitional Costs
The measure of costs described above reflects the costs that would occur once the
economy had adjusted to the change in the relative prices of goods and services. It
does not include the costs that some current investors and workers in sectors of
the economy that produce energy and energy-intensive goods and services would
incur as the economy moved away from the use of fossil fuels.
To be sure, increased production of energy from non-fossil-fuel sources (such as wind or solar) and a shift to more energy-efficient production processes would create jobs and profit opportunities as well.
However, those jobs might be in different regions of the country or require different skills than the jobs being lost, and the profit opportunities might arise from different types of capital; their availability would
mute but not eliminate the costs of the transition.
Thus, investors would see the value of some stocks decline, and workers would face higher risk of unemployment as jobs in some sectors were eliminated. Stock losses would tend to be widely dispersed among investors because shareholders typically diversify their portfolios.
In contrast, the costs of unemployment would probably be
concentrated among relatively few households and, by extension, their
communities. The magnitude of those transitional costs would depend on the pace
of emission reductions, with more rapid reductions leading to larger costs.
Although large segments of the U.S. economy either do not face
significant foreign competition (for example, the electricity and transportation
sectors) or involve trade with countries that have a cap-and-trade program (the
European Union, for example), some important manufacturing industries, such as
steel, face competition from countries that do not face the costs of such a system.
Some regions and industries would experience substantially higher rates of unemployment and job turnover as the program became increasingly stringent. That transition could be particularly difficult for
individuals employed in those industries (such as the coal industry) or living in
those regions (such as Appalachia). However, any aggregate change in
unemployment would be small compared with the normal rate of job turnover in
the economy.
Are Americans willing to send more of our dwindling job market overseas while facing such an permanent increase in across-the-board prices here at home?
I do support the US developing alternative energy sources, but we do not have to throw the baby out with the bath water to achieve that result.
I wanted to take the time and read over the Congressional Budget Offices' summary of the Cap & Trade legislation to see what the impact will be on my family and friends.
I believe it will put the US at a severe competetive disadvantage on the world stage.
Many argue that the claims of "global warming" are dubious at best, considering that the claim ignores the earth's natural cooling and heating cycles that span millions of years.
Long before the first smoke stack belched or the first car took to the road, the earth warmed & cooled.
China & India have both flatly rejected calls for them to participate which means implementing such a law in the US will have a detrimental affect on US households expenses and jobs.
While these two countries refuse to take part in this scam, Obama's Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke recently called for US consumers to pay for our own emissions, and theirs.
That caveat is not included in the CBO report, but wiould only add to our rise in costs and unemployment beyond that which is currently included in their summary.
Here is a summary from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), that addresses both of these issues.
Estimated Costs per Household
The GHG cap-and-trade program established under H.R. 2454 would impose
costs on U.S. households and provide some financial benefits, as well as the
benefits associated with any changes in the climate that would be avoided as a
result of the legislation. (This analysis addresses only those financial benefits.)
The costs would be incurred through higher prices for the goods and services that
households consumed, and the incidence of those costs would be determined
primarily by households’ consumption patterns. In the aggregate, most of those
costs would be offset by income or other benefits provided to households as a
result of the distribution of the value of the emission allowances.
The legislation would influence how much of that value was conveyed to various households by specifying how to allocate the allowances. For example, H.R. 2454 would direct some of that value to low-income households by specifying that 15 percent of the allowance value be used to provide energy rebates and tax credits for such households.
Gross Compliance Costs
Gross compliance costs would consist of the cost of emission allowances, the cost
of both domestic and international offset credits, and the resource costs incurred
in order to reduce the use of fossil fuels:
The cost of the allowances. The cost of acquiring allowances would become a
cost of doing business. In most cases, the firms required to hold the
allowances would not bear that cost; rather, they would pass it onto their
customers in the form of higher prices.
■ The cost of both domestic and international offset credits. Like the cost for
allowances, the cost of acquiring offset credits would be passed on by firms to
their customers in the form of higher prices.
■ The resource costs associated with reducing emissions. The resource costs
would include the value of the additional resources (including nonmonetized
resources, such as time) required to reduce emissions—for example, by
generating electricity from natural gas rather than from coal, by making
improvements in energy efficiency, or by changing behavior to save energy
(by carpooling, for example).
According to CBO’s estimates, the gross cost of complying with the GHG capand-
trade program delineated in H.R. 2454 would be about $110 billion in 2020
(measured in terms of 2010 levels of consumption and income), or about $890
per household (see Table 1). Of that gross cost, 96 percent would be the cost of
acquiring allowances or offset credits. The reminder would be the resource costs
associated with reducing emissions.
As noted, firms would generally pass the cost of reducing their emissions—or of
acquiring offset credits or emission allowances—on to their customers, and their
customers’ customers. (Indeed, assuming that higher costs are passed into prices
is customary in distributional analyses.) Households and governments would bear
those costs through their consumption of goods and services. Because households
account for the bulk of spending, they would bear most of the costs.
Transitional Costs
The measure of costs described above reflects the costs that would occur once the
economy had adjusted to the change in the relative prices of goods and services. It
does not include the costs that some current investors and workers in sectors of
the economy that produce energy and energy-intensive goods and services would
incur as the economy moved away from the use of fossil fuels.
To be sure, increased production of energy from non-fossil-fuel sources (such as wind or solar) and a shift to more energy-efficient production processes would create jobs and profit opportunities as well.
However, those jobs might be in different regions of the country or require different skills than the jobs being lost, and the profit opportunities might arise from different types of capital; their availability would
mute but not eliminate the costs of the transition.
Thus, investors would see the value of some stocks decline, and workers would face higher risk of unemployment as jobs in some sectors were eliminated. Stock losses would tend to be widely dispersed among investors because shareholders typically diversify their portfolios.
In contrast, the costs of unemployment would probably be
concentrated among relatively few households and, by extension, their
communities. The magnitude of those transitional costs would depend on the pace
of emission reductions, with more rapid reductions leading to larger costs.
Although large segments of the U.S. economy either do not face
significant foreign competition (for example, the electricity and transportation
sectors) or involve trade with countries that have a cap-and-trade program (the
European Union, for example), some important manufacturing industries, such as
steel, face competition from countries that do not face the costs of such a system.
Some regions and industries would experience substantially higher rates of unemployment and job turnover as the program became increasingly stringent. That transition could be particularly difficult for
individuals employed in those industries (such as the coal industry) or living in
those regions (such as Appalachia). However, any aggregate change in
unemployment would be small compared with the normal rate of job turnover in
the economy.
Are Americans willing to send more of our dwindling job market overseas while facing such an permanent increase in across-the-board prices here at home?
I do support the US developing alternative energy sources, but we do not have to throw the baby out with the bath water to achieve that result.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
America's dangerously naive Foreign Policy
Our troops continue to be killed in Afghanistan as Obama dithers on whether to send his generals their requested 40,000 troops or come up with any sort of policy. To show our military that he knows their needs better than they do, he is quietly sending 13,000 more troops. He can not decide on what the final number should be.
The president continues to insist on meeting with Iran without preconditions. Despite the IAEA's warnings that Iran is close to developing nuclear weapons. During the campaign last year Hillary Clinton cautioned against such a stupid move. During the campaign, Obama, himself said a nuclear Iran was not acceptable.
This weekend, N. Korea continued to thumb their nose at Obama as they launched a volley of missiles in a show of defiance.
Chavez has announced a deal to buy Russian missiles to be staioned to our south. When the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba, JFK stood them down.
Not Obama. He smiles and apologises.
Hillary is returning from Russia empty-handed, having achieved nothing on her foray to Russia. Obama sent her to meet with Russia's president, and was met with a "nyet" when she brought up sanctions against Iran.
This despite Obama's gesture of abandoning our European allies missile defense shield.
How does our naive president respond to this slap down?
He grants the Russians access to our nuclear sites, knowing that Russia is looking to develop their next generation of nuclear weapons.
Tentative Inspection Program Would Allow Russia to Visit U.S. Nuclear Sites
The plan, which Fox News has learned was agreed to in principle during negotiations, would constitute the most intrusive weapons inspection program the U.S. has ever accepted.
Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads.
What did Obama get in return for compromising our security? Nothing!
Obama not satisfied whith the speed to which he can let our former & current adversaries access to our miltary, has also invited the Chinese into the Pentagon. He forgot how many military secrets the Chinese stole when Clinton allowed them acccess to Los Alamos, NM, nuclear facilities. So he is doomed to repeat the same naive history.
What is he getting from the Chinese for compromising our national defense? Nothing.
China's second-ranking military officer will travel to Washington later this month on a week-long visit designed to promote trust and avoid "misunderstandings," the Pentagon said Wednesday.
General Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the People's Liberation Army central military commission, will hold high-level meetings from October 24-31 and visit military commands and bases across the United States, press secretary Geoff Morrell told a news conference.
I hope the US can survive a reckless presidency until he gets booted to the curb in 2012.
The president continues to insist on meeting with Iran without preconditions. Despite the IAEA's warnings that Iran is close to developing nuclear weapons. During the campaign last year Hillary Clinton cautioned against such a stupid move. During the campaign, Obama, himself said a nuclear Iran was not acceptable.
This weekend, N. Korea continued to thumb their nose at Obama as they launched a volley of missiles in a show of defiance.
Chavez has announced a deal to buy Russian missiles to be staioned to our south. When the Soviets tried to put missiles in Cuba, JFK stood them down.
Not Obama. He smiles and apologises.
Hillary is returning from Russia empty-handed, having achieved nothing on her foray to Russia. Obama sent her to meet with Russia's president, and was met with a "nyet" when she brought up sanctions against Iran.
This despite Obama's gesture of abandoning our European allies missile defense shield.
How does our naive president respond to this slap down?
He grants the Russians access to our nuclear sites, knowing that Russia is looking to develop their next generation of nuclear weapons.
Tentative Inspection Program Would Allow Russia to Visit U.S. Nuclear Sites
The plan, which Fox News has learned was agreed to in principle during negotiations, would constitute the most intrusive weapons inspection program the U.S. has ever accepted.
Russia and the United States have tentatively agreed to a weapons inspection program that would allow Russians to visit nuclear sites in America to count missiles and warheads.
What did Obama get in return for compromising our security? Nothing!
Obama not satisfied whith the speed to which he can let our former & current adversaries access to our miltary, has also invited the Chinese into the Pentagon. He forgot how many military secrets the Chinese stole when Clinton allowed them acccess to Los Alamos, NM, nuclear facilities. So he is doomed to repeat the same naive history.
What is he getting from the Chinese for compromising our national defense? Nothing.
China's second-ranking military officer will travel to Washington later this month on a week-long visit designed to promote trust and avoid "misunderstandings," the Pentagon said Wednesday.
General Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the People's Liberation Army central military commission, will hold high-level meetings from October 24-31 and visit military commands and bases across the United States, press secretary Geoff Morrell told a news conference.
I hope the US can survive a reckless presidency until he gets booted to the curb in 2012.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The great "Climate Change" heist
I was interested when I first heard the potential impending global destruction that would result from our failing to make drastic cuts to our carbon imprint. We were told that if we do not cut our use of fossil fuels the earths temps would melt the ice caps and raise the sea level.
Twenty years ago the UN warned that we had 10 years to act in order to save the planet.
We all saw the charts showing an increase in global temps.
I can’t help but notice that the alarmists have managed to position themselves to personally benefit if the world will embrace their claims.
Al Gore comes to mind. When he was questioned at an event last week in Wisconsin about the inaccuracies of his film “An Inconvenient Truth”, the questioners microphone was cut off. Gore did not take more questions.
If Gore believed his own prophesy, would he continue to fly by private jet that leaves such a huge “carbon footprint”? Would his home use 20x the energy of the average home?
These alarmists stopped using their charts a few years ago when it became apparent that the increase in temps ceased in 1998.
These same alarmists who go around yelling “the sky is falling” ignore a basic fact.
Our earth has gone through heating & cooling cycles for millions of years. Long before there were any cars.
They do not want to discuss the earths natural cycles, because that would undermine their attempts to steal more of our money with a phony Cap & Trade ruse.
Bring up the fact of the cooler temps we have experienced the past several years and the alarmists eyes glaze over.
They go so far as to bury reports that do not support their claims.
Cap & Trade is a naked attempt to create a new scheme to get other peoples money. A lot of the money will go to poorer nations.
I do favor becoming less dependent on foreign fuel sources.
We could develop alternative fuels to get off foreign supplies. Solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear are available. So is using our own coal, natural gas, and oil deposits.
Cap & Trade will be the largest confiscatory “tax” ever imposed on Americans.
They want to start a new industry, for their profit, and they want us to fund it for them.
Climate change has many scientists that support the theory. There are also many scientists who claim it is wrong.
If we all stopped driving tomorrow would the earths natural heating & cooling cycles stop? No.
On Sunday the left-leaning BBC had this to say:
Despite a massive campaign involving the United Nations and most of the world’s industrialized nations and establishment media, the globe is not warming but in fact may actually be cooling, according to new research detailed by the BBC.
In a story published Sunday, the premiere British journalism organization said that scientists have not observed any increase in global temperatures. In fact, the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.
“And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise,” the article points out.
China & India have said they will not agree to these cuts. If we go forward with them, we will put the US at a competetive disadvantage. Our industries will be burdened with additional costs that these other countries will not be. Companies will simply move their production off-shore.
Commerce Secretary, Locke has publicly said that the US should pay for China’s carbon emissions. That is one of the stupidist comments uttered in this debate.
Soon the Democrats are going to attempt to impose the Cap & Trade bill on us. They want our money.
Voters will have to take a stand & speak out against this blatant heist of our remaining wealth. To allow it to get passed will cause an across the board increase in prices. Similar to the VAT that several Dems have suggested.
Americans do need to be smart on energy, but we can not afford the democrats Cap & Tax scam.
Anyone see the amount of snow out west this weekend. Denver Rockies had their baseball game cancelled due to bad weather. Not rain, but snow.
Twenty years ago the UN warned that we had 10 years to act in order to save the planet.
We all saw the charts showing an increase in global temps.
I can’t help but notice that the alarmists have managed to position themselves to personally benefit if the world will embrace their claims.
Al Gore comes to mind. When he was questioned at an event last week in Wisconsin about the inaccuracies of his film “An Inconvenient Truth”, the questioners microphone was cut off. Gore did not take more questions.
If Gore believed his own prophesy, would he continue to fly by private jet that leaves such a huge “carbon footprint”? Would his home use 20x the energy of the average home?
These alarmists stopped using their charts a few years ago when it became apparent that the increase in temps ceased in 1998.
These same alarmists who go around yelling “the sky is falling” ignore a basic fact.
Our earth has gone through heating & cooling cycles for millions of years. Long before there were any cars.
They do not want to discuss the earths natural cycles, because that would undermine their attempts to steal more of our money with a phony Cap & Trade ruse.
Bring up the fact of the cooler temps we have experienced the past several years and the alarmists eyes glaze over.
They go so far as to bury reports that do not support their claims.
Cap & Trade is a naked attempt to create a new scheme to get other peoples money. A lot of the money will go to poorer nations.
I do favor becoming less dependent on foreign fuel sources.
We could develop alternative fuels to get off foreign supplies. Solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear are available. So is using our own coal, natural gas, and oil deposits.
Cap & Trade will be the largest confiscatory “tax” ever imposed on Americans.
They want to start a new industry, for their profit, and they want us to fund it for them.
Climate change has many scientists that support the theory. There are also many scientists who claim it is wrong.
If we all stopped driving tomorrow would the earths natural heating & cooling cycles stop? No.
On Sunday the left-leaning BBC had this to say:
Despite a massive campaign involving the United Nations and most of the world’s industrialized nations and establishment media, the globe is not warming but in fact may actually be cooling, according to new research detailed by the BBC.
In a story published Sunday, the premiere British journalism organization said that scientists have not observed any increase in global temperatures. In fact, the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.
“And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise,” the article points out.
China & India have said they will not agree to these cuts. If we go forward with them, we will put the US at a competetive disadvantage. Our industries will be burdened with additional costs that these other countries will not be. Companies will simply move their production off-shore.
Commerce Secretary, Locke has publicly said that the US should pay for China’s carbon emissions. That is one of the stupidist comments uttered in this debate.
Soon the Democrats are going to attempt to impose the Cap & Trade bill on us. They want our money.
Voters will have to take a stand & speak out against this blatant heist of our remaining wealth. To allow it to get passed will cause an across the board increase in prices. Similar to the VAT that several Dems have suggested.
Americans do need to be smart on energy, but we can not afford the democrats Cap & Tax scam.
Anyone see the amount of snow out west this weekend. Denver Rockies had their baseball game cancelled due to bad weather. Not rain, but snow.
Cap and Trade,
Friday, October 9, 2009
Obama and the cheapened Nobel Peace Prize
There was a time when winning the Nobel Peace Prize was a badge of honor that the recipient and their country could point to with pride.
That is no longer the case with the announcement Obama has won, based not on accomplishment, but on "promise".
The committee cited his promise and goals, and accepted his nomination after only 12 days in office. Submission of nominations deadline was February.
The world gasped this morning with the announcement, few believe the prize had merit.
As for the educated, it was quite a different story as disbelief circled the globe faster than the drop in the presidents poll numbers. Even the Muslim community which was mentioned by the committee believe the award undeserved and premature.
The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip and opposes a peace treaty with Israel, said the award was premature at best.
"Obama has a long way to go still and lots of work to do before he can deserve a reward," said Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri. "Obama only made promises and did not contribute any substance to world peace. And he has not done anything to ensure justice for the sake of Arab and Muslim causes."
Issam al-Khazraji, a day laborer in Baghdad, said: "He doesn't deserve this prize. All these problems -- Iraq, Afghanistan -- have not been solved...The man of 'change' hasn't changed anything yet."
Liaqat Baluch, a senior leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a conservative religious party in Pakistan, called the award an embarrassing "joke."
Comment: absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize
Rarely has an award had such an obvious political and partisan intent. It was clearly seen by the Norwegian Nobel committee as a way of expressing European gratitude for an end to the Bush Administration, approval for the election of America’s first black president and hope that Washington will honour its promise to re-engage with the world.
Instead, the prize risks looking preposterous in its claims, patronising in its intentions and demeaning in its attempt to build up a man who has barely begun his period in office, let alone achieved any tangible outcome for peace.
East-West relations are little better than they were six months ago, and any change is probably due largely to the global economic downturn; and America’s vaunted determination to re-engage with the Muslim world has failed to make any concrete progress towards ending the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
There is a further irony in offering a peace prize to a president whose principal preoccupation at the moment is when and how to expand the war in Afghanistan.
Analysis: He won, but for what?
For one of America's youngest presidents, in office less than nine months — and only for 12 days before the Nobel nomination deadline last February — it was an enormous honor.
He was nominated 12 days into his presidency!! Since then he has destroyed the morale of the troops fighting two wars, who have no clear guidance of what they are trying to accomplish nor how they are to do it.
American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains
“The many soldiers who come to see us have a sense of futility and anger about being here. They are really in a state of depression and despair and just want to get back to their families,” said Captain Jeff Masengale, of the 10th Mountain Division’s 2-87 Infantry Battalion.
“They feel they are risking their lives for progress that’s hard to discern,” said Captain Sam Rico, of the Division’s 4-25 Field Artillery Battalion. “They are tired, strained, confused and just want to get through.” The chaplains said that they were speaking out because the men could not.
Our disheartened troops that are dying every day while Obama dithers on an Afghan policy will certainly be uplifted that, despite no peace, their Commander-in Chief has won the Peace Prize!!
The award will never be viewed the same again. It has been cheapened beyond recognition and will never regain the status and esteem it once enjoyed.
So while the White House and American liberals on the fringe applaud the announcement, the rest of the world is aghast.
As an aside, Ghandi was nominated 5 times for his life's work......he never won.
That is no longer the case with the announcement Obama has won, based not on accomplishment, but on "promise".
The committee cited his promise and goals, and accepted his nomination after only 12 days in office. Submission of nominations deadline was February.
The world gasped this morning with the announcement, few believe the prize had merit.
As for the educated, it was quite a different story as disbelief circled the globe faster than the drop in the presidents poll numbers. Even the Muslim community which was mentioned by the committee believe the award undeserved and premature.
The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip and opposes a peace treaty with Israel, said the award was premature at best.
"Obama has a long way to go still and lots of work to do before he can deserve a reward," said Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri. "Obama only made promises and did not contribute any substance to world peace. And he has not done anything to ensure justice for the sake of Arab and Muslim causes."
Issam al-Khazraji, a day laborer in Baghdad, said: "He doesn't deserve this prize. All these problems -- Iraq, Afghanistan -- have not been solved...The man of 'change' hasn't changed anything yet."
Liaqat Baluch, a senior leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a conservative religious party in Pakistan, called the award an embarrassing "joke."
Comment: absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize
Rarely has an award had such an obvious political and partisan intent. It was clearly seen by the Norwegian Nobel committee as a way of expressing European gratitude for an end to the Bush Administration, approval for the election of America’s first black president and hope that Washington will honour its promise to re-engage with the world.
Instead, the prize risks looking preposterous in its claims, patronising in its intentions and demeaning in its attempt to build up a man who has barely begun his period in office, let alone achieved any tangible outcome for peace.
East-West relations are little better than they were six months ago, and any change is probably due largely to the global economic downturn; and America’s vaunted determination to re-engage with the Muslim world has failed to make any concrete progress towards ending the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
There is a further irony in offering a peace prize to a president whose principal preoccupation at the moment is when and how to expand the war in Afghanistan.
Analysis: He won, but for what?
For one of America's youngest presidents, in office less than nine months — and only for 12 days before the Nobel nomination deadline last February — it was an enormous honor.
He was nominated 12 days into his presidency!! Since then he has destroyed the morale of the troops fighting two wars, who have no clear guidance of what they are trying to accomplish nor how they are to do it.
American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains
“The many soldiers who come to see us have a sense of futility and anger about being here. They are really in a state of depression and despair and just want to get back to their families,” said Captain Jeff Masengale, of the 10th Mountain Division’s 2-87 Infantry Battalion.
“They feel they are risking their lives for progress that’s hard to discern,” said Captain Sam Rico, of the Division’s 4-25 Field Artillery Battalion. “They are tired, strained, confused and just want to get through.” The chaplains said that they were speaking out because the men could not.
Our disheartened troops that are dying every day while Obama dithers on an Afghan policy will certainly be uplifted that, despite no peace, their Commander-in Chief has won the Peace Prize!!
The award will never be viewed the same again. It has been cheapened beyond recognition and will never regain the status and esteem it once enjoyed.
So while the White House and American liberals on the fringe applaud the announcement, the rest of the world is aghast.
As an aside, Ghandi was nominated 5 times for his life's work......he never won.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mr. President, while you were in Copenhagen.......
While our president was in Copenhagen last week, tending to the high priority matter of securing the Olympics for Chicago, another issue was playing out in other parts of the world. The other event did not even register as a blip on the administrations radar screen.
OPEC and other nations are in discussions on use of the dollar for oil trade, I see a key player missing from the talks regarding the US’ economic fate.
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.
The plans, confirmed to The Independent by both Gulf Arab and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong, may help to explain the sudden rise in gold prices, but it also augurs an extraordinary transition from dollar markets within nine years.
Our president & administration are not taking part in these talks that will have a huge impact on our future.
Certainly this is something Obama should be involved in. This is some of the heavy lifting we expect our president to involve himself in.
It may not be as exciting as jet-setting off to Copenhagen in a failed Olympic bid, but it will have more relevance & impact on the voters.
Obama is missing in action on this important issue.
Where is the leadership, Mr. President?
The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the “privilege” of building a huge trade deficit.
“Important progress in managing imbalances can be made by reducing the reserve currency country?s ‘privilege’ to run external deficits in order to provide international liquidity,“ UN undersecretary-general for economic and social affairs, Sha Zukang, said.
Speaking at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Istanbul, he said: “It is timely to emphasise that such a system also creates a more equitable method of sharing the seigniorage derived from providing global liquidity.“
He said: “Greater use of a truly global reserve currency, such as the IMF?s special drawing rights (SDRs), enables the seigniorage gained to be deployed for development purposes,“ he said.
The SDRs are the asset used in IMF transactions and are based on a basket of four currencies—the dollar, euro, yen and pound—which is calculated daily.
China had called in March for a new dominant world reserve currency instead of the dollar, in a system within the framework of the Washington-based IMF.
I work with organizational development, identifying opportunities for performance improvement and showing my employer how to strategically align OD with the organizational mission & strategy. I am also involved with designing training programs to support these efforts.
One of the things I find is that my organization loses focus on what is important if not actively kept on track. We sometimes get confused in prioritizing.
This is what I see with this administration.
Who sets this agenda and prioritizes the initiatives?
It appears they are more interested in only the "low hanging fruit", getting the photo-ops and hoping the more arduous topics disappear.
Flying off to Copenhagen while Rome burns is a character trait of Obama that I do not find very endearing.
In fact it is dangerous.
OPEC and other nations are in discussions on use of the dollar for oil trade, I see a key player missing from the talks regarding the US’ economic fate.
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.
The plans, confirmed to The Independent by both Gulf Arab and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong, may help to explain the sudden rise in gold prices, but it also augurs an extraordinary transition from dollar markets within nine years.
Our president & administration are not taking part in these talks that will have a huge impact on our future.
Certainly this is something Obama should be involved in. This is some of the heavy lifting we expect our president to involve himself in.
It may not be as exciting as jet-setting off to Copenhagen in a failed Olympic bid, but it will have more relevance & impact on the voters.
Obama is missing in action on this important issue.
Where is the leadership, Mr. President?
The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the “privilege” of building a huge trade deficit.
“Important progress in managing imbalances can be made by reducing the reserve currency country?s ‘privilege’ to run external deficits in order to provide international liquidity,“ UN undersecretary-general for economic and social affairs, Sha Zukang, said.
Speaking at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Istanbul, he said: “It is timely to emphasise that such a system also creates a more equitable method of sharing the seigniorage derived from providing global liquidity.“
He said: “Greater use of a truly global reserve currency, such as the IMF?s special drawing rights (SDRs), enables the seigniorage gained to be deployed for development purposes,“ he said.
The SDRs are the asset used in IMF transactions and are based on a basket of four currencies—the dollar, euro, yen and pound—which is calculated daily.
China had called in March for a new dominant world reserve currency instead of the dollar, in a system within the framework of the Washington-based IMF.
I work with organizational development, identifying opportunities for performance improvement and showing my employer how to strategically align OD with the organizational mission & strategy. I am also involved with designing training programs to support these efforts.
One of the things I find is that my organization loses focus on what is important if not actively kept on track. We sometimes get confused in prioritizing.
This is what I see with this administration.
Who sets this agenda and prioritizes the initiatives?
It appears they are more interested in only the "low hanging fruit", getting the photo-ops and hoping the more arduous topics disappear.
Flying off to Copenhagen while Rome burns is a character trait of Obama that I do not find very endearing.
In fact it is dangerous.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Obama & the Wimp Factor
The emerging picture of Obama and his foreign policy should come as no surprise to Americans familiar with a Democratic presidency.
In the past it has been termed the "Wimp Factor".
I was reading a more contemporary version of this phenomenon called the 'Beta Male'.
The analogy was used in comparing dogs behavior. It discussed how Alpha dogs are dominant and Beta dogs are submissive.
Obama is assigned the role of 'Beta dog' on the world stage.
In the analogy, the beta dog greets alpha dogs by bowing and exposing his neck to the worlds alpha dogs. This lets the alpha dog know that the beta dog has no intention of challenging him. In this case Obama is exposing Americas collective neck.
Obama gave a beta response to the disclosure of Iran's nuclear ambitions recently. After stating in the campaign that a nuclear Iran would be unacceptable, how did he respond?
His response was to go against conventional wisdom, and agree to our State meet with Iran face-to-face without preconditions. We can all remember Hillary Clinton advising against such a move.
Saturday Night Live did a skit on this last year in which Obama was shown calling Hillary late at night seeking advice. He was in a predictament and did not know what to do. Hillary calmly talked him through the crisis.
Beta's are at a loss when the call comes for firm resolve.
Obama lacks the ability to confront those that need confronting. Beta's back down in the face of adversity.
He has repeatedly shown his inability to work with our allies Sarkozy & Merkel. He can not cooperate with them for fear he might be called upon to exercise alpha behaviors that are foreign to him.
The beta male is concerned with avoiding aggression of the alphas'. Around the world we have a lineup of alpha males, although in the case of Merkel, she is an aplha female.
The despots such as Chavez, Ortega, Jong Il, Ahmadinejad et al., are all salivating at the prospects of spanking Obama on the world stage.
Chavez is now buying missiles and weaponry from Russia. What was Obama's response to this announcement? Nothing, nada!!
In Afghanistan, Obama promised to rely on the recommendations of his Generals. These Generals prepared a report that calls for an additional 40,000 troops.
Obama has chastised General McChrystal for putting him in a bind. During a speech in London, McChrystal did not support Obama's plan for Afghanistan.
Insiders say that the Obama plan offers no winnable solution and leaves allied forces short changed.
While Obama dithers on such a commitment, more & more of our kids are being slaughtered by his indecisiveness.
Putin already has stared down Obama. He demanded the abandonment of our allies in Poland & Czech Republic, and Obama submissively complied to the Putin demands.
As reward for suppressing American & NATO interests, Putin is now working closely with Hugo Chavez, which I will address shortly.
When Obama approached Merkel & Sarkozy and invited them to join the US in deficit producing stimulus spending, both leaders gave a resounding "no".
Both countries are now enjoying their respective countries economic recovery while America's economy continues to shed jobs.
On the question of Climate Change, Obama is willing to commit the US to a competetive disadvantage by cutting our greenhouse gases, while China & India go unabated.
In short, US companies will have to comply with these punitive greenhouse measures, thus cutting our ability to compete with countries who do not abide with them.
At the UN, Obama put the world on notice that he is willing to give up our nuclear arsenal adavntage. Obama proposed slashing our arsenal without securing a firm commitment from Russia.
Putin did agree to talks on the subject without making such declarations.
So folks, as long as we have a Beta Male in the White House, we will have to pray that Hillary keeps her ringer volume set on 'high' when she goes to bed at night.
The world does not question her testosterone levels.
Obama on the other hand..............
As for closing the alpha/beta analogy.
The worlds alpha's will continue to look for ways to exploit Obama and make him their female dog.
In the past it has been termed the "Wimp Factor".
I was reading a more contemporary version of this phenomenon called the 'Beta Male'.
The analogy was used in comparing dogs behavior. It discussed how Alpha dogs are dominant and Beta dogs are submissive.
Obama is assigned the role of 'Beta dog' on the world stage.
In the analogy, the beta dog greets alpha dogs by bowing and exposing his neck to the worlds alpha dogs. This lets the alpha dog know that the beta dog has no intention of challenging him. In this case Obama is exposing Americas collective neck.
Obama gave a beta response to the disclosure of Iran's nuclear ambitions recently. After stating in the campaign that a nuclear Iran would be unacceptable, how did he respond?
His response was to go against conventional wisdom, and agree to our State meet with Iran face-to-face without preconditions. We can all remember Hillary Clinton advising against such a move.
Saturday Night Live did a skit on this last year in which Obama was shown calling Hillary late at night seeking advice. He was in a predictament and did not know what to do. Hillary calmly talked him through the crisis.
Beta's are at a loss when the call comes for firm resolve.
Obama lacks the ability to confront those that need confronting. Beta's back down in the face of adversity.
He has repeatedly shown his inability to work with our allies Sarkozy & Merkel. He can not cooperate with them for fear he might be called upon to exercise alpha behaviors that are foreign to him.
The beta male is concerned with avoiding aggression of the alphas'. Around the world we have a lineup of alpha males, although in the case of Merkel, she is an aplha female.
The despots such as Chavez, Ortega, Jong Il, Ahmadinejad et al., are all salivating at the prospects of spanking Obama on the world stage.
Chavez is now buying missiles and weaponry from Russia. What was Obama's response to this announcement? Nothing, nada!!
In Afghanistan, Obama promised to rely on the recommendations of his Generals. These Generals prepared a report that calls for an additional 40,000 troops.
Obama has chastised General McChrystal for putting him in a bind. During a speech in London, McChrystal did not support Obama's plan for Afghanistan.
Insiders say that the Obama plan offers no winnable solution and leaves allied forces short changed.
While Obama dithers on such a commitment, more & more of our kids are being slaughtered by his indecisiveness.
Putin already has stared down Obama. He demanded the abandonment of our allies in Poland & Czech Republic, and Obama submissively complied to the Putin demands.
As reward for suppressing American & NATO interests, Putin is now working closely with Hugo Chavez, which I will address shortly.
When Obama approached Merkel & Sarkozy and invited them to join the US in deficit producing stimulus spending, both leaders gave a resounding "no".
Both countries are now enjoying their respective countries economic recovery while America's economy continues to shed jobs.
On the question of Climate Change, Obama is willing to commit the US to a competetive disadvantage by cutting our greenhouse gases, while China & India go unabated.
In short, US companies will have to comply with these punitive greenhouse measures, thus cutting our ability to compete with countries who do not abide with them.
At the UN, Obama put the world on notice that he is willing to give up our nuclear arsenal adavntage. Obama proposed slashing our arsenal without securing a firm commitment from Russia.
Putin did agree to talks on the subject without making such declarations.
So folks, as long as we have a Beta Male in the White House, we will have to pray that Hillary keeps her ringer volume set on 'high' when she goes to bed at night.
The world does not question her testosterone levels.
Obama on the other hand..............
As for closing the alpha/beta analogy.
The worlds alpha's will continue to look for ways to exploit Obama and make him their female dog.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Obama dangerously believes the world revolves around him
Obama who continues to be more interested in his own cult of personality than actually performing the job of president is making many nervous and frustrated.
The guy is distracted by building his own image and brand than he is in finding real solutions to our nations problems.
The way he performs his job is quite telling and dangerous.
He wants to stand up & take a bow for other peoples work, and self-congratulate himself at our countries peril.
Domestically, Obama claimed a great need for a stimulus. With it he would hold unemployment to 8%. He got the stimulus rhammed through Congress and our representatives were not given time to read it. What choice did they have? They were told the sky would fall if they didn't act that afternoon. They passed it.
Instead of running the emergency legislation to the White House for Obama's signature, he bowed ans self-congratulated himself for its passage. As soon as the photographers left, so did he. He went to Chicago for four days of rest, without signing this emergency bill.
Same with Cap & Trade. Rhammed it through without members reading the bill. It is only the largest tax increase to be levied against the American public in the country's history. Why read it. Once again, Obama took a bow.
In both instances he implored Congress to act. He failed to give leadership or guidance on either piece of legislation.
Now we have our economy still floundering as his policies have failed to give any relief, and he insists that health care is yet another emergency. He gave Congress until the August recess to act. They didn't get it done on time. Why? Because the American voters decided to do the job of congress and actually read the bill.
What they found was disturbing. They stood up & spoke out.
The biased media called them Nazi's, unAmerican, and racists for daring to question such a plan.
Obama did what he always does when given the opportunity. He went on TV. He had been on more TV at this point than any previous president. He doesn't really say anything new, but at least he is kind enough to allow the little people to see & hear him.
He attempted to use the children to reach their parents. He even sent out topics for the teachers to discuss. When the voters got word of this impending indoctrination, they protested.
So Obama changed his speech to try to dissuade his critics. Never mind that the speech he gave did not match the instructions given to the teachers. Upon finishing the speech, he took a bow and asked what all the criticism was about.
I would be remiss not to mention the "Czars" appointed under Obama.
Van Jones finally resigned. He was the self avowed communist & black nationalist, who had been appointed as our 'Green Czar'.
There is Cass Sunstein, our 'Regulatory Czar'. He has written and spoke that he believes it is highly "desirable" for American wealth to be redistributed to poor countries. He also believes that we should have a new constitution by 2020 that grants a new 'Bill of Rights' embracing every liberal cause you can think of.
Have to include John Holdren, the 'Science Czar'. He is for forced abortion, and population control. Removing children from unmarried mothers. He cowrote 'Ecoscience' that can be googled. He is about the most bizarre of the bunch.
Kevin Jennings is our 'Safe School Czar'. He is charged with keeping our kids safe in school.
He is a former teacher who had a 15 yo. boy confide to him that the boy was being sexually abused by an adult male. The law states clearly that such a staement is to be reported to authorities. He chose not to and advised the boy to use a condom.
Another incident was the "fistgate" scandal in which he led discussions at a seminar where "young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including 'fisting,'" the website said.
Yet another was Jennings' address in a New York City church on March 20, 2000. He said:
"Twenty percent of people are hard-core fair-minded [pro-homosexual] people. Twenty percent are hard-core [anti-homosexual] bigots. We need to ignore the hard-core bigots, get more of the hard-core fair-minded people to speak up, and we’ll pull that 60 percent [of people in the middle] over to our side. That's really what I think our strategy has to be. We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit — I’m trying to find a way to say this. I’m trying not to say, '[F—] 'em!' which is what I want to say, because I don’t care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead!"
Jennings was appointed the assistant deputy secretary in the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the U.S. Department of Education. He founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which "makes schools safe for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity."
On domestic & foreign policy issues Obama fluctuates between eglomaniac and narcassist.
On foreign policy he puts his own personal interests ahead of Americas or the worlds interests. Its all about him.
He treats allies as enemies and naively treats enemies as allies.
He caved into Russian pressure to abandon a missile shield based in Poland & the Czech Republic. I agree with the decision, but would not have promised it in the first place. They can buy their own.
In April he claimed it was needed and said so during a public speech in Prague. The crowd roared with approval, and he took a bow.
In announcing his decision to scrap the program, he said it was because Iran did not have the means to produce a nuclear weapon or a missile to reach Europe, and wouldn't for some time.
That was another of his oft told lies.
He was told before coming into office what the real situation was with Iran. They are on the cusp of being capable of producing nuclear weapons and delivering them much further than he said in his speech.
Iran proved it the next day when they began war games & test firing a series of medium and short-range missiles.
Last week at the UN, while flanked by the UK's Brown & France's Sarkozy, he claimed to believe the world would be free of nuclear weapons. Even while he was making this proclamation he knew the truth about Iran.
The foreign leaders had the same info on Iran, but were frustrated with Obama not wanting to confront Iran.
Both countries wanted to confront Iran a day earlier at the United Nations. Mr. Obama was, after all, chairing a Security Council session devoted to nonproliferation. The latest evidence of Iran's illegal moves toward acquiring a nuclear weapon was in hand. With the world's leaders gathered in New York, the timing and venue would be a dramatic way to rally international opinion.
President Sarkozy in particular pushed hard. He had been "frustrated" for months about Mr. Obama's reluctance to confront Iran, a senior French government official told us, and saw an opportunity to change momentum. But the Administration told the French that it didn't want to "spoil the image of success" for Mr. Obama's debut at the U.N. and his homily calling for a world without nuclear weapons, according to the Paris daily Le Monde. So the Iran bombshell was pushed back a day to Pittsburgh, where the G-20 were meeting to discuss economic policy.
"We are right to talk about the future," Mr. Sarkozy said, referring to the U.S. resolution on strengthening arms control treaties. "But the present comes before the future, and the present includes two major nuclear crises," i.e., Iran and North Korea. "We live in the real world, not in a virtual one." No prize for guessing into which world the Frenchman puts Mr. Obama.
"We say that we must reduce," he went on. "President Obama himself has said that he dreams of a world without nuclear weapons. Before our very eyes, two countries are doing exactly the opposite at this very moment. Since 2005, Iran has violated five Security Council Resolutions . . .
"I support America's 'extended hand.' But what have these proposals for dialogue produced for the international community? Nothing but more enriched uranium and more centrifuges. And last but not least, it has resulted in a statement by Iranian leaders calling for wiping off the map a Member of the United Nations. What are we to do? What conclusions are we to draw? At a certain moment hard facts will force us to make decisions."
We thought we'd never see the day when the President of France shows more resolve than America's Commander in Chief for confronting one of the gravest challenges to global security. But here we are.
I won't go into the Obama mistakes regarding capitulation to the UN. on several matters.
The guy is distracted by building his own image and brand than he is in finding real solutions to our nations problems.
The way he performs his job is quite telling and dangerous.
He wants to stand up & take a bow for other peoples work, and self-congratulate himself at our countries peril.
Domestically, Obama claimed a great need for a stimulus. With it he would hold unemployment to 8%. He got the stimulus rhammed through Congress and our representatives were not given time to read it. What choice did they have? They were told the sky would fall if they didn't act that afternoon. They passed it.
Instead of running the emergency legislation to the White House for Obama's signature, he bowed ans self-congratulated himself for its passage. As soon as the photographers left, so did he. He went to Chicago for four days of rest, without signing this emergency bill.
Same with Cap & Trade. Rhammed it through without members reading the bill. It is only the largest tax increase to be levied against the American public in the country's history. Why read it. Once again, Obama took a bow.
In both instances he implored Congress to act. He failed to give leadership or guidance on either piece of legislation.
Now we have our economy still floundering as his policies have failed to give any relief, and he insists that health care is yet another emergency. He gave Congress until the August recess to act. They didn't get it done on time. Why? Because the American voters decided to do the job of congress and actually read the bill.
What they found was disturbing. They stood up & spoke out.
The biased media called them Nazi's, unAmerican, and racists for daring to question such a plan.
Obama did what he always does when given the opportunity. He went on TV. He had been on more TV at this point than any previous president. He doesn't really say anything new, but at least he is kind enough to allow the little people to see & hear him.
He attempted to use the children to reach their parents. He even sent out topics for the teachers to discuss. When the voters got word of this impending indoctrination, they protested.
So Obama changed his speech to try to dissuade his critics. Never mind that the speech he gave did not match the instructions given to the teachers. Upon finishing the speech, he took a bow and asked what all the criticism was about.
I would be remiss not to mention the "Czars" appointed under Obama.
Van Jones finally resigned. He was the self avowed communist & black nationalist, who had been appointed as our 'Green Czar'.
There is Cass Sunstein, our 'Regulatory Czar'. He has written and spoke that he believes it is highly "desirable" for American wealth to be redistributed to poor countries. He also believes that we should have a new constitution by 2020 that grants a new 'Bill of Rights' embracing every liberal cause you can think of.
Have to include John Holdren, the 'Science Czar'. He is for forced abortion, and population control. Removing children from unmarried mothers. He cowrote 'Ecoscience' that can be googled. He is about the most bizarre of the bunch.
Kevin Jennings is our 'Safe School Czar'. He is charged with keeping our kids safe in school.
He is a former teacher who had a 15 yo. boy confide to him that the boy was being sexually abused by an adult male. The law states clearly that such a staement is to be reported to authorities. He chose not to and advised the boy to use a condom.
Another incident was the "fistgate" scandal in which he led discussions at a seminar where "young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual perversions including 'fisting,'" the website said.
Yet another was Jennings' address in a New York City church on March 20, 2000. He said:
"Twenty percent of people are hard-core fair-minded [pro-homosexual] people. Twenty percent are hard-core [anti-homosexual] bigots. We need to ignore the hard-core bigots, get more of the hard-core fair-minded people to speak up, and we’ll pull that 60 percent [of people in the middle] over to our side. That's really what I think our strategy has to be. We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. We also have to quit — I’m trying to find a way to say this. I’m trying not to say, '[F—] 'em!' which is what I want to say, because I don’t care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead!"
Jennings was appointed the assistant deputy secretary in the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the U.S. Department of Education. He founded the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which "makes schools safe for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity."
On domestic & foreign policy issues Obama fluctuates between eglomaniac and narcassist.
On foreign policy he puts his own personal interests ahead of Americas or the worlds interests. Its all about him.
He treats allies as enemies and naively treats enemies as allies.
He caved into Russian pressure to abandon a missile shield based in Poland & the Czech Republic. I agree with the decision, but would not have promised it in the first place. They can buy their own.
In April he claimed it was needed and said so during a public speech in Prague. The crowd roared with approval, and he took a bow.
In announcing his decision to scrap the program, he said it was because Iran did not have the means to produce a nuclear weapon or a missile to reach Europe, and wouldn't for some time.
That was another of his oft told lies.
He was told before coming into office what the real situation was with Iran. They are on the cusp of being capable of producing nuclear weapons and delivering them much further than he said in his speech.
Iran proved it the next day when they began war games & test firing a series of medium and short-range missiles.
Last week at the UN, while flanked by the UK's Brown & France's Sarkozy, he claimed to believe the world would be free of nuclear weapons. Even while he was making this proclamation he knew the truth about Iran.
The foreign leaders had the same info on Iran, but were frustrated with Obama not wanting to confront Iran.
Both countries wanted to confront Iran a day earlier at the United Nations. Mr. Obama was, after all, chairing a Security Council session devoted to nonproliferation. The latest evidence of Iran's illegal moves toward acquiring a nuclear weapon was in hand. With the world's leaders gathered in New York, the timing and venue would be a dramatic way to rally international opinion.
President Sarkozy in particular pushed hard. He had been "frustrated" for months about Mr. Obama's reluctance to confront Iran, a senior French government official told us, and saw an opportunity to change momentum. But the Administration told the French that it didn't want to "spoil the image of success" for Mr. Obama's debut at the U.N. and his homily calling for a world without nuclear weapons, according to the Paris daily Le Monde. So the Iran bombshell was pushed back a day to Pittsburgh, where the G-20 were meeting to discuss economic policy.
"We are right to talk about the future," Mr. Sarkozy said, referring to the U.S. resolution on strengthening arms control treaties. "But the present comes before the future, and the present includes two major nuclear crises," i.e., Iran and North Korea. "We live in the real world, not in a virtual one." No prize for guessing into which world the Frenchman puts Mr. Obama.
"We say that we must reduce," he went on. "President Obama himself has said that he dreams of a world without nuclear weapons. Before our very eyes, two countries are doing exactly the opposite at this very moment. Since 2005, Iran has violated five Security Council Resolutions . . .
"I support America's 'extended hand.' But what have these proposals for dialogue produced for the international community? Nothing but more enriched uranium and more centrifuges. And last but not least, it has resulted in a statement by Iranian leaders calling for wiping off the map a Member of the United Nations. What are we to do? What conclusions are we to draw? At a certain moment hard facts will force us to make decisions."
We thought we'd never see the day when the President of France shows more resolve than America's Commander in Chief for confronting one of the gravest challenges to global security. But here we are.
I won't go into the Obama mistakes regarding capitulation to the UN. on several matters.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
State & Federal governments Draconian preparations for H1N1 Pandemic
Many citizens are concerned with the stepped up efforts of the state & federal governments dire warnings about a pending pandemic of the H1N1 flu. While I suspect it is largely a contrived pandemic, the preparations and related legislation arising the last two weeks is alarming.
My friends on the radical left will say I am fear mongering for discussing it. They will defend the measures being taken as "responsible". I believe the preparation that would be reasonable would be to keep reminding folks to wash their hands and cover their mouth when coughing.
We watched last week as the Iowa state government put Draconian measures in place to deal with the situation.
This week has seen the Massachusetts Senate pass similar legislation and I am providing a link to the actual bill, and some excerpts that highlight the reason I believe it to be Draconian. I shared with everyone a couple of weeks ago that I received a fax from Homeland Security that was a federal version of the state laws described here.
When reading the Massachusetts bill, you will realize this is not just about H1N1, but also, any other emergencies.
It allows confinement of individuals to private or public premises
It allows seizure and destruction of both private and public property
Provides for fines up to $1,000 per day for noncompliance
Allows for the arrest and detainment of those not complying
Permits the government to force vaccination, treatment of both disease & injury
Provides for the healthcare providers to be deputized as it relates to the declared emergency
We have entered a new era in American life. Voters can not support such measures.
My friends on the radical left will say I am fear mongering for discussing it. They will defend the measures being taken as "responsible". I believe the preparation that would be reasonable would be to keep reminding folks to wash their hands and cover their mouth when coughing.
We watched last week as the Iowa state government put Draconian measures in place to deal with the situation.
This week has seen the Massachusetts Senate pass similar legislation and I am providing a link to the actual bill, and some excerpts that highlight the reason I believe it to be Draconian. I shared with everyone a couple of weeks ago that I received a fax from Homeland Security that was a federal version of the state laws described here.
When reading the Massachusetts bill, you will realize this is not just about H1N1, but also, any other emergencies.
It allows confinement of individuals to private or public premises
It allows seizure and destruction of both private and public property
Provides for fines up to $1,000 per day for noncompliance
Allows for the arrest and detainment of those not complying
Permits the government to force vaccination, treatment of both disease & injury
Provides for the healthcare providers to be deputized as it relates to the declared emergency
We have entered a new era in American life. Voters can not support such measures.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Obama & the radical left prepare their counter attack
Obama is preparing to put average Americans back in their place. After watching helplessly as average folks stood up in protest to a government takeover of our healthcare system, Obama and his thugs are prepping to hit back.
Obama was caught off-guard when the electorate decided it was time to speak out against his radical experiment. He wondered how the country that he so carefully lulled into voting for him suddenly think for themselves? They had been so compliant when he rammed the stimulus and Cap & Tax through. Why take notice of socialism now, he must have thought.
The spontaneity of the protests at the Town Hall meetings came out of nowhere. The crazies on the left were sent back on their heels. Many meetings were cancelled for fear the villagers would actually demand answers or worse.......accountability to the voters.
How dare they?
Over the next two weeks we will see several Town Halls full of Obamacare supporters. Despite the poor polling, it is going to appear that everyone suddenly supports this travesty.
What Obama has planned is to stage these pep rallies to mislead the public into believing America has had a change of heart. He is calling out his brigade of the Obama Youth Corp aka, Organizing for America. This is the same group of little thug-wannabes he used in last years campaign. Obama will couple this group with his union thugs and bus them from event to event.
This going to be 'astroturfing' on steroids.
Fortunately the voters are already onto this scam and are ready to tune out this kabuke theater.
Americans are much smarter than the left gives them credit for. It is insulting to voters to have their intelligence questioned by the fringe on the left. Does the left think they will pull this off? Voters have made up their minds. They do not want a government takeover.
Obama may decide to forgo any chance for a second term, but he should not make that decision for the rest of his party. It appears he is willing to risk his political career on this bill, and take his whole party down with him.
The left is going to try to win support for a trillion dollar program that will continue the financial crippling of our country's future long after these politicians are gone. They have abandoned any guise of actually addressing the problem of rising healthcare costs. Costs will continue to rise. Just all taxpayers will be taking up the slack for the less productive members of our society.
Government will have control of an additional 16% of our economy, and our health.
So hang onto your hats and watch what the radicals on the left have in store for the next few weeks. They are preparing to sell America a glass of p*ss & try to convince you its lemonade.
Obama was caught off-guard when the electorate decided it was time to speak out against his radical experiment. He wondered how the country that he so carefully lulled into voting for him suddenly think for themselves? They had been so compliant when he rammed the stimulus and Cap & Tax through. Why take notice of socialism now, he must have thought.
The spontaneity of the protests at the Town Hall meetings came out of nowhere. The crazies on the left were sent back on their heels. Many meetings were cancelled for fear the villagers would actually demand answers or worse.......accountability to the voters.
How dare they?
Over the next two weeks we will see several Town Halls full of Obamacare supporters. Despite the poor polling, it is going to appear that everyone suddenly supports this travesty.
What Obama has planned is to stage these pep rallies to mislead the public into believing America has had a change of heart. He is calling out his brigade of the Obama Youth Corp aka, Organizing for America. This is the same group of little thug-wannabes he used in last years campaign. Obama will couple this group with his union thugs and bus them from event to event.
This going to be 'astroturfing' on steroids.
Fortunately the voters are already onto this scam and are ready to tune out this kabuke theater.
Americans are much smarter than the left gives them credit for. It is insulting to voters to have their intelligence questioned by the fringe on the left. Does the left think they will pull this off? Voters have made up their minds. They do not want a government takeover.
Obama may decide to forgo any chance for a second term, but he should not make that decision for the rest of his party. It appears he is willing to risk his political career on this bill, and take his whole party down with him.
The left is going to try to win support for a trillion dollar program that will continue the financial crippling of our country's future long after these politicians are gone. They have abandoned any guise of actually addressing the problem of rising healthcare costs. Costs will continue to rise. Just all taxpayers will be taking up the slack for the less productive members of our society.
Government will have control of an additional 16% of our economy, and our health.
So hang onto your hats and watch what the radicals on the left have in store for the next few weeks. They are preparing to sell America a glass of p*ss & try to convince you its lemonade.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
'R' is for Recall
Thanks to Obama's economic illiteracy, the US saw a massive increase in foreclosures in July. A 7% increase in July over June.
The Congressional Democrats nor the Obama administration are doing anything to stem the tide as their citizens sink. There are no life preservers being thrown in their direction.
Folks, many of Obama's supporters are coming down with an upset stomach. It has been diagnosed as "buyers remorse".
They see his policies continue to fail and it is the voters who suffer as a result.
I say it is time to begin talk of another "R". No, not recession.
The word is RECALL. If we wait until 2012 to get rid of this guy it may be too late.
Obama and his thugs in the White House are bringing the wrong kind of 'change' to America. We no longer recognize the late great USA. What we have now resembles a totalitarian regime of government takeovers and massive irresponsible spending.
Same goes with the out-of-touch leadership on Capital Hill. This group is too lazy to read the legislation that their staff & lobbyists are writing. They complained about the deficits that took Bush & Republicans 8 years to run up. So what did they do? Did they bring it down when they had the chance?
No !! They increased it just 6 months.
If you mention cutting spending, their eyes glaze over, and their mouths go agape as if you are speaking a foreign language.
Just earlier this week, 'Nancy in Wonderland' tried to buy her royal self 8 luxury jets for more than $550 million taxpayer dollars. Her constituents must be sending her too many 'poppers'. She is delusional!
Speaker Pelosi and her sock puppet, Steny Hoyer have taken to calling American voters Nazis and unAmerican. Really Nancy, put that bottle of poppers down long enough for your brain to clear.
Next fall we need to vote Nancy-in-Wonderland out of office in the midterm election.
Obama needs to be recalled, and sent back to academia.
The America that God so generously blessed for over 200 years; Obama and the radical left has cursed in just 6 months.
The Congressional Democrats nor the Obama administration are doing anything to stem the tide as their citizens sink. There are no life preservers being thrown in their direction.
Folks, many of Obama's supporters are coming down with an upset stomach. It has been diagnosed as "buyers remorse".
They see his policies continue to fail and it is the voters who suffer as a result.
I say it is time to begin talk of another "R". No, not recession.
The word is RECALL. If we wait until 2012 to get rid of this guy it may be too late.
Obama and his thugs in the White House are bringing the wrong kind of 'change' to America. We no longer recognize the late great USA. What we have now resembles a totalitarian regime of government takeovers and massive irresponsible spending.
Same goes with the out-of-touch leadership on Capital Hill. This group is too lazy to read the legislation that their staff & lobbyists are writing. They complained about the deficits that took Bush & Republicans 8 years to run up. So what did they do? Did they bring it down when they had the chance?
No !! They increased it just 6 months.
If you mention cutting spending, their eyes glaze over, and their mouths go agape as if you are speaking a foreign language.
Just earlier this week, 'Nancy in Wonderland' tried to buy her royal self 8 luxury jets for more than $550 million taxpayer dollars. Her constituents must be sending her too many 'poppers'. She is delusional!
Speaker Pelosi and her sock puppet, Steny Hoyer have taken to calling American voters Nazis and unAmerican. Really Nancy, put that bottle of poppers down long enough for your brain to clear.
Next fall we need to vote Nancy-in-Wonderland out of office in the midterm election.
Obama needs to be recalled, and sent back to academia.
The America that God so generously blessed for over 200 years; Obama and the radical left has cursed in just 6 months.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Obamacare supporters advertise to hire a "grassroots supporters"
After spending the past few weeks accusing people of faking their protest against Obama's dangerous Socialized Medicine experiment, the truth is coming out of the radical lefts closet.
The radicals are used to getting their way. We have all been witness to their employment of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", where Alinsky instructs the left on how to force their radical agenda on an unsuspecting American public.
It is the part of the game plan they used to get Obama into the White House.
We have all heard the feigned screams from these radicals decrying real Americans taking a stand in opposition to the radical lefts attempts to turn the US into a socialist state.
They stole the banking sector, auto industry (which they kicked back to the unions with partial ownership), and forced through a stimulus bill that stimulated nothing.
They even got Cap & Tax passed in the House with nary a whimper.
I would be remiss if I did not remind readers that our elected officials continue to vote for these sham bills without reading them.
With the healthcare debate, voters are taking a stand.
The radical left is so used to getting their way that they were blindsided by the public reaction.
So they took to calling these protesters unAmerican. They claimed the protesters were being bused into these Town Hall meetings. Like I said before their false claims are being exposed.
Obama and his 'band-o-thugs' dispatched the SEIU (union goons)some of whom have been arrested for their violence at these meetings. The left has also been advertising to hire "grassroot supporters". Can anyone imagine if MLK had hired marchers?
Billionaire, George Soros funneled $ 5 million dollars this week to this every effort. They are advertising across the country, even on the infamous 'Craigslist'. You can go to Craigslist and type in 'Obama', then 'all jobs'.
If you check out craigslist, take note of the dates of the ads. You will realize the radicals were doing the very thing they are accusing average Americans of doing, before these Town Halls even began.
So when you hear these cries coming from healthcare supporters, falsely complaining, keep these tidbits in mind.
On a side note. I received a threat from a reader after my last blog entry. I saved it, and had some fun with the ole' girl.
DonsAdam (ponder that name), threatened to share with readers all the radical lefts talking points. I say good for him/her/it?!? Tallahassee must be proud of you!
The radicals are used to getting their way. We have all been witness to their employment of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", where Alinsky instructs the left on how to force their radical agenda on an unsuspecting American public.
It is the part of the game plan they used to get Obama into the White House.
We have all heard the feigned screams from these radicals decrying real Americans taking a stand in opposition to the radical lefts attempts to turn the US into a socialist state.
They stole the banking sector, auto industry (which they kicked back to the unions with partial ownership), and forced through a stimulus bill that stimulated nothing.
They even got Cap & Tax passed in the House with nary a whimper.
I would be remiss if I did not remind readers that our elected officials continue to vote for these sham bills without reading them.
With the healthcare debate, voters are taking a stand.
The radical left is so used to getting their way that they were blindsided by the public reaction.
So they took to calling these protesters unAmerican. They claimed the protesters were being bused into these Town Hall meetings. Like I said before their false claims are being exposed.
Obama and his 'band-o-thugs' dispatched the SEIU (union goons)some of whom have been arrested for their violence at these meetings. The left has also been advertising to hire "grassroot supporters". Can anyone imagine if MLK had hired marchers?
Billionaire, George Soros funneled $ 5 million dollars this week to this every effort. They are advertising across the country, even on the infamous 'Craigslist'. You can go to Craigslist and type in 'Obama', then 'all jobs'.
If you check out craigslist, take note of the dates of the ads. You will realize the radicals were doing the very thing they are accusing average Americans of doing, before these Town Halls even began.
So when you hear these cries coming from healthcare supporters, falsely complaining, keep these tidbits in mind.
On a side note. I received a threat from a reader after my last blog entry. I saved it, and had some fun with the ole' girl.
DonsAdam (ponder that name), threatened to share with readers all the radical lefts talking points. I say good for him/her/it?!? Tallahassee must be proud of you!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Defeat Socialized Medicine, and then Cap & Trade
Folks we do have the radical left reeling by standing up to their shamelessly radical Socialized Medicine agenda. I do hope our citizens keep the moderate Blue Dog Democrats & all Republicans in their cross-hairs.
The radical left needs Blue Dog Democrats & Republican support to provide them cover. They do not need those votes to pass this, but without that support it will be easy to pick them off during the midterm election next fall. It will leave their backsides exposed.
Someone wanting to save our healthcare system would be wise to focus on these two groups.
The radical left does not care about us. This is merely another piece of their puzzle to remake America into a weak socialist state. They hate us being a country of individuals, because they can not control the citizenry.
Same with Cap & Tax. We are experiencing a cooler summer again this year. One of the coolest on record.
Yet the radical left wants to impose the Cap & Trade (tax). They want us financially enslaved to the government. All costs associated with or using energy will be hit with higher costs under this sham legislation.
They are trying to use scare tactics to get voters to accept this anti-American bill, because they know we will not support a bill that so obviously goes against our country's best interest.
Why? Because they want to profit on a currently non-existent industry.
Don't get me wrong. I support investing in solar, wind, nuclear, natural gas & clean coal, etc. We do not need to pass draconian Cap & Trade to achieve that goal. We can not afford this type of "fix".
Cap & Trade has passed the House of Representatives without our members bothering to read the bill !! We are right to expect our elected reps to read the bills they are voting on.
After we defeat this healthcare scam, we need to immediately focus on the Blue Dogs & Republicans in the senate to kill Cap & Trade.
Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke-D, has even suggested that American taxpayers should pay for China's CO2 emissions!!
China and India have both rejected calls for them to support the radical lefts emissions standards. Our companies will be at a competitive disadvantage. It will hurt our economy.
The reckless spending must stop.
In my humble opinion, Socialized Medicine and Cap & Trade represent 'bad medicine' for our citizens.
If in a Town Hall meeting I plea that we all conduct ourselves in a civil manner. However, if someone puts their hands on you, defend yourself with whatever it takes. We have the right to be there and voice our concerns.
The radical left needs Blue Dog Democrats & Republican support to provide them cover. They do not need those votes to pass this, but without that support it will be easy to pick them off during the midterm election next fall. It will leave their backsides exposed.
Someone wanting to save our healthcare system would be wise to focus on these two groups.
The radical left does not care about us. This is merely another piece of their puzzle to remake America into a weak socialist state. They hate us being a country of individuals, because they can not control the citizenry.
Same with Cap & Tax. We are experiencing a cooler summer again this year. One of the coolest on record.
Yet the radical left wants to impose the Cap & Trade (tax). They want us financially enslaved to the government. All costs associated with or using energy will be hit with higher costs under this sham legislation.
They are trying to use scare tactics to get voters to accept this anti-American bill, because they know we will not support a bill that so obviously goes against our country's best interest.
Why? Because they want to profit on a currently non-existent industry.
Don't get me wrong. I support investing in solar, wind, nuclear, natural gas & clean coal, etc. We do not need to pass draconian Cap & Trade to achieve that goal. We can not afford this type of "fix".
Cap & Trade has passed the House of Representatives without our members bothering to read the bill !! We are right to expect our elected reps to read the bills they are voting on.
After we defeat this healthcare scam, we need to immediately focus on the Blue Dogs & Republicans in the senate to kill Cap & Trade.
Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke-D, has even suggested that American taxpayers should pay for China's CO2 emissions!!
China and India have both rejected calls for them to support the radical lefts emissions standards. Our companies will be at a competitive disadvantage. It will hurt our economy.
The reckless spending must stop.
In my humble opinion, Socialized Medicine and Cap & Trade represent 'bad medicine' for our citizens.
If in a Town Hall meeting I plea that we all conduct ourselves in a civil manner. However, if someone puts their hands on you, defend yourself with whatever it takes. We have the right to be there and voice our concerns.
Cap and Trade,
Healthcare Reform
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fake outrage from the political left
This week we have seen average Americans voicing their legitimate concerns over the healthcare debate. During consecutive Town Hall meetings voters are stepping up their protest to a government takeover of an industry that comprises 16% of our economy.
The idea that there is really anything to debate is a misnomer. The radicals on the left have already decided the direction they want to go and have no intention of considering the concerns of average Americans. The intention has been to throttle this legislation through Congress without meaningful debate.
Much the same as they did with the stimulus bill and Cap & Trade.
Much to the lefts chagrin, voters took time to begin reading & dissecting the healthcare bill before they could get it to the floor for a vote.
Just about all members had not and have not bothered to read the bill themselves. A great disservice to voters who elected them.
The radicals on the left of the political spectrum have been knocked back on their heels at the public reaction.
They have told the citizens that what the citizens read in the bill is not there. The left cries out "scare tactics" and "racism" as if the terms are somehow interchangeable, and applicable. The left has used the terms so dubiously in the past that they no longer hold sway.
The radical left has implied that citizens who read the bills should not "believe their lying eyes".
The left has complained that the citizens have burned members of Congress in effigy. I say they should be happy it was only in effigy.
I heard no complaints from the left when Bush was burned in effigy.
The left complains that the angry constituents shout the speakers down when the speaker only wants to provide information about the bill. Truth be told, they are only providing a censored version of the bill. They are not covering it with a point-by-point explanation.
The left knows if they did tell constituents what was really in there, they would be facing tar & feathers.
The left says insurance companies & rich conservatives are emailing their followers to show up & protest. I never received such an email or request.
Obama and his Chicago style cronies are preparing to strike back at the average citizens very hard.
Thursday & Friday saw the White House dispatch union thugs to these Town Hall meetings to rough up anyone opposing the bill. Obama wants any dissenters silenced. Anyone watching the numerous videos these past couple of days can see the SEIU (union thugs) labels emblazoned on their shirts.
Now the White House website has employed the Orwellian tactic of requesting our citizens to "report" anyone, saying or emailing, anything they find 'fishy' with regards to healthcare. In violation of our Privacy Laws. Nixon compiled lists of opponents too.
That is disturbing.
Question - How many readers have been asked to take a bus to a Town Hall meeting simply to disrupt it? Me neither.
The idea that there is really anything to debate is a misnomer. The radicals on the left have already decided the direction they want to go and have no intention of considering the concerns of average Americans. The intention has been to throttle this legislation through Congress without meaningful debate.
Much the same as they did with the stimulus bill and Cap & Trade.
Much to the lefts chagrin, voters took time to begin reading & dissecting the healthcare bill before they could get it to the floor for a vote.
Just about all members had not and have not bothered to read the bill themselves. A great disservice to voters who elected them.
The radicals on the left of the political spectrum have been knocked back on their heels at the public reaction.
They have told the citizens that what the citizens read in the bill is not there. The left cries out "scare tactics" and "racism" as if the terms are somehow interchangeable, and applicable. The left has used the terms so dubiously in the past that they no longer hold sway.
The radical left has implied that citizens who read the bills should not "believe their lying eyes".
The left has complained that the citizens have burned members of Congress in effigy. I say they should be happy it was only in effigy.
I heard no complaints from the left when Bush was burned in effigy.
The left complains that the angry constituents shout the speakers down when the speaker only wants to provide information about the bill. Truth be told, they are only providing a censored version of the bill. They are not covering it with a point-by-point explanation.
The left knows if they did tell constituents what was really in there, they would be facing tar & feathers.
The left says insurance companies & rich conservatives are emailing their followers to show up & protest. I never received such an email or request.
Obama and his Chicago style cronies are preparing to strike back at the average citizens very hard.
Thursday & Friday saw the White House dispatch union thugs to these Town Hall meetings to rough up anyone opposing the bill. Obama wants any dissenters silenced. Anyone watching the numerous videos these past couple of days can see the SEIU (union thugs) labels emblazoned on their shirts.
Now the White House website has employed the Orwellian tactic of requesting our citizens to "report" anyone, saying or emailing, anything they find 'fishy' with regards to healthcare. In violation of our Privacy Laws. Nixon compiled lists of opponents too.
That is disturbing.
Question - How many readers have been asked to take a bus to a Town Hall meeting simply to disrupt it? Me neither.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Spying on our neighbors
Americns have been voicing their concerns about having government run healthcare foisted upon them.
Polls show we would rather end the reckless spending by Obama and his comrades. Instead those polls show we could use additional tax cuts to allow us to stimulate the economy. The feigned attempt by the radical left has not stimulated anything.
We have seen the Democrats offer up failed ideas that reflect the inexperienced leadership of the White House. Look at 'cash for clunkers'. The administration plays it up as a success. A success? They are to busy self-congratulating themselves to notice the profits generated by the generosity of voters are not going to US car manufacturers. Those profits & our tax dollars are being sent to the Japanese & Germans.
Americans are showing up at Town Hall meetings held by members of Congress to voice their disapproval. Citizens are resoundingly rejecting the idea of rationed healthcare. The administration wants to silence this dissent.
Most Americans are satisfied with their coverage.
Obama and the Democrats insist the system is broken. They claim the government is going to "fix it". Rarely do we hear or believe the government is going to "fix it".
Not happy nationalizing, and taking over the auto industry & banking sector, now they are going to take over healthcare.
The radical left is not happy with average voters showing up and openly opposing their radical agenda. This regime in Washington is rapidly changing the face of America. Not for the better.
Now they are asking us to spy on our neighbors. They want us to report our neighbors, family, and friends to a White House email address. The Obama administration wants to know who dares question their wisdom.
The governments of the Soviet Union, Fascist Italy, N. Korea, Cuba, Yugoslavia, and the People's Republic of China employed the same citizen informer techniques. Citizens of those societies were reduced to either silence or whispered discussion only among those they trusted the most. Of course none of those things would ever occur here in the land of the free. But wait...
Now on the White House website posted by Macon Phillips comes an eerily similar request for citizens to inform on their neighbors. It states,
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to the end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"
This is a dangerous precedent for America and a sad day for her people.
Polls show we would rather end the reckless spending by Obama and his comrades. Instead those polls show we could use additional tax cuts to allow us to stimulate the economy. The feigned attempt by the radical left has not stimulated anything.
We have seen the Democrats offer up failed ideas that reflect the inexperienced leadership of the White House. Look at 'cash for clunkers'. The administration plays it up as a success. A success? They are to busy self-congratulating themselves to notice the profits generated by the generosity of voters are not going to US car manufacturers. Those profits & our tax dollars are being sent to the Japanese & Germans.
Americans are showing up at Town Hall meetings held by members of Congress to voice their disapproval. Citizens are resoundingly rejecting the idea of rationed healthcare. The administration wants to silence this dissent.
Most Americans are satisfied with their coverage.
Obama and the Democrats insist the system is broken. They claim the government is going to "fix it". Rarely do we hear or believe the government is going to "fix it".
Not happy nationalizing, and taking over the auto industry & banking sector, now they are going to take over healthcare.
The radical left is not happy with average voters showing up and openly opposing their radical agenda. This regime in Washington is rapidly changing the face of America. Not for the better.
Now they are asking us to spy on our neighbors. They want us to report our neighbors, family, and friends to a White House email address. The Obama administration wants to know who dares question their wisdom.
The governments of the Soviet Union, Fascist Italy, N. Korea, Cuba, Yugoslavia, and the People's Republic of China employed the same citizen informer techniques. Citizens of those societies were reduced to either silence or whispered discussion only among those they trusted the most. Of course none of those things would ever occur here in the land of the free. But wait...
Now on the White House website posted by Macon Phillips comes an eerily similar request for citizens to inform on their neighbors. It states,
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to the end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"
This is a dangerous precedent for America and a sad day for her people.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Obama: don't hurt the terrorist's feelings
President Obama has ended the war on terror. The administration has announced they do not want us to use the words 'terror' or 'Jihadists'. The terms are no longer acceptable in politically correct society of the radical left.
John Brennan, head of the White House homeland security office, who outlined a "new way of seeing" the fight against terrorism.
The only terminology that Mr. Brennan said the administration is using is that the U.S. is "at war with al Qaeda."
Hillary Clinton had announced in early spring that Obama did not want the phrase used.
I have pointed out that Obama and the Dem party are weak on defense & security. Obama makes no mention of Hamas, or Hezbollah. He seems to want to diminish the true nature of the war on terror.
It would appear the radical left is putting the sensitivities of those who wish us ill will ahead of American's legitimate concerns.
John Brennan, head of the White House homeland security office, who outlined a "new way of seeing" the fight against terrorism.
The only terminology that Mr. Brennan said the administration is using is that the U.S. is "at war with al Qaeda."
Hillary Clinton had announced in early spring that Obama did not want the phrase used.
I have pointed out that Obama and the Dem party are weak on defense & security. Obama makes no mention of Hamas, or Hezbollah. He seems to want to diminish the true nature of the war on terror.
It would appear the radical left is putting the sensitivities of those who wish us ill will ahead of American's legitimate concerns.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Diva Pelosi and the 'little people's money'
Democratic Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has morphed herself into a caricature. She is now little more than a cross between Marie Antoinette and Leona Helmsley.
We all read of her diva demands with regards to travel. She is known to have her staff order the military to provide her with free commuter service between Washington and San Francisco on weekends. She likes to take her family and friends on these jaunts as well. All on the taxpayers dime.
Former Speaker, Dennis Hastert used to go to his district as well. He used a small jet.
For Nancy, that would never do. She demands the military provide her with a Boeing 757 with an executive layout. Her staff will call and force the military to have the plane on standby. She may or may not actually show up to use it. As with most members of the Democratic caucus, the mindset is that is not their money. So cost in financial or human capital is of no consequence. Recession be damned!! Such concerns are reserved for the "little people".
The cost for her roundtrip is in excess of $100,000. That is not her problem, so do not bother her with trivial matters.
Meanwhile, our service members are left in a lurch with their own plans on hold. Will she show or won't she? Will she be in a good mood or her typical Leona Helmsley persona arrive?
Apparently the luxurious 757 is not able to keep pace with her expanding ego.
Congress has now ordered three new Gulfstream 550 Executive Series aircraft. These are to be configured for, well, royalty. Fit for a queen. These cost $65 million a piece.
They will allow her to travel nonstop from Washington to Dubai, UAE. Not sure how often it is necessary for her to go that far.
Coming from a woman, who together with the President Obama is on track to spend nearly 4 trillion in one year, this should be no surprise. Did I mention they have to borrow the bulk of what they are irresponsibly spending?
Our nation has never seen the kind of reckless spending. Every so often we put the Democrats back in office. Then we remember why we vote them back out. This group in power are sorely out of touch with us actual Americans.
This a prime example of 'Diva's Gone Wild'.
We all read of her diva demands with regards to travel. She is known to have her staff order the military to provide her with free commuter service between Washington and San Francisco on weekends. She likes to take her family and friends on these jaunts as well. All on the taxpayers dime.
Former Speaker, Dennis Hastert used to go to his district as well. He used a small jet.
For Nancy, that would never do. She demands the military provide her with a Boeing 757 with an executive layout. Her staff will call and force the military to have the plane on standby. She may or may not actually show up to use it. As with most members of the Democratic caucus, the mindset is that is not their money. So cost in financial or human capital is of no consequence. Recession be damned!! Such concerns are reserved for the "little people".
The cost for her roundtrip is in excess of $100,000. That is not her problem, so do not bother her with trivial matters.
Meanwhile, our service members are left in a lurch with their own plans on hold. Will she show or won't she? Will she be in a good mood or her typical Leona Helmsley persona arrive?
Apparently the luxurious 757 is not able to keep pace with her expanding ego.
Congress has now ordered three new Gulfstream 550 Executive Series aircraft. These are to be configured for, well, royalty. Fit for a queen. These cost $65 million a piece.
They will allow her to travel nonstop from Washington to Dubai, UAE. Not sure how often it is necessary for her to go that far.
Coming from a woman, who together with the President Obama is on track to spend nearly 4 trillion in one year, this should be no surprise. Did I mention they have to borrow the bulk of what they are irresponsibly spending?
Our nation has never seen the kind of reckless spending. Every so often we put the Democrats back in office. Then we remember why we vote them back out. This group in power are sorely out of touch with us actual Americans.
This a prime example of 'Diva's Gone Wild'.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Democratic corruption continues
We all had the chance to see a level of corruption exposed Thursday, as law enforcement officials in New York & New Jersey swept up 44 corrupt people in an international money laundering scheme.
Many were either politicians or rabbis. The media reported that there were Democrats & Republicans involved. We already knew neither party is exempt from dirt.
What the media left out was there were 43 Democrats & 1 Republican. The difference is that whether or not he is convicted, the Republican party will force their man from office.
The Democrats wil allow their people to continue to serve ,convicted or not. We need look no further than our nations capital to remember Democrat former Mayor Marion Barry smoking crack on TV. serving time in prison,and reelected by the DC Democrats. That would have ended a Republican career.
In Michigan, wife of Democrat, Congressman, John Conyers was indicted for taking bribes for a project she was initially against. She changed her vote when money was offerred. Rep. Conyers himself changed his initial position after his wife was paid. He has not yet been charged with any wrong doing.
Rep. Jefferson D-LA, was found to be taking bribes and had $90,000 in his Capial Hill office refrigerator. The Democratic leadership was silent. Had it been a Republican the Dems would have been up in arms, and the Republican leadership would have forced him out.
We saw Detroits Mayor convicted for lying about a relationship with a staffer and hauled off to jail, vowing to return. Even President Clinton was charged for lying about a relationship with an intern, but the Democrats protected him, even though he had plainly commited prejury in a court of law under oath.
The Democrats continue to fend off scrutiny of the obviously corrupt ACORN, because the organization funnels votes to the party. The Democrats will deny the mountain of evidence against ACORN and feign ignorance of the corruption.
Yes, both parties have some corrupt individuals. However, there is a difference, For Republicans it is a career ending event.
For the Democrats, corruption is a badge of honor.
Many were either politicians or rabbis. The media reported that there were Democrats & Republicans involved. We already knew neither party is exempt from dirt.
What the media left out was there were 43 Democrats & 1 Republican. The difference is that whether or not he is convicted, the Republican party will force their man from office.
The Democrats wil allow their people to continue to serve ,convicted or not. We need look no further than our nations capital to remember Democrat former Mayor Marion Barry smoking crack on TV. serving time in prison,and reelected by the DC Democrats. That would have ended a Republican career.
In Michigan, wife of Democrat, Congressman, John Conyers was indicted for taking bribes for a project she was initially against. She changed her vote when money was offerred. Rep. Conyers himself changed his initial position after his wife was paid. He has not yet been charged with any wrong doing.
Rep. Jefferson D-LA, was found to be taking bribes and had $90,000 in his Capial Hill office refrigerator. The Democratic leadership was silent. Had it been a Republican the Dems would have been up in arms, and the Republican leadership would have forced him out.
We saw Detroits Mayor convicted for lying about a relationship with a staffer and hauled off to jail, vowing to return. Even President Clinton was charged for lying about a relationship with an intern, but the Democrats protected him, even though he had plainly commited prejury in a court of law under oath.
The Democrats continue to fend off scrutiny of the obviously corrupt ACORN, because the organization funnels votes to the party. The Democrats will deny the mountain of evidence against ACORN and feign ignorance of the corruption.
Yes, both parties have some corrupt individuals. However, there is a difference, For Republicans it is a career ending event.
For the Democrats, corruption is a badge of honor.
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Obamacare Doublecross
The Democrats in the House have prepared their version of the healthcare reform bill. It reads like a tax code without the entertaining graphics.
President Obama said there would be a public option or the choice of private insurance. In essence, we could all keep our own doctors and continue on with our current coverage if we liked it.
However, the language in House bill HR 3200, does not support that premise. It all but forces everyone into the public program. If you go to the text of the bill in section/page 16, you will find it there.
We all remember the Democrats stating that it was not correct that there would be rationing, but the provision to set up the advisory panel is spelled out quite clearly. These are the people who will decide if you get treated for an ailment or if you are merely made comfortable while nature takes its course.
Talk about an Orwellian approach to population control and playing God. I guess this will cancel out the Hippocratic oath for doctors.
Below is the text about 'private insurance'. Any readers with experience in Human Resources understands that health insurance is renegotiated each year. As currently written, this will end that. It stops any changes to premiums or coverage, effectively forcing employers into the public system.
ERAGE DEFINED.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of
5 this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable cov6
erage under this division, the term ‘‘grandfathered health
7 insurance coverage’’ means individual health insurance
8 coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the
9 first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:
11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in
12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance
13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll
14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef15
fective date of coverage is on or after the first
16 day of Y1.
MITTED.—Subparagraph (A) shall not affect
19 the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an
20 individual who is covered as of such first day.
22 CONDITIONS.—Subject to paragraph (3) and except
23 as required by law, the issuer does not change any
24 of its terms or conditions, including benefits and
25 cost-sharing, from those in effect as of the day be26
fore the first day of Y1.
President Obama said there would be a public option or the choice of private insurance. In essence, we could all keep our own doctors and continue on with our current coverage if we liked it.
However, the language in House bill HR 3200, does not support that premise. It all but forces everyone into the public program. If you go to the text of the bill in section/page 16, you will find it there.
We all remember the Democrats stating that it was not correct that there would be rationing, but the provision to set up the advisory panel is spelled out quite clearly. These are the people who will decide if you get treated for an ailment or if you are merely made comfortable while nature takes its course.
Talk about an Orwellian approach to population control and playing God. I guess this will cancel out the Hippocratic oath for doctors.
Below is the text about 'private insurance'. Any readers with experience in Human Resources understands that health insurance is renegotiated each year. As currently written, this will end that. It stops any changes to premiums or coverage, effectively forcing employers into the public system.
ERAGE DEFINED.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of
5 this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable cov6
erage under this division, the term ‘‘grandfathered health
7 insurance coverage’’ means individual health insurance
8 coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the
9 first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:
11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in
12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance
13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll
14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef15
fective date of coverage is on or after the first
16 day of Y1.
MITTED.—Subparagraph (A) shall not affect
19 the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an
20 individual who is covered as of such first day.
22 CONDITIONS.—Subject to paragraph (3) and except
23 as required by law, the issuer does not change any
24 of its terms or conditions, including benefits and
25 cost-sharing, from those in effect as of the day be26
fore the first day of Y1.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Obama Healthcare Plan to withhold treatment to Elderly and Chronically Ill
With the appointment of this eugenics styled "science czar" (google him "John Holdren"), it is becoming more & more evident that Obama and his nationalized healthcare proponents are easing the public to accept the practice of withholding life saving measures for the elderly, infirmed, etc.
I find this troubling. The radical left are trying to keep the concept from public exposure until it is too late. They cry 'fear mongering' if we point out the obvious direction this is going.
Don't trust them folks, they are merely trying to distract you with such diversionary claims. They plan to offer exemptions for the government employees, and get this, also for union members! Is that not the height of cynicism? Protect their own and the heck with the rest of us.
Some of this is purposely being introduced in a controlled manner. It reminds me of cooking a frog. If you throw it in a boiling pot of water, he will jump out. However, if you place him in the pot and slowly increase the heat, he will stay and cook.
This is what we are witnessing with this crazy radical left concept.
It will leave a bureaucrat or protocol to make decisions on who is worthy of care and who is to be comforted and allowed to die.
The New York Times is running a series titled "Months to Live" in order to help spread the sort of end of life issues that are helpful to Obama's healthcare agenda, one of which seems to be the idea that elderly should forgo any sort of heroic measures to keep them alive so as not to waste those resources that might be able to go to younger, more vital patients.
The second these ideas become the norm, government will by necessity of control begin to determine which citizens are "worth" saving and which aren't worth the efforts and should be denied services. And from there it won't be long before prescriptions of euthanasia for those "not worth" the costs of government largess will become de rigueur everywhere.
For the few that watched ABC's special on healthcare, the most important takeaway from it was President Barack Obama's admission that he would go outside the constraints of a nationalized system to get the "very best care" if necessary for his own family.
Obama's response should properly be seen as "a Michael Dukakis moment that exposed him as a hypocrite."
Dr. Orrin Devinsky, who took part in the televised discussion, asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn't seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he's proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get.
The president would not make such a pledge, though he confessed that if "it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care."
It is time the American voters wake up and recognize this for what it is. A moral disaster in the making.
I find this troubling. The radical left are trying to keep the concept from public exposure until it is too late. They cry 'fear mongering' if we point out the obvious direction this is going.
Don't trust them folks, they are merely trying to distract you with such diversionary claims. They plan to offer exemptions for the government employees, and get this, also for union members! Is that not the height of cynicism? Protect their own and the heck with the rest of us.
Some of this is purposely being introduced in a controlled manner. It reminds me of cooking a frog. If you throw it in a boiling pot of water, he will jump out. However, if you place him in the pot and slowly increase the heat, he will stay and cook.
This is what we are witnessing with this crazy radical left concept.
It will leave a bureaucrat or protocol to make decisions on who is worthy of care and who is to be comforted and allowed to die.
The New York Times is running a series titled "Months to Live" in order to help spread the sort of end of life issues that are helpful to Obama's healthcare agenda, one of which seems to be the idea that elderly should forgo any sort of heroic measures to keep them alive so as not to waste those resources that might be able to go to younger, more vital patients.
The second these ideas become the norm, government will by necessity of control begin to determine which citizens are "worth" saving and which aren't worth the efforts and should be denied services. And from there it won't be long before prescriptions of euthanasia for those "not worth" the costs of government largess will become de rigueur everywhere.
For the few that watched ABC's special on healthcare, the most important takeaway from it was President Barack Obama's admission that he would go outside the constraints of a nationalized system to get the "very best care" if necessary for his own family.
Obama's response should properly be seen as "a Michael Dukakis moment that exposed him as a hypocrite."
Dr. Orrin Devinsky, who took part in the televised discussion, asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn't seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he's proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get.
The president would not make such a pledge, though he confessed that if "it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care."
It is time the American voters wake up and recognize this for what it is. A moral disaster in the making.
Obama appoints self avowed communist as 'Green Czar'
A disturbing pattern is emerging to paint the radical agenda and participants of the Obama regime. This pattern of allowing the government to be taken over by the radical left with a communist, and globalist agenda is steeling in.
Voters voted for change , but few envisioned the kind of radical agenda and players taking hold of America today. Obama keeps appointing dubious "czars" as a means of bypassing congressional advise & consent. Obama does not want these thugs to be subjected to the questions that surely would be asked in front of the cameras on Capital Hill.
Our new 'Green Czar" is rooted in a communist, black nationalist past, much like Obama's personal ideology.
Kruschev warned us almost 50 years ago that the communists would bury the US. Americans failed to recognize just how easily this could be done from within our own government when using radical leftist organizations such as ACORN, and a compliant Mainstream Media. Kruschev must be looking up at this very moment, feeling quite vindicated.
The media has chosen not to report on Van Jones 2005 interview about his radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism, and communism.
Americans for Prosperity Policy Director Phil Kerpen, told an interviewer that Jones is “somebody who was involved in radical politics in San Francisco, “who was self-admittedly “radicalized in jail” and found “Communism and anarchism.”
Jones himself stated in that 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.”
Because the administration’s “czars” do not go through congressional confirmation, and are therefore not scrutinized or vetted, many Americans have no idea of what this cynical administration is brining to bear..
Voters voted for change , but few envisioned the kind of radical agenda and players taking hold of America today. Obama keeps appointing dubious "czars" as a means of bypassing congressional advise & consent. Obama does not want these thugs to be subjected to the questions that surely would be asked in front of the cameras on Capital Hill.
Our new 'Green Czar" is rooted in a communist, black nationalist past, much like Obama's personal ideology.
Kruschev warned us almost 50 years ago that the communists would bury the US. Americans failed to recognize just how easily this could be done from within our own government when using radical leftist organizations such as ACORN, and a compliant Mainstream Media. Kruschev must be looking up at this very moment, feeling quite vindicated.
The media has chosen not to report on Van Jones 2005 interview about his radical politics, including black nationalism, anarchism, and communism.
Americans for Prosperity Policy Director Phil Kerpen, told an interviewer that Jones is “somebody who was involved in radical politics in San Francisco, “who was self-admittedly “radicalized in jail” and found “Communism and anarchism.”
Jones himself stated in that 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.”
Because the administration’s “czars” do not go through congressional confirmation, and are therefore not scrutinized or vetted, many Americans have no idea of what this cynical administration is brining to bear..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
'Employee Free Choice Act' is anything but.........
America went to the polls on November 4th. We voted using a secret ballot. That is a way to allow us to exercise our right to enfranchisement as citizens. We are able to vote according to our own conscience, without sharing our choice, if we so choose.
The Unions and Democrats are pushing to remove the secret ballot as an means for those deciding whether to form a union. They have come up with the 'Employee Free Choice Act'. It is a misleading name at best. At worst it is downright cynical.
Currently, once 30% of a company's workers sign union authorization cards, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) administers a confidential vote, typically 39 days after it receives the cards. The union and employer campaign for votes.
Under the 'Employee Free Choice Act' being promoted by unions, when more than 50% of employees sign authorization cards, the NLRB would have to recognize the new union. No campaign. No secret ballot...........just a "friendly" union representative.
The measure passed the US House in 2007 after the Democrats took control. The Democrats now have the votes to pass it in the Senate. They now have a President who will sign it. Even former Democratic nominee George McGovern has come out against it.
The proposed change would give unions and pro-union employees more incentive to use peer pressure, or worse, to persuade reluctant workers to sign their cards. And without elections, workers who weren't contacted by union organizers would have no say in the final outcome. Who wants a union organizer standing at their work space with a card and pen in hand, asking them to sign; while their coworkers all stare?
Labor leaders, such as AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, argue's that the proposed law wouldn't prohibit private balloting. This is accurate but misleading. Union organizers would have no reason to seek an election if they had union cards signed by more than 50% of workers. And if they had less than a majority, they'd be unlikely to call for a vote they'd probably lose.
The legislation has other questionable provisions as well. For example, once a union is formed, if labor and management can't agree on a contract, a federal arbitration board would be called on to go beyond the normal role of facilitating talks and actually dictate terms.
Labor has seen its role decline since the 1950s, when about a third of all private sector employees belonged to unions, compared with about 7.5% today. So it's understandably eager to find ways to expand membership, particularly at a time when workers are feeling economically vulnerable. More members, more members dues.
The Democrats have a vested interest in ensuring passage. The unions have long been big donors to Democratic candidates. If the unions have declining membership and related dues, then there is less to give to the Democrats. If the Democrats get this passed and signed into law, the union officials and Democrats win. Unfortunately, the workers lose. This undermining of Democratic ideals is a poor deal for America's workers.
The Unions and Democrats are pushing to remove the secret ballot as an means for those deciding whether to form a union. They have come up with the 'Employee Free Choice Act'. It is a misleading name at best. At worst it is downright cynical.
Currently, once 30% of a company's workers sign union authorization cards, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) administers a confidential vote, typically 39 days after it receives the cards. The union and employer campaign for votes.
Under the 'Employee Free Choice Act' being promoted by unions, when more than 50% of employees sign authorization cards, the NLRB would have to recognize the new union. No campaign. No secret ballot...........just a "friendly" union representative.
The measure passed the US House in 2007 after the Democrats took control. The Democrats now have the votes to pass it in the Senate. They now have a President who will sign it. Even former Democratic nominee George McGovern has come out against it.
The proposed change would give unions and pro-union employees more incentive to use peer pressure, or worse, to persuade reluctant workers to sign their cards. And without elections, workers who weren't contacted by union organizers would have no say in the final outcome. Who wants a union organizer standing at their work space with a card and pen in hand, asking them to sign; while their coworkers all stare?
Labor leaders, such as AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, argue's that the proposed law wouldn't prohibit private balloting. This is accurate but misleading. Union organizers would have no reason to seek an election if they had union cards signed by more than 50% of workers. And if they had less than a majority, they'd be unlikely to call for a vote they'd probably lose.
The legislation has other questionable provisions as well. For example, once a union is formed, if labor and management can't agree on a contract, a federal arbitration board would be called on to go beyond the normal role of facilitating talks and actually dictate terms.
Labor has seen its role decline since the 1950s, when about a third of all private sector employees belonged to unions, compared with about 7.5% today. So it's understandably eager to find ways to expand membership, particularly at a time when workers are feeling economically vulnerable. More members, more members dues.
The Democrats have a vested interest in ensuring passage. The unions have long been big donors to Democratic candidates. If the unions have declining membership and related dues, then there is less to give to the Democrats. If the Democrats get this passed and signed into law, the union officials and Democrats win. Unfortunately, the workers lose. This undermining of Democratic ideals is a poor deal for America's workers.
Our 'Stimulus Bill' that Obama and Pelosi hoisted on the US. to create jobs is misleading. It will create some jobs, but not necessarily for Americans.
According to the USAToday, Tens of thousands of jobs created by the economic stimulus law could end up filled by illegal immigrants, particularly in big states such as California where undocumented workers are heavily represented in construction, experts on both sides of the issue say.
They fault Congress for failing to require that employers certify legal immigration status of workers before hiring by using a Department of Homeland Security program called E-Verify. The program allows employers to check the validity of Social Security numbers provided by new hires. It is available to employers on a voluntary basis. Obama and Pelosi both rebuked the inclusion of the common sense measure.
"They could have deterred this, but they chose not to," said Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies.
The version of the stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives included a provision requiring employers to check immigration status with the E-Verify system before hiring. The Senate did not include such a provision, and it was not in the version sent to President Obama. The Obama administration has delayed until at least May 21 a Bush administration executive order requiring federal contractors to use the E-Verify system in hiring. It had been scheduled to take effect in January. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed suit seeking to block the requirement, joined by the Associated Builders and Contractors and other business organizations.
So not only will many Americans be passed over for these jobs taken by Illegal Aliens, American tax dollars will pay their salaries.
Not willing to tolerate criticism, the Democrats are dredging up the 'Fairness Doctrine' in an attempt to quelch opposition to their socialist policies. It seems they are not satisfied with merely controlling the print and television media (exception FOX News), they want to silence talk radio. They are gunning for Limbaugh and Hannity. They make no mention of fervent Obama supporters, MSNBC's Chris Mathews, Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow.
On a more personal front. While Washington and the rest of America's cities burn economically, the recession is not being felt at the White House. The Obama's have been enjoying a fun-filled succession of parties at the White House.
These parties are purely for socializing, with talk of politics discouraged. Sort of reminds me of another First Lady whose first name began with an "M". When told their fellow countrymen were suffering she is said to have replied, "let them eat cake".
According to the USAToday, Tens of thousands of jobs created by the economic stimulus law could end up filled by illegal immigrants, particularly in big states such as California where undocumented workers are heavily represented in construction, experts on both sides of the issue say.
They fault Congress for failing to require that employers certify legal immigration status of workers before hiring by using a Department of Homeland Security program called E-Verify. The program allows employers to check the validity of Social Security numbers provided by new hires. It is available to employers on a voluntary basis. Obama and Pelosi both rebuked the inclusion of the common sense measure.
"They could have deterred this, but they chose not to," said Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies.
The version of the stimulus bill passed by the House of Representatives included a provision requiring employers to check immigration status with the E-Verify system before hiring. The Senate did not include such a provision, and it was not in the version sent to President Obama. The Obama administration has delayed until at least May 21 a Bush administration executive order requiring federal contractors to use the E-Verify system in hiring. It had been scheduled to take effect in January. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed suit seeking to block the requirement, joined by the Associated Builders and Contractors and other business organizations.
So not only will many Americans be passed over for these jobs taken by Illegal Aliens, American tax dollars will pay their salaries.
Not willing to tolerate criticism, the Democrats are dredging up the 'Fairness Doctrine' in an attempt to quelch opposition to their socialist policies. It seems they are not satisfied with merely controlling the print and television media (exception FOX News), they want to silence talk radio. They are gunning for Limbaugh and Hannity. They make no mention of fervent Obama supporters, MSNBC's Chris Mathews, Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow.
On a more personal front. While Washington and the rest of America's cities burn economically, the recession is not being felt at the White House. The Obama's have been enjoying a fun-filled succession of parties at the White House.
These parties are purely for socializing, with talk of politics discouraged. Sort of reminds me of another First Lady whose first name began with an "M". When told their fellow countrymen were suffering she is said to have replied, "let them eat cake".
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Obama Begins 'Tax Cuts' For 95% Of Americans
In his weekly radio address to the nation today, Obama announced that he was fulfilling his campaign promise to provide tax relief to 95% of Americans. This is rather disingenuous since 40% of Americans do not pay income taxes.
So what he is really doing is providing tax relief to 55% of Americans and another form of welfare to the other 40%. This is to begin April1, 2009.
"I'm pleased to announce that this morning the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks, meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month," Obama said in his weekly radio address.
"Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hard-working Americans," he said.
The measures have received a mixed early reaction from gloomy financial markets uncertain whether they will succeed in arresting the downward economic spiral. Since Obama has been leading America's economic efforts, the market has hit lows that surpass that obtained after the attacks of 9/11.
His announcement on the tax cuts capped a week that saw him sign the stimulus package into law and announce new measures to help families facing foreclosure and those struggling to make mortgage payments. The latter is Obama's life-line to reward poor judgement.
In essence, Obama is telling me that if I exercised good judgement in acquiring a mortgage that I could afford and saved for, make my mortgage payment, and live within my means; I am now expected to pay for those who did not.
Obama will kick it up a notch next week when he holds a summit at the White House on Monday to look at how to rein in the country's ballooning deficit and bring government spending under control as the economy starts to recover. While not an economist, I might suggest that he take the approach my family follows. If you do not have it, do not spend it.
Many Americans fail to recognize that you do not spend yourself out of a recession. FDR and Japan demonstrated that years ago.
As we continue to borrow money from communist China (with their false economy), we continue to reduce the value of the dollar. In other words, that foreign made Television that costs $1500 today, will cost $1700 after you borrow more money from foreign investors. All the money in the stimulus/spending bills has to be borrowed, and the more we borrow, the lower the value of the dollar.
My friends here in DC tell me all this spending and talk of doom and glom is not so much about the economy as it is about the administrations social agenda. Granted the economy is in recession. The talk of Depression is a bit of a stretch.
During the Depression, unemployment was well into the 20+% levels. Interest rates were sky high. Even when Reagan came into office, unemployment and interest rates were double-digit. That is not the case now.
Obama is a polished speaker and persuader. However, his talk of "stimulus" is a smoke-screen. How else do you explain the fact that his "stimulus bill" was more social engineering than stimulus?
He is a masterful politican and knew that Americans would not support his social agenda were they not sold on the idea that the sky was falling and massive spending was the only way to the promised land of recovery. He does not speak of hope today. He plays on our fear and foreboding of what lies ahead.
If you take time to look closer at the Stimulus Bill that was passed, you will find a social agenda bill passed off as a much sought after economic stimulus.
The Charltan of Chicago is playing Americans like a drum!!
So what he is really doing is providing tax relief to 55% of Americans and another form of welfare to the other 40%. This is to begin April1, 2009.
"I'm pleased to announce that this morning the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks, meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month," Obama said in his weekly radio address.
"Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hard-working Americans," he said.
The measures have received a mixed early reaction from gloomy financial markets uncertain whether they will succeed in arresting the downward economic spiral. Since Obama has been leading America's economic efforts, the market has hit lows that surpass that obtained after the attacks of 9/11.
His announcement on the tax cuts capped a week that saw him sign the stimulus package into law and announce new measures to help families facing foreclosure and those struggling to make mortgage payments. The latter is Obama's life-line to reward poor judgement.
In essence, Obama is telling me that if I exercised good judgement in acquiring a mortgage that I could afford and saved for, make my mortgage payment, and live within my means; I am now expected to pay for those who did not.
Obama will kick it up a notch next week when he holds a summit at the White House on Monday to look at how to rein in the country's ballooning deficit and bring government spending under control as the economy starts to recover. While not an economist, I might suggest that he take the approach my family follows. If you do not have it, do not spend it.
Many Americans fail to recognize that you do not spend yourself out of a recession. FDR and Japan demonstrated that years ago.
As we continue to borrow money from communist China (with their false economy), we continue to reduce the value of the dollar. In other words, that foreign made Television that costs $1500 today, will cost $1700 after you borrow more money from foreign investors. All the money in the stimulus/spending bills has to be borrowed, and the more we borrow, the lower the value of the dollar.
My friends here in DC tell me all this spending and talk of doom and glom is not so much about the economy as it is about the administrations social agenda. Granted the economy is in recession. The talk of Depression is a bit of a stretch.
During the Depression, unemployment was well into the 20+% levels. Interest rates were sky high. Even when Reagan came into office, unemployment and interest rates were double-digit. That is not the case now.
Obama is a polished speaker and persuader. However, his talk of "stimulus" is a smoke-screen. How else do you explain the fact that his "stimulus bill" was more social engineering than stimulus?
He is a masterful politican and knew that Americans would not support his social agenda were they not sold on the idea that the sky was falling and massive spending was the only way to the promised land of recovery. He does not speak of hope today. He plays on our fear and foreboding of what lies ahead.
If you take time to look closer at the Stimulus Bill that was passed, you will find a social agenda bill passed off as a much sought after economic stimulus.
The Charltan of Chicago is playing Americans like a drum!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Global Government & Taxation advances in DAVOS.
Months ago I brought up Obama's 'Global Poverty Act', (you can look through the blog to find the article), and I was met with some skepticism. It was sponsored by then Senator Obama. I pointed out that it will cede too much of America's sovereignty to the United Nations. I also demonstrated that it will result in a 'Global' tax, and 'Global' government.
Can the American public truly be so easily distracted as to miss something of this magnitude?
This past week and weekend the World Economic Forum met in Davos, Switzerland. Many of it's members are concurrent members of the Bilderberg Group. I would suggest that those who are not familiar with the 'Bilderberg Group' take a moment and "google' it.
Cliff Kincaid, of Accuracy In Media, reported on this meeting. I am including his report as an FYI.
Global Taxes and Global TV Now on the Agenda
AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid | January 26, 2009
In addition to global taxes, “The Global Agenda 2009” report urges creation of a global television channel.
President Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is being urged to lay the foundation for “global governance” by considering “international taxation” measures to loot more money from U.S. taxpayers.
The recommendation is included in the report, “The Global Agenda 2009,” which is being considered by the World Economic Forum (WEF), meeting in Davos, Switzerland, January 28 - February 1. The WEF is not an official government group but does include dozens of government, corporate and labor leaders at its annual meetings.
Media companies such as News Corporation (parent of Fox News, the Fox Business Network, and the Wall Street Journal), CNBC, and Forbes are official sponsors of the WEF meeting. News Corporation is listed as one of about 100 “strategic partners” of the World Economic Forum.
“Look for live coverage on CNBC, all day every day,” reports CNBC “Squawk Box” co-anchor Becky Quick. “We kick things off at 6 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday on Squawk, with serious interviews from the headliners.” Her report, however, fails to disclose that CNBC is an “industry partner” of the World Economic Forum this week.
CNBC is a subsidiary of General Electric, whose GE Capital is receiving a $139-billion taxpayer-financed loan guarantee as part of the Wall Street bailout. CNBC’s sister networks are NBC and MSNBC.
Other “industry partners” of the WEF include Reuters, the British-based news agency. A Reuters story about the meeting that starts on Wednesday sounds like a press release from the organization, hailing its “achievements” over time but failing to note that Reuters is a sponsor of this year’s event.
CNBC is advertising a “No Way Back – the Road to Recovery” debate hosted at the conference by CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo. One of the participants is Steve Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and co-founder of the Chinese-funded and partly owned Blackstone Group.
Representing Chinese economic dominance in what Henry Kissinger has labeled a “New World Order,” Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is speaking to a special session of the conference on its first day.
The event’s corporate sponsors, which pay about half a million dollars each to participate, include several failing institutions that have received tens of billions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers. They include Bank of America, Citi, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Morgan Stanley. These entities are termed “Strategic Partners” of the World Economic Forum.
But will CNBC highlight this kind of extravagant spending when the cable business network is helping sponsor the event?
In a major embarrassment, the WEF has released a report, “The Future of the Global Financial System,” which acknowledges “intellectual stewardship and guidance” provided by a steering committee co-chaired by John Thain, the former Merrill Lynch & Co. chief executive officer who was recently ousted from Bank of America in a scandal. Thain oversaw the disastrous sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America and was criticized for lavish spending on office decorations, including a $1,405 waste basket and $87,784 rug.
The other co-chair of the committee was David Rubenstein, co-founder and managing director of The Carlyle Group, who has been quoted as saying that China holds the key to the world economy’s future. One report notes that Rubenstein says Carlyle “was an early investor in the Chinese marketplace,” that its China office “has hired many native-born Chinese, and the company is seeking to build its buyout and growth-capital businesses there.”
“The Global Agenda 2009” report says that “sovereign states do not adequately address problems reaching across borders” and that “international taxation” may be needed to generate the “additional resources” for “global governance.”
Could this become a source of new bailout money here and abroad?
“As current global governance problems come from market failures, sovereign failures and intergovernmental failures that cross boundaries, sacrificing sovereignty for greater gain may become an option,” the report says.
The report says the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty, which is a top priority for Senate ratification under the Obama Administration, is a measure that has “earned the acceptance and compliance” of most nations. The treaty would turn over oil, gas, and mineral resources to the U.N. and authorize access to them through payment of a global tax to a U.N. body.
The so-called “Council on Global Governance” of the World Economic Forum includes Anne-Marie Slaughter, dean of the Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs who has been picked by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run the State Department’s Office of Policy Planning. Slaughter wrote the 2004 book, A New World Order.
In terms of media interest and backing for the controversial event, one of the co-chairs is Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corporation, the Fox News Channel parent company. Another co-chair is Kofi Annan, the disgraced former U.N. Secretary-General. As director of U.N. peacekeeping, Annan was accused of ignoring genocide in Rwanda. As Secretary-General, he was investigated for presiding over the oil-for-food corruption scandal involving Saddam Hussein’s Iraq regime.
Annan, however, claimed that he was “exonerated” by a report issued by Paul Volcker, the former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman and now one of Obama’s chief economic advisers.
In the past U.S. officials have been major participants in the World Economic Forum. But it’s not clear if any of Obama’s top officials will be going to this year’s event. However, some of his labor backers, including Andrew Stern of the Service Employees International Union, and John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, are listed as participants.
In addition to global taxes, “The Global Agenda 2009” report urges creation of a global television channel.
“Media has the capacity to connect the world, bridging cultures and peoples, and telling us who we are and what we mean to each other. The media can also ensure that no voice goes unheard,” it says. “We believe that this new moment also calls for a new media platform, across all media channels, a global non-profit ‘CNN’ providing a new form of independent journalism to inform, illuminate and deepen knowledge about issues that improve the state of the world.”
The report doesn’t explain how this new global TV channel will be financed. But global taxes cannot be ruled out.
Perhaps this new era of transparency and disclosure can start with disclosing details about media sponsorship and backing of the World Economic Forum and its plans for “global governance.”
Can the American public truly be so easily distracted as to miss something of this magnitude?
This past week and weekend the World Economic Forum met in Davos, Switzerland. Many of it's members are concurrent members of the Bilderberg Group. I would suggest that those who are not familiar with the 'Bilderberg Group' take a moment and "google' it.
Cliff Kincaid, of Accuracy In Media, reported on this meeting. I am including his report as an FYI.
Global Taxes and Global TV Now on the Agenda
AIM Column | By Cliff Kincaid | January 26, 2009
In addition to global taxes, “The Global Agenda 2009” report urges creation of a global television channel.
President Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is being urged to lay the foundation for “global governance” by considering “international taxation” measures to loot more money from U.S. taxpayers.
The recommendation is included in the report, “The Global Agenda 2009,” which is being considered by the World Economic Forum (WEF), meeting in Davos, Switzerland, January 28 - February 1. The WEF is not an official government group but does include dozens of government, corporate and labor leaders at its annual meetings.
Media companies such as News Corporation (parent of Fox News, the Fox Business Network, and the Wall Street Journal), CNBC, and Forbes are official sponsors of the WEF meeting. News Corporation is listed as one of about 100 “strategic partners” of the World Economic Forum.
“Look for live coverage on CNBC, all day every day,” reports CNBC “Squawk Box” co-anchor Becky Quick. “We kick things off at 6 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday on Squawk, with serious interviews from the headliners.” Her report, however, fails to disclose that CNBC is an “industry partner” of the World Economic Forum this week.
CNBC is a subsidiary of General Electric, whose GE Capital is receiving a $139-billion taxpayer-financed loan guarantee as part of the Wall Street bailout. CNBC’s sister networks are NBC and MSNBC.
Other “industry partners” of the WEF include Reuters, the British-based news agency. A Reuters story about the meeting that starts on Wednesday sounds like a press release from the organization, hailing its “achievements” over time but failing to note that Reuters is a sponsor of this year’s event.
CNBC is advertising a “No Way Back – the Road to Recovery” debate hosted at the conference by CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo. One of the participants is Steve Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and co-founder of the Chinese-funded and partly owned Blackstone Group.
Representing Chinese economic dominance in what Henry Kissinger has labeled a “New World Order,” Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is speaking to a special session of the conference on its first day.
The event’s corporate sponsors, which pay about half a million dollars each to participate, include several failing institutions that have received tens of billions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers. They include Bank of America, Citi, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Morgan Stanley. These entities are termed “Strategic Partners” of the World Economic Forum.
But will CNBC highlight this kind of extravagant spending when the cable business network is helping sponsor the event?
In a major embarrassment, the WEF has released a report, “The Future of the Global Financial System,” which acknowledges “intellectual stewardship and guidance” provided by a steering committee co-chaired by John Thain, the former Merrill Lynch & Co. chief executive officer who was recently ousted from Bank of America in a scandal. Thain oversaw the disastrous sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America and was criticized for lavish spending on office decorations, including a $1,405 waste basket and $87,784 rug.
The other co-chair of the committee was David Rubenstein, co-founder and managing director of The Carlyle Group, who has been quoted as saying that China holds the key to the world economy’s future. One report notes that Rubenstein says Carlyle “was an early investor in the Chinese marketplace,” that its China office “has hired many native-born Chinese, and the company is seeking to build its buyout and growth-capital businesses there.”
“The Global Agenda 2009” report says that “sovereign states do not adequately address problems reaching across borders” and that “international taxation” may be needed to generate the “additional resources” for “global governance.”
Could this become a source of new bailout money here and abroad?
“As current global governance problems come from market failures, sovereign failures and intergovernmental failures that cross boundaries, sacrificing sovereignty for greater gain may become an option,” the report says.
The report says the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty, which is a top priority for Senate ratification under the Obama Administration, is a measure that has “earned the acceptance and compliance” of most nations. The treaty would turn over oil, gas, and mineral resources to the U.N. and authorize access to them through payment of a global tax to a U.N. body.
The so-called “Council on Global Governance” of the World Economic Forum includes Anne-Marie Slaughter, dean of the Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs who has been picked by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run the State Department’s Office of Policy Planning. Slaughter wrote the 2004 book, A New World Order.
In terms of media interest and backing for the controversial event, one of the co-chairs is Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corporation, the Fox News Channel parent company. Another co-chair is Kofi Annan, the disgraced former U.N. Secretary-General. As director of U.N. peacekeeping, Annan was accused of ignoring genocide in Rwanda. As Secretary-General, he was investigated for presiding over the oil-for-food corruption scandal involving Saddam Hussein’s Iraq regime.
Annan, however, claimed that he was “exonerated” by a report issued by Paul Volcker, the former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman and now one of Obama’s chief economic advisers.
In the past U.S. officials have been major participants in the World Economic Forum. But it’s not clear if any of Obama’s top officials will be going to this year’s event. However, some of his labor backers, including Andrew Stern of the Service Employees International Union, and John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, are listed as participants.
In addition to global taxes, “The Global Agenda 2009” report urges creation of a global television channel.
“Media has the capacity to connect the world, bridging cultures and peoples, and telling us who we are and what we mean to each other. The media can also ensure that no voice goes unheard,” it says. “We believe that this new moment also calls for a new media platform, across all media channels, a global non-profit ‘CNN’ providing a new form of independent journalism to inform, illuminate and deepen knowledge about issues that improve the state of the world.”
The report doesn’t explain how this new global TV channel will be financed. But global taxes cannot be ruled out.
Perhaps this new era of transparency and disclosure can start with disclosing details about media sponsorship and backing of the World Economic Forum and its plans for “global governance.”
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